The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
I am not as upset at the prospect of Trump winning this election as I was in 2016. In 2016, I was dismayed because I knew how bad he would be and my baseline expectations for American politics were much higher than they are now. But going into this election, I think that I knew in my gut that our politics were fundamentally broken, no matter how the election turned out.
Why? the dems throytted Harris out confidently, she didnt even ****ing finish top 3 in her ****ing STATE in 2020 btwwww
let me remind everyone, she didnt finish in top 3 of her state in 2020.
everyone said who carsd trumo is an awful candidate doesnt mattter who the dems throw out there im voting for harri, someone who legit, got destroyed in her own state.
she can still win tonight, but it was super close even as of few days ago against a candidate that legit got smacked by biden in 2020
I am not as upset at the prospect of Trump winning this election as I was in 2016. In 2016, I was dismayed because I knew how bad he would be and my baseline expectations for American politics were much higher than they are now. But going into this election, I think that I knew in my gut that our politics were fundamentally broken, no matter how the election turned out.
Perhaps the first step is to recognise that we have a problem. It was obvious imo with Bush if not before, Obama made us forget for a while but it was just time while nothing changed the overall direction.
Not just the USA. The post war democratic capitalist system we've had since the war is dying.
Why? the dems throytted Harris out confidently, she didnt even ****ing finish top 3 in her ****ing SATTE in 2020 btwwww
let me remind everyone, she didnt finish in top 3 of her state in 2020
She was picked as a DEI VP because that's how the democrats do things.
Then when they swapped her in for Biden, they had to, not enough time to run a new primary not even an accelerated one, campaign donations received till that point by the ticket couldn't be used for another candidate and so on.
Anyway she hasn't lost yet.
Ah right you are a single issue voter
getting 9 -1 odds now
She was picked as a DEI VP because that's how the democrats do things.
Then when they swapped her in for Biden, they had to, not enough time to run a new primary not even an accelerated one, campaign donations received till that point by the ticket couldn't be used for another candidate and so on.
Anyway she hasn't lost yet.
yeah the night is still early we will know more a bit after midnight but tbh its what i said a few weeks ago, this is who the dems wanted, someone who legit got smcaked in her state in 2020 and polled way more worse than warren, sanders, pete and biden
biden beat trump in 2020 he legit smacked trump
whe iasked you guys why are you all okay with dems running harris I got the "who cares at least shes not trump dude" as if thats enough to win
will the dems ever learn. they lost with a women in 2016. so they picked black women this time around. It sucks but you gotta play the game
That's a weird metric to use for assessing whether a country's politics are broken, but you do you.
Weird? if you attract more capital from world savers than the rest of the world combined, and your military is the strongest ever in the history of the world by a wide margin (objectively so), and the most talented and ambitious people worldwide indicate you as the top1 destination they would like to reach if allowed, it's hard to define politics there as "broken".
You are the most succesful country in the history of the world in terms of actual power, of attractiveness for the most succesful people in the world, and of attractiveness for the smartest and richest people in the world.
Well if the reps sweep house and senate that makes up for losing the pop vote - although im not writing that off yet.
Cali closes here soon
Kamala at 5% on Polymarket probably not a bad buy.
Trump is up less than 100,000 votes in PA currently but at this time in 2020 was up 200,000 votes and lost. Still too early to call PA.
Just had a phone call with my daughter and she told me she voted Trump, which I did not expect at all. That means its all over but the crying. Stick a fork in Kamala, she's done.
Here you see the craziness of true gamblers who want to run it till the end, why on earth would you do that if you bought at 40, 50 60 or 65, close the position now and enjoy the $$.
If Trump ends up winning and you bet on him because you also wanted him to win, you are going to feel good anyway even if you cashed out at 88 or 94.
Here you see the craziness of true gamblers who want to run it till the end, why on earth would you do that if you bought at 40, 50 60 or 65, close the position now and enjoy the $$.
If Trump ends up winning and you bet on him because you also wanted him to win, you are going to feel good anyway even if you cashed out at 88 or 94.
if I close my harris position now at 40cents I lose no?
So the crazy french whale was right and we were all wrong