The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by StoppedRainingMen k

I was ITT panicking that biden needs to **** off and let someone else run but that’s only cuz I thought people who were annoyed at the concept of voting biden and weren’t going to vote were gonna stay away

If you were leaning towards voting biden and based on that debate are gonna vote trump it’s cuz you were always gonna vote trump and you found an excuse

One thing Dems seem to not get is that people have to be motivated to drag their tired butts out and vote.

The more they present voting as a chore, the less people will want to do that.

You HAVE to vote for a senile old man who has devoted his life to making your life worse, because Trump is just that bad.

Will I get anything? Just a few breadcrumbs?

No! Shut your mouth and vote or the abortion thing is YOUR fault!

The more their candidate sucks, the less this pitch works.

by ES2 k

One thing Dems seem to not get is that people have to be motivated to drag their tired butts out and vote.

The more they present voting as a chore, the less people will want to do that.

You HAVE to vote for a senile old man who has devoted his life to making your life worse, because Trump is just that bad.

Will I get anything? Just a few breadcrumbs?

No! Shut your mouth and vote or the abortion thing is YOUR fault!

The more their candidate sucks, the less this pitch works.

I begrudgingly voted for Hillary I begrudgingly voted for biden and I’ll facepalm while I vote biden a 2nd time. That said I don’t disagree with the premise of this post. Trump represents the largest existential threat to democracy the United States has seen basically ever, but plenty of would be liberal voters are unmoved by that because of Gaza, because of apathy to the fact that biden represents a Republican with a BLM flag, because of whatever else

I could tell you why any of these grievances are worse off based on apathy and trump winning as a result but I can at least wrap my head around the protest it’s based on

Won’t stand for anyone saying the debate swayed their vote though, that’s some bullshit

by smartDFS k

regarding the paratrooper incident, my understanding was there were multiple videos. the first, that went viral and was a "misinformation" "cheap fake" showed biden wandering off into nomansland. a second "fact check" video showed he was in fact wandering toward a group of parachutists who were posing for a picture together off to the side. for example, this nbc fact check article decrying the cheap fake introduces a "2nd angle to viral Biden clip" rather than an "unedited Biden clip". while cer

Not a great photo, but nowhere near as damning as this one:

It may not just be protest. People like Obama, Trump and Bernie actually motivate their voters. Their supporters take pleasure in voting for them and look forward to doing so.

Voting for someone like Biden is an unpleasant chore.

Obviously a higher % of people will follow through in the first case.

I wonder what will happen when Trump loses bigly. I sincerely think Roe v. Wade is going to make this a non-starter, but I do wonder what will happen when and if he loses handily.

I have no horse in the race. Both sides can **** all the way off. See you in 2028. Hopefully.

by Luckbox Inc k

it was always going to be Michelle

What was? And if you could elaborate on why, I guess.

Just popped in and didn't see what this post was responding to.

by rickroll k

there are many, many videos of him wandering around like a lost puppy in a parking lot

And most of them are in the last year.

As I have said 1,000,000 times, with age related cognitive decline it isn't like you hit a new equilibrium and cruise for a few years. It just keeps going down. Inexorable and inevitable.

Look at this debate from 2019. Such a big difference. And this performance was the result of a 6 day prep.

My twitter feed is showing debates from 2012 against Paul Ryan, where Ryan cant even get a word in because Biden just talks over him the whole time.

I doubt Biden will even be able to walk unattended or hold a thought more than a few seconds in a couple years.

I had grandparents that went through this at around the same age. It is what it is.

Harris surging and Biden fading on predictit

57/25/16 them 2 and newsom

by formula72 k

What was? And if you could elaborate on why, I guess.

Just popped in and didn't see what this post was responding to.

I'm just trying to get credit if it happens.

wait, was there a rule in the debate that there was no live fact checking allowed? lol what? is that real?

were the moderators not allowed to fact check?

by filthyvermin k

wait, was there a rule in the debate that there was no live fact checking allowed? lol what? is that real?

were the moderators not allowed to fact check?

Biden made all the rules. He wanted to have prepared answers and not be questioned

Trump agreed to the rules but they were Joe's demands

by metsandfinsfan k

Biden made all the rules. He wanted to have prepared answers and not be questioned

Trump agreed to the rules but they were Joe's demands

that is incredible. wow

lol at usa democracy

yeah the debate rules biden setup and trump agreed to were one of the biggest unforced errors of all time

by metsandfinsfan k

Biden made all the rules. He wanted to have prepared answers and not be questioned

Trump agreed to the rules but they were Joe's demands

who feeds you this crap?

The candidates were given a pen, a pad of paper, and a water bottle, but prohibited from bringing props or prewritten notes

candidates’ microphones would be muted throughout the debate when it is not their turn to speak.

The candidates will also be unable to consult with their campaign teams during the event’s two commercial breaks

lol yeah, thinking about it some more, seems totally insane and absurd to think Biden made up all the rules for the debate lol

Biden doesn't even know what year it is, let alone be solely responsible for making up all the rules, and the Dems and rebubs just all go along with it

lol mets

Some of the claims by both of them were ridiculous. But the worst IMO was Trump claiming that some blue states were allowing 'after birth abortion'. There is no such thing - that would be murder in every state.
Shamefully, some watchers will believe it's true.

anyone stupid enough to think that one side of a debate demanded to *not be questioned* at that debate is just that...stupid.

by filthyvermin k

lol yeah, thinking about it some more, seems totally insane and absurd to think Biden made up all the rules for the debate lol

Biden doesn't even know what year it is, let alone be solely responsible for making up all the rules, and the Dems and rebubs just all go along with it

lol mets

Biden did make the rules. Maybe not the no fact checking rule but the rules posted above

Lol filthy


They resolved in private that if Biden ever faced Trump on a debate stage, there would be no one in the peanut gallery.

That demand became part of the reelection campaign’s agreed-upon proposal to Trump this week for their two general election debates, one in June the other in September. An empty TV studio could, Biden aides feel, deprive their GOP rival of a major advantage when they face off.

“Trump feeds off the crowd, they give him life,” said one Biden adviser who was granted anonymity in order to discuss internal strategy. “We wanted to take that away.”

There were several conditions that the Biden team felt were necessary in order to agree to a debate with the former president, among them that at least one forum take place before the start of early voting and that the hosts weren’t from outlets with an ideological bent toward Trump. But in interviews with more than a half dozen officials and advisers who were not authorized to discuss private conversations, the issue of the crowd was consistent. Among their concerns were that the audience noise could disadvantage Biden, who sometimes has trouble hearing amid a din. They also wanted to ensure that there was a clean tempo and cadence to the debate and that it not turn into a shouting match or spectacle. Biden aides have envisioned using the forums to pummel Trump on abortion rights, his response to the Covid pandemic and threats to democracy. For that reason, they were also pleased that the debate would, it appears, involve microphones that can be cut off if a candidate speaks when it’s not their turn.

by #Thinman k

anyone stupid enough to think that one side of a debate demanded to *not be questioned* at that debate is just that...stupid.

Biden campaign wanted no interruptions and insisted on the mic cutoff

That didn't preclude fact checking but cnn decided to let the candidates speak without criticizing

Biden chose cnn as well

Trump agreed to the terms but didn't propose them

Those are the facts

While Axelrod was bullish on how the negotiations went

It was a negotiation, where the Biden team fought hard to get it without an audience, have it early, and not have third party candidates. It's highly probable that the fact-checking and no questioning from moderators are points that the Trump team insisted on if they were going to agree to the other things. So your claim that Biden made all the rules is shown to be nonsense by the article you're providing as evidence.

by chillrob k

Some of the claims by both of them were ridiculous. But the worst IMO was Trump claiming that some blue states were allowing 'after birth abortion'. There is no such thing - that would be murder in every state.
Shamefully, some watchers will believe it's true.

Some of the claims were ridiculous????? I think 90% of what Trump said was ridiculous.

Highlight BY FAR was the golf argument. I could not have been prouder to be an American at that moment.

God help us.

by metsandfinsfan k

Biden campaign wanted no interruptions and insisted on the mic cutoff

That didn't preclude fact checking but cnn decided to let the candidates speak without criticizing

Biden chose cnn as well

Trump agreed to the terms but didn't propose them

Those are the facts

now pretzel that into "prepared answers and not be questioned"

let us see the thinking that gets you from the above to what you posted...in real time...should be fascinating.

i think biden prepping for the prepared answers was what undid him

trump would say something like "we had h20" and biden could have responded with, "good for you donald, you had water, well done" and just totally owned him but none of his answers at all addressed any of the nonsense trump said

the only time he actually called him out on anything was golf, and of course he blundered there mightily lying that he had a 6 handicap and immediately pulled that back to "oh that was over a decade ago"
