The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
It's not just assault that is the issue. A male being in a female space for sexual purposes is wrong and should be prohibited, even if he doesn't touch anyone. There is absolutely a segment of the population claiming a trans identity that are doing it to gain access to women's spaces for sexual gratification. Whether it is 50% or .5% doesn't matter to me. If it can be easily prevented by a simple measure that is at most a minor inconvenience to genuine trans people, then I'm in favour of that.
Trans women are more likely to be victims of sexual assault than cisgender women so their protective needs outweigh some weird extremist ideas of how the world works.
This is basically another excuse to minimize male violence in the disguise of protecting women.
The actual relevant issue is how do we prevent sexual assault of trans women. Because there is lots and lots of sexual violence against trans women and maybe a handful(citation needed) of extreme outliers of straight males pretending to be trans women(in the case of bathrooms that option was always available) to sexually assault women.
See I can give way on the washroom argument as you have cubicles so you have some sort of privacy but when it comes to locker rooms and showers
99% of locker rooms also feature stalls with doors. Even so, it would be fairly rare for a situation to arise where a man had to bring his daughter (or a mother had to bring her son) into anything that woud be better described as a locker room or changing room rather than a bathroom.
I can imagine that happening if you have to change a diaper at the beach or get sand out of bathing suit at the beach, but adults bringing their three-year old kids to the gym isn't really a thing.
99% of locker rooms also feature stalls with doors. Even so, it would be fairly rare for a situation to arise where a man had to bring his daughter (or a mother had to bring her son) into anything that woud be better described as a locker room or changing room rather than a bathroom.
I can imagine that happening if you have to change a diaper at the beach or get sand out of bathing suit at the beach, but adults bringing their three-year old kids to the gym isn't really a thing.
I don't have an issue with that at all I have been in changing rooms were a father brings his daughter in because she is to young to go by herself into the ladies changing room . I am sure women do that with little boys as well.
My issue is Lia Thomas in a girls changing room . We fail to appreciate or respect a women's right to feel uncomfortable with a adult trans individual in that space
To what age group does this exception apply?
Trans women are more likely to be victims of sexual assault than cisgender women so their protective needs outweigh some weird extremist ideas of how the world works.
This is basically another excuse to minimize male violence in the disguise of protecting women.
I don't understand this argument. I'm saying that trans women should use the locker-room or washroom corresponding to their birth gender. Is there a possibility that they will be sexually assaulted there? Sure, just like a non-trans-identifying man may be. Anyone who uses a male change room knows that there is a possibility that there may be a pervert in there, it's just a fact of life.
That doesn't mean women should have to worry about the possibility of a trans-identifying male pervert being in their bathrooom.
We fully expect in the future that you will refer to this shooting as involving a transgender shooter. You will probably use it again to refer to "the rise" of these events.
And yes, you habitually drop out of the conversation when you find yourself out on a limb and reappear later, just to make another unsupported claim, without admitting any prior wrongdoing or falsehoods.
Rinse and repeat.
This is the bad faith carousel. It thrives on places like twitter and facebook where the speed and amount of topics makes it nearly impossible to correct misinformation.

Just to clarify a term for me, is the term changing room the same thing as what I have always heard referred to a a locker room? And since I havent been in a civilian one in decades, are they generally still large open rooms with benches with clothes lockers with communal type shower areas at one end or have they evolved into much more private areas? So if a guy brings his daughter into a changing room is she seeing a bunch of naked adult men or not really?
it depends on the venue and whether they shelled out the extra monies for more privacy
but... in every one of those you're still going to see naked people
you should go to a gym in thailand and experience tons of naked dudes queue up for the hair dryer to blow dry their balls after showering - it's quite the spectacle
The actual relevant issue is how do we prevent sexual assault of trans women. Because there is lots and lots of sexual violence against trans women and maybe a handful(citation needed) of extreme outliers of straight males pretending to be trans women(in the case of bathrooms that option was always available) to sexually assault women.
This report doesn't talk about trans women, but trans people in general.
Are you sure that trans women are more likely to suffer from sexual assault? Not intuitive since they're likely to be bigger and stronger than cis women. The statistics in the article could be because trans men are far more likely to be sexuality assaulted than cis men, which does seem very likely.
99% of locker rooms also feature stalls with doors. Even so, it would be fairly rare for a situation to arise where a man had to bring his daughter (or a mother had to bring her son) into anything that woud be better described as a locker room or changing room rather than a bathroom.
I can imagine that happening if you have to change a diaper at the beach or get sand out of bathing suit at the beach, but adults bringing their three-year old kids to the gym isn't really a thing.
The gym I go to is at a city community center with a pool where many people take their children. I'm not a great judge of children's ages so not sure if they're as young as three, but there definitely are plenty of kids in the shower/changing room.
And there are private toilet stalls, but they would be extremely tight for an adult and a child together.
Starship Troopers had it right

that study is also based on self reported data so it's garbage in garbage out
Very balanced and very reasonable trans activists are now claiming that Liboftiktok is responsible for Nex death.
That account objectively posts hateful lies and misinformation every day and now has a seat on the Oklahoma Board of Education. Its certainly not not responsible for hate against trans people
I don't understand this argument. I'm saying that trans women should use the locker-room or washroom corresponding to their birth gender. Is there a possibility that they will be sexually assaulted there? Sure, just like a non-trans-identifying man may be. Anyone who uses a male change room knows that there is a possibility that there may be a pervert in there, it's just a fact of life.
That doesn't mean women should have to worry about the possibility of a trans-identifying male pervert being
You’re comparing an unsubstantiated fear, largely from the straight male imagination to a very real concern.
I think it says a lot about the people making this argument that they would assume someone dressing up as a woman(which is impossible for a trans woman to do by the way) has a goal of sexual assault. I think that kind of assumption comes from a very disturbed place.
it really is a sight to behold, one dude just spread eagling to blow his balls dry while 2-3 other freshly showered naked dudes patiently wait their turn
i've never understood it but it seems to be a real thing among asians - possible thais aren't in the blow drying cohort, but there's really only one way to find out
it really is a sight to behold, one dude just spread eagling to blow his balls dry while 2-3 other freshly showered naked dudes patiently wait their turn
i've never understood it but it seems to be a real thing among asians - possible thais aren't in the blow drying cohort, but there's really only one way to find out
I've never been, but isn't SEA notoriously hot and wet? A full and proper cleaning and drying of the balls just seems like good practice to avoid discomfort as you go about your day.
I guess if they don't have towels.
There's no toilet paper in the public bathrooms. I'm guessing fresh clean towels in public showers are a pipe dream.
You’re comparing an unsubstantiated fear, largely from the straight male imagination to a very real concern.
I think it says a lot about the people making this argument that they would assume someone dressing up as a woman(which is impossible for a trans woman to do by the way) has a goal of sexual assault. I think that kind of assumption comes from a very disturbed place.
As I've said before, I'm not just talking about sexual assault. A man should not be allowed to dress up as a woman and enter a female bathroom, regardless of whether he touches anyone or not.
Not every man who wears woman's clothing does so with the goal of committing a sex crime, but YES EVERY MAN WHO WEARS WOMEN'S CLOTHING AND ENTERS A WOMAN'S BATHROOM IS DOING SO WITH THE GOAL OF COMMITTING A SEX CRIME (whether voyeurism or actual sexual assault). I understand that there are also trans women who would like to be able to use women's spaces because it corresponds with their gender identity and aren't doing so for any sexual purpose. I don't have a problem with such people, but I still don't think they should be allowed to use women's spaces because it is too much of a slippery slope.