The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Sorry: الله أكبر

by Bubble_Balls k

This, but I also expect certain groups/issue voters to be blamed for a loss should the Dems lose, rather than blaming the party for not doing a better job of trying to reach people on those issues.

The majority of the campaign has been Trump evil and a candidate that is only exposed the majority of the time to teleprompter or scripted interviews. The reality is Kamala Harris is a bad candidate as is Trump.

by ecriture d'adulte k

You're saying nobody blamed the democratic party for losing in 2016?

No they blamed the Russians and the candidate herself conceded but called the President illegitimate .

We will be hitting a third presidential election that either party should have cruised to an easy victory but for horrible campaigns and candidates. This election should have been a cakewalk for the GOP yet a candidate that just couldn't stick to the script

by lozen k

No they blamed the Russians and the candidate herself conceded but called the President illegitimate .

We will be hitting a third presidential election that either party should have cruised to an easy victory but for horrible campaigns and candidates. This election should have been a cakewalk for the GOP yet a candidate that just couldn't stick to the script

Me: "You think all primes are odd?"
Lozen: "Of course 3, 5, 7 , 9 the list goes on and on!!!"

Of course it's elitist amd bigoted to say maybe your political/cultural views are not independent of your thinking deficiencies!

by MoViN.tArGeT k

Its probably too late to completely change the events now since 1/4th of votes are in but even a few days ago people were saying the trump wiith rally with kill tony rally shifted the numbers. Anything can happen in the next few days its a very live election.

I specifically mentioned gaffes as a possible intervening event that could change the outcome. As we shrink the window until election day, the chances of a new gaffe obviously go down.

Speaking of, shout-out speaker of the house Michael ‘my son gets notifications on his phone when I’m jerking it’ Johnson

by ecriture d'adulte k

You're saying nobody blamed the democratic party for losing in 2016?

No, I’m talking about this election where I’ve already seen such commentary, although Nader voters definitely got a lot of hate after Bush won, for instance. Given the expectations for Trump this go around it seems likely that there’s going to be a lot of, “how could they!”, if the Dems lose.

I exaggerated a bit of course. I’m sure there won’t be no soul searching but I expect a good deal of unhelpful blame and shaming.

by Bubble_Balls k

I exaggerated a bit of course. I’m sure there won’t be no soul searching but I expect a good deal of unhelpful blame and shaming.

Or more no matter what happens you're predetermined to find something wrong.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Or more no matter what happens you're predetermined to find something wrong.


So you disagree that blaming voters instead of the party that wasn’t able to persuade them is unhelpful?

It's fine to make isolationism (or opposition to military adventurism) your primary voting issue. The U.S. certainly has plenty to answer for on that front. But when I see lifelong Republicans claiming that they are voting for Trump mainly for that reason, I'm skeptical.

Really good article on Trump's campaign

Wiles decided that Trump’s special guest (Loomer) would remain on the manifest for the duration of the itinerary. The only problem? They were headed straight from Philadelphia to New York City for a memorial ceremony the next morning, honoring victims of 9/11—which Loomer, naturally, had described as an inside job.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

oh no! its pretty normal for people to want to use people considered genius or just famous people as sperm doners. daddy elon was just doing them a favor! he gets asked all the time!

No, this isn't normal.

I'm also going to take a wild guess and say No, he doesn't get asked all the time. Unless its you asking him through daily letters, I guess.

by coordi k

No, this isn't normal.

I'm also going to take a wild guess and say No, he doesn't get asked all the time. Unless its you asking him through daily letters, I guess.

Couples and women who go through artificial insemination regularly ask for specific high quality genes in the sperm (definitions and preferences can vary ofc).

Not sure if Musk qualifies, he could have plenty of problems we don't know about, no idea if his sperm would get high rating in sperm banks.

And I agree it's not normal to offer your sperm initiating the conversation yourself

by Bubble_Balls k


So you disagree that blaming voters instead of the party that wasn’t able to persuade them is unhelpful?

Both are "unhelpful" in that it doesn't really impact what will happen in the future. The only issue I think is relevant is what is accurate.

by Rococo k

It's fine to make isolationism (or opposition to military adventurism) your primary voting issue. The U.S. certainly has plenty to answer for on that front. But when I see lifelong Republicans claiming that they are voting for Trump mainly for that reason, I'm skeptical.

I have never understood why people with clear cut ideologies require any additional post hoc rationalizing other than "judges" for POTUS elections in the USA.

You think Scalia was a hero and Sotomayor is the devil, you are fully justified to vote literally any republican candidate over any Democratic candidate.

And viceversa of course.

Then you add secretaries, it's enough to think "big names of the republican party suck" to justify voting the worst human being as democratic POTUS over the best possible republican candidate (and again, viceversa).

But SCOTUS judges especially arguably have more power across their career than a POTUS has in one term, it shouldn't be hard to use that alone to justify any vote for president.

by Rococo k

It's fine to make isolationism (or opposition to military adventurism) your primary voting issue. The U.S. certainly has plenty to answer for on that front. But when I see lifelong Republicans claiming that they are voting for Trump mainly for that reason, I'm skeptical.

He was handed an imperfect path for improved relations with Iran and blew it up for violence.

Guys, please chill out

I’m curious what becomes of the Republican Party after trump. Whether he wins or loses this is his last hoorah, MAGA isn’t going anywhere, Couch****er isn’t charismatic enough to be the head of the snake and the idiots in the house are too stupid to pull it off

Considering how MAGA rallies around starpower I would have to assume there’s a very real chance, especially now that he lost the fox show and really has no outlet to make ludicrous money but still carries clout, Tucker Carlson is the logical 2028 candidate

by ecriture d'adulte k

Both are "unhelpful" in that it doesn't really impact what will happen in the future. The only issue I think is relevant is what is accurate.

It’s a party’s job to persuade voters. They lose if they don’t do that. It’s not a voters job to fall in line even if they feel their issue(s) aren’t being given enough consideration. It’s unhelpful to blame the voter because it doesn’t serve the job of the party (unless the voter is motivated by that kind of pressure). That absolutely impacts the party’s chances.

by Bubble_Balls k

It’s a party’s job to persuade voters. They lose if they don’t do that. It’s not a voters job to fall in line even if they feel their issue(s) aren’t being given enough consideration. It’s unhelpful to blame the voter because it doesn’t serve the job of the party (unless the voter is motivated by that kind of pressure). That absolutely impacts the party’s chances.

Putting the moral pressure on voters to vote for the "lesser evil" worked in France though.

Plenty of Victor types (and there are a lot in France) voting for Macron vs Le Pen.

Democrats try to apply that pressure in this case , no idea if it will work.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m curious what becomes of the Republican Party after trump. Whether he wins or loses this is his last hoorah, MAGA isn’t going anywhere, Couch****er isn’t charismatic enough to be the head of the snake and the idiots in the house are too stupid to pull it off

Considering how MAGA rallies around starpower I would have to assume there’s a very real chance, especially now that he lost the fox show and really has no outlet to make ludicrous money but still carries clout, Tucker Carlson is the logic

I’ve wondered this too. Does it fizzle out if they don’t have someone to rally behind or do they make a star out of whoever to keep this show going.

by Bubble_Balls k

It’s a party’s job to persuade voters. They lose if they don’t do that. It’s not a voters job to fall in line even if they feel their issue(s) aren’t being given enough consideration. It’s unhelpful to blame the voter because it doesn’t serve the job of the party (unless the voter is motivated by that kind of pressure). That absolutely impacts the party’s chances.

Every word of this is true

However I will say it is the voter’s responsibility to make a choice that best aligns with their priorities, and to not make a choice or to make a protest choice, though your right to do so, should disqualify you from having an opinion where you smugly lourde yourself over others

by Bubble_Balls k

I’ve wondered this too. Does it fizzle out if they don’t have someone to rally behind or do they make a star out of whoever to keep this show going.

Maga would stay as a "caucus" inside the party same as the tea party was and depending on how they perform in primaries and so on will be very relevant or marginal.

Then some republicans like say Rubio, De Santis and so on will decide what to keep and what to throw of MAGA, democrats will do the same ("buy american" IS MAGA to be clear) and things will develop as normal in politics.

Some stuff will stick, some won't .

by Bubble_Balls k

It’s a party’s job to persuade voters. They lose if they don’t do that. It’s not a voters job to fall in line even if they feel their issue(s) aren’t being given enough consideration. It’s unhelpful to blame the voter because it doesn’t serve the job of the party (unless the voter is motivated by that kind of pressure). That absolutely impacts the party’s chances.

It's a voters job to vote for the candidate they think will do the best job. I think voters deserve some blame for 2016 given they were warned about how incompetent Trump is and how suddenly in 2018 and 2020 we were setting all time turn out records. Many of these voters will tell you themselves that they made a mistake in 2016.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m curious what becomes of the Republican Party after trump.

Same thing that happened after W Bush: they will pretend they all hated the last guy and form a new deranged personality cult around the next racism-peddling demagogue with a silly angle.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Kamala and Liz Cheney are war criminals responsible for millions of deaths?

It's a perfect marriage and their child is the old neocon uniparty.
