The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
The whole point that I'm trying to make is that a woman in a woman's space doesn't know if the 6ft tall person who's clearly a biological male wearing women's clothes is a real trans person minding their own business or a potential threat (or a pervert looking for sexual gratification but with no intention to commit actual assault). I can understand 100% why a woman might feel uncomfortable in that situation, and I would also feel uncomfortable myself if I saw such a person enter a locker room w
But what happens when, under the new laws, a trans man, looking every bit as masculine as a cis man, dressed as a man, maybe with a beard, walks into that same bathroom where your wife or daughter is? He must use that bathroom or risk a criminal record. So do you confront him in some way? Tell him he doesnt belong there?
That's why I dont see any loophole being closed. The law actually requires transmen to use the womens room no matter how big or strong or scary looking they may appear to a woman inside. If they go into the mens room as they have unnoticed for decades, they risk arrest.
Contrast that with the trans women who, based on the number of them killed on that earlier list because the guys didnt realize they were transgender in the first place, who have been using womens restrooms unnoticed also for decades. The odds are your wife or daughter wouldnt even notice them as they went in, went into a stall, and then left. Is it merely a minor inconvenience for a trans woman, possibly very sexy looking including breast implants, to just stroll into a mens room? That's a lot more dangerous a scenario.
But what happens when, under the new laws, a trans man, looking every bit as masculine as a cis man, dressed as a man, maybe with a beard, walks into that same bathroom where your wife or daughter is? He must use that bathroom or risk a criminal record. So do you confront him in some way? Tell him he doesnt belong there?
That's why I dont see any loophole being closed. The law actually requires transmen to use the womens room no matter how big or strong or scary looking they may appear to a wom
I'm not worried about biological females using the female locker room (even if they identify as men) because biological females commit a negligible share of sex crimes. I've honestly never seen a trans man who looks or acts in an intimidating way, maybe they exist, but I haven't seen it. It's not about having a beard or wearing men's clothes, it's about physical size, sexual aggressiveness, and muscle mass.
Talking about trans women who have lived as women for years and using the women's room with no issues is a red herring. Talking about someone with implants, who has gone through surgeries and passes for female 100% of the time, personally, I might not have an issue with a person like that being in the locker room with my daughter, but then again, I wouldn't fault a woman if she wasn't okay with it. There are bonafide reasons for sex-segregated spaces (in particular the greater vulnerability of women), and I don't see the convenience of a relatively small subset of the population as outweighing that. Yes, for some trans women that are really far down the feminization process, using a men's space might be more than a minor inconvenience, but it's not an insurmountable challenge (most places have private facilities available) that justifies completely overhauling protections for women.
The bigger issue is people like Lia Thomas who don't pass as female at all and just from looking at them are indistinguishable from a man dressing up as a woman for sexual gratification. Such people should not be in women's spaces under any circumstances. The problem is there's no real way to reconcile - the government is not going to issue "bathroom passes" to trans-people judging whether they are feminine enough to use the lady's room. There's no solution that will please everyone, but for me protecting women is a more pressing need.
Talking about trans women who have lived as women for years and using the women's room with no issues is a red herring. Talking about someone with implants, who has gone through surgeries and passes for female 100% of the time, personally, I might not have an issue with a person like that being in the locker room with my daughter, but then again, I wouldn't fault a woman if she wasn't okay with it.
What boob size do they have to have for you to be okay with it?
I'm not worried about biological females using the female locker room (even if they identify as men) because biological females commit a negligible share of sex crimes. I've honestly never seen a trans man who looks or acts in an intimidating way, maybe they exist, but I haven't seen it. It's not about having a beard or wearing men's clothes, it's about physical size, sexual aggressiveness, and muscle mass.
Talking about trans women who have lived as women for years and using the women's room wit
What you are missing is that lia thomas is 6.4 with an unchanged voice and shoulder width and muscle size. and that all of this is taking place in the womens locker room for swimmers. putting on these special swimming suits takes 15 minutes, thats how hard it is. during these 15 minutes everything is exposed, including flapping around ding-dongs.
these girls should not be seing this. america is prude? lol
her own teammates got together and all signed a letter which requested she not be allowed to compete on their team, it was rejected by the school
when she won the record she got boed on the podium,
2nd place got cheered on, same reactions on the finish line. these students are all against it.
its a joke whats happening there.
30M law suit for attack in womens bathroom in virginia.
There are a couple of these ATM.
Washoe late too the party again, but his link actually makes clear that rickroll was wrong on now THREE points of his original claims a) wrong about the skirt, b) wrong about the lawsuit not being won and c) wrong about the policy not being implemented.
A law firm’s investigation, requested by the school board, found “no evidence that the perpetrator identified as a female or that he wore a skirt or kilt in an effort to gain access to the girls’ bathrooms.”
A policy that expanded access for transgender students to school facilities was not in place at the time of the assault.
Sexual assaults from a disturbed cis male should of course be taken very seriously, and if proper procedures legally and policy wise were not followed by the school or police then that absolutely could be the grounds for a lawsuit. But we shouldn't add trans women everywhere to the list of victims from this predator.
Try and write down a list of a hundred things we could do to reduce sexual assaults. Some can be done today. Some might have externalities that are too negative to apply (example add a tracking token to every student - probably cuts sexual assaults but a gross invasion of privacy). What I hate is when conservatives ONLY have one suggestion, the one suggestion that has as its externality a big harm on trans people.
Washoe late too the party again, but his link actually makes clear that rickroll was wrong on now THREE points of his original claims a) wrong about the skirt, b) wrong about the lawsuit not being won and c) wrong about the policy not being implemented.
Sexual assaults from a disturbed cis male should of course be taken very seriously, and if proper procedures legally and policy wise were not followed by the school or police then that absolutely could be the grounds for a lawsuit. But we shouldn
Its not about that its about this
No, fellow swimmers have said they were uncomfortable with "her" walking around her schlong hanging out.
her own teammates got together and all signed a letter which requested she not be allowed to compete on their team, it was rejected by the school
Wrong again.
This letter of 39 team members supports Lia:
“We value her as a person, teammate, and friend,” it continued. “The sentiments put forward by an anonymous member of our team are not representative of the feelings, values, and opinions of the entire Penn team, composed of 39 women with diverse backgrounds,”
That is not to say the issue is without controversy, people take different views on whether she should be allowed to compete (and she is now NOT allowed to compete let's not forget) but why lie and say that "all" teammates wanted her not to compete?
That You wouldnt mind being on lia Thomas swimteam, you can tell to your grandmother Uke.
We of course know thats a lie.
You wouldnt mind being in a tiny locker with a 6.4, 22 year old trying to stuff his junk into a tiny bathinsuit for 15 minutes wildly contorting and spinning with his gentitals exposed. No of course not...
😀 who you want to tell that?
That You wouldnt mind being on lia Thomas swimteam, you can tell to your grandmother Uke.
We of course know thats a lie.
You wouldnt mind being in a tiny locker with a 6.4, 22 year old trying to stuff his junk into a tiny bathinsuit for 15 minutes wildly contorting and spinning with his gentitals exposed. No of course not...
😀 who you want to tell that?
Most division one premiere swim teams practice and compete at the same time. The normal Speedo suits leave little to the imagination.
Washoe late too the party again, but his link actually makes clear that rickroll was wrong on now THREE points of his original claims a) wrong about the skirt, b) wrong about the lawsuit not being won and c) wrong about the policy not being implemented.
Sexual assaults from a disturbed cis male should of course be taken very seriously, and if proper procedures legally and policy wise were not followed by the school or police then that absolutely could be the grounds for a lawsuit. But we shouldn
this has been addressed, you're also confusing me with the washington post
you also seem dead set on calling this girl a liar who got raped in a bathroom and while she was at it decided it was a good opportunity to "own the libs" and include a lie about a genuine rape that the assailant had a skirt on
again, as we've discussed before, "finding no evidence" is not a refutation
i found zero evidence you have eaten food this week in my preliminary investigation - does this mean you haven't eaten or that I just found no evidence of it?
it's a frightening thought that you are an educator
Wrong again.
This letter of 39 team members supports Lia:
That is not to say the issue is without controversy, people take different views on whether she should be allowed to compete (and she is now NOT allowed to compete let's not forget) but why lie and say that "all" teammates wanted her not to compete?
wow, the lengths you go to lie about this
have you no shame?

you just took a counter letter to the original and pretended like they weren't responding to anything
Wrong again.
This letter of 39 team members supports Lia:
That is not to say the issue is without controversy, people take different views on whether she should be allowed to compete (and she is now NOT allowed to compete let's not forget) but why lie and say that "all" teammates wanted her not to compete?
You do realize that in cases like this the student athlete may be on scholarship and is being told sign this letter or your off the team .
You do realize that in cases like this the student athlete may be on scholarship and is being told sign this letter or your off the team .
a few of the students from the anonymous letter came out and said they came under heavy pressure from the school to sign the counter letter
key here though is that uke tried to spin a counter letter to the original as if the original never happened and the teammates spontaneously wrote a letter supporting lia, just goes to show that facts and reality don't matter one iota to these people who will happily lie over easily fact checked stuff about this
it's a religion at this point
shameful behavior from uke, and he's an educator as well which is beyond messed up
It's almost hard to believe this isn't completely made up.
her own teammates got together and all signed a letter which requested she not be allowed to compete on their team, it was rejected by the school
As proof of this statement he attached an article that confirms only 16, not the entire team agreed with a letter drafted by someone else, but didn't sign it. In other words, not a single fact alleged is true:
Now, a letter penned by former Olympian and CEO of Champion Women Nancy Hogshead-Makar on behalf of 16 Penn swimmers and their families adds more fuel to the controversy.
The letter claims they did not sign their names to the letter out of fear that doing so would cause them to be “removed from the team” or that they would “never get a job offer.”
Caught in this lie, what does the liar do, he doubles triples and quadruple downs on his lies:
wow, the lengths you go to lie about this
have you no shame?
you just took a counter letter to the original and pretended like they weren't responding to anything
The article, again his proof, indicates the letter penned by Maker was the counter response:
The letter is in contrast to a letter from another group of swimmers on the Penn team, which backed Thomas.
a few of the students from the anonymous letter came out and said they came under heavy pressure from the school to sign the counter letter
key here though is that uke tried to spin a counter letter to the original as if the original never happened and the teammates spontaneously wrote a letter supporting lia, just goes to show that facts and reality don't matter one iota to these people who will happily lie over easily fact checked stuff about this
it's a religion at this point
shameful behavior f
It really has become that and you can not question anything even here two items can get you on a ban .
If you ask most women they do not want to change in a locker room beside Lia Thomas .
If you ask women that compete at a high level in sports they will in a majority say no way should I have to compete against a biological male
A majority of folks do not believe in gender affirming care that has permanent effects for children
Uke have you ever asked your wife if she would be fine changing beside Lia Thomas in a shower Locker room
When is someone going to make a thread discussing the real issues, which is the rampant heterophobia that exists in Talladega Nights..
I saw what you did there. 😀