Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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I put the chance of a 1 state solution at zero. Yourself?
whos going to stop them?
Because it's not what the government say -- they're always pretending to believe in a two-state solution when they don't -- because they're taking the Americans for suckers, because it's a loony-tunes territorially-aggressive imperialistic project and because it won't ever work. If those territories are annexed to Israel, then either the Arab vote will compromise the nature of the Jewish State or else an overt apartheid regime will have to be put in place to deny the Arabs the vote. Unless they
Well, it wont work because Israel doesn't have the will to make it work. Arab Muslims show time and time agin they dont have any such qualms (see Syria, Sudan, and even how the Muslims quickly genocided the Jews out of every other country as collective punishemnt)
When the Arab Muslims first started their campaign of massacre, genocide and conquest in the 6th century I am sure you would have said that was looney toons too. But they had the will to crush their enemies, committing atrocities and genocides on a scale like nothing the world has seen since (not in total numbers, but relatively. Whole tribes of people who completely massacred). They did what it took to win, and got to write the history books, and their genociders are revered heroes now.
For good or bad, the Jews have shown time and time again they just dont have what it takes to win and be the ones to get to write the history books and dictate who the heros are. So yes, given this the attempt to actually have a nation is looney tunes.
As I have mentioned before, Arab Muslims are winners so they get to dictate what is moral and acceptable and what isn't. But the fact is as collective punishment for Israel's creation they completely genocided the Jews living in the rest of the Middle East, many of whom had been quietly living in peace for 1,000+ years, and no one gave a ****. Because the ARabs told the wold not to give a ****, or else.
And the fact Israel is getting so much pushback for so long for something similar (but less in totality) is actually pretty wild in a vacuum. But we dont live in a vacuum, we live in a world where Jews are the losers and dont get to dictate anything.
As I have mentioned before, Arab Muslims are winners so they get to dictate what is moral and acceptable and what isn't. But the fact is as collective punishment for Israel's creation they completely genocided the Jews living in the rest of the Middle East, many of whom had been quietly living in peace for 1,000+ years, and no one gave a ****. Because the ARabs told the wold not to give a ****, or else.
And the fact Israel is getting so much pushback for so long for something similar (but les
holy **** , victim victim victim.
this isnt the 6th century. its 2023 , some of us just want the state of israel to stop killing innocent civilians.
holy **** , victim victim victim.
this isnt the 6th century. its 2023 , some of us just want the state of israel to stop killing innocent civilians.
LOL. And yet you couldn't care less about any of the other innocent civilians who have been killed in the Middle East, mostly by Arab Muslims. Because the winners who make the rules (in this case Arab Muslims) get to dictate what you should and should not care about.
In truth, Israel's weakness is and always have been its compassion. If in 1948, or 1967 or whenever, it had taken the Arab Muslim example and frog marched every last Arab Muslim out of the country and established its borders; the people would have melted into a diaspora, the world would have quickly forgotten and moved on. And the Middle East would be in peace right now.
But Israel has never been willing to do what is necessary to make peace , and so we have chaos.
--Below is a list of some of the great Muslim leaders of the 6th-7th century. They did what it took to win (including massacre and genocide) and today they are worshipped by billions as great heroes. Even in the Christian world, no bad word would ever be said of any of these leaders, such is the respect.
Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Hassan ibn Ali
Hussain ibn Ali
Khalid ibn al-Walid:
Abdallah ibn Sa'd
--The Jews of Israel today dont have the will to actually win, and will go down in history as villains.
If your question is to me all I can say is that a single 'Victor', glued to his chair and kept going 24/7 w/ a meth pipe on one side and a pee bottle on the other, is enough.
Sorry when you say 1 state solution, I thought you meant after they remove all the Palestinians. Soon it will be 2.5m less with the help of the West.
Maybe these evil jew hating Arab nations that Dun fears so much will step up like he keeps warning.
--Below is a list of some of the great Muslim leaders of the 6th-7th century. They did what it took to win (including massacre and genocide) and today they are worshipped by billions as great heroes. Even in the Christian world, no bad word would ever be said of any of these leaders, such is the respect.
Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Hassan ibn Ali
Hussain ibn Ali
Khalid ibn al-Walid:
Abdallah ibn Sa'd
--The Jews of Israel today dont have the will to actually win, and will go down in history as
i dont get why our people have gotten expelled out of so many countries and by multiple cultures and religions , its sad we all cant coexist. a friend of mine once long time ago got hit with a racist statement by a Jewish landlord ("thats why i dont rent to your people ") and he hit him back with "thats why your people get kicked out of every country",
my friend had problems renting uptown for a decade.
why is there so much hate towards us ?
i dont get why our people have gotten expelled out of so many countries and by multiple cultures and religions , its sad we all cant coexist. a friend of mine once long time ago got hit with a racist statement by a Jewish landlord ("thats why i dont rent to your people ") and he hit him back with "thats why your people get kicked out of every country",
my friend had problems renting uptown for a decade.
why is there so much hate towards us ?
Maybe because Jews have no heroes that genocided entire tribes out of existence, so no respect. You want respect in this world, you have to earn it through the sword. That is the brutal truth. Muhammad and Ghengis Khan are 2 revered leaders, both in their time and for eternity, who did this on multiple occasions.
2000+ years of exile and the Jews finally get a chance to become a real nation, and they are too weak to do what is necessary to make it work and force peace on their terms. Too much compassion and weakness. No one respects that.
Assad, Putin and Xi (heck, even Bin Laden and al-Baghdad) are respected much more than any Israeli leader ever has or ever will be. The last 2 failed, but they at least had the will to do what was necessary.
When the Arab countries threw out all their Jews, who lived there peacefully for 1,000+ years and didn't even do anything, they just peacefully left. No one respects that, so no one cared.
The Paestinians are undertaking a generational struggle, refusing to accept defeat, and being absolutely brutal on their end when they occasional get in a position of strength (see 10/7) and they are revered. On 10/7 all around the world Muslims ran into the streets celebrating. That is what the world respects. No one celebrates people who just peacefully pack up and leave, and cant even do what it takes to decolonize and retake their land after 2,000+ years of exile. They despise such weakness.
Maybe these evil jew hating Arab nations that Dun fears so much will step up like he keeps warning.
They are stepping up. Demographics is destiny. The Middle East is already almost 100% Muslim Arabs. Of the hundreds of people/cultures that once lived there, they have pretty much been completely absorbed or genocided. Jewish Israel is more or less the last standout, and it is just a matter of time here too. Even if Israel survives this conflict, there will be more and more and more. The Arabs will never stop, and Israel will never do what it would really take to earn respect and survive.

First the Holocaust in Europe, than this happens in the ME and North Africa and still the Jews wouldn't do what it takes to eliminate the threats against them. Too much weakness and compassion. No one respects this. You think the Arab people would put up with this kind of bullshit against them, and still allow neighboring countries and minority groups in their own territory to terrorize and attack them for decades on end?
**** no.
If the situation was reversed with the same dynamics of belligerence and guerrilla insurgency, there would not be a single Jew living in the current land of Israel. And there would be respect and peace. No one respects a compassionate cuck who wont do what it takes for his own survival.
What does "do what it takes" actually entail?
Are you familiar with the Jews of Banu Qurayza?
They actually sided with a certain great Muslim general in the 6th Century during his wars of conquest. However, the great general deemed they were not supportive enough (and may have been playing both sides, there is some controversy here) and as punishment he had all the men of the tribe executed, and the women and children sold into slavery. Complete and utter genocide. This great general is revered by billions as the greatest man who ever lived. No one has a single bad thing to say about him.
How do you think he would have handled the Palestinian situation? Whatever choice he made, I guarantee this war would have ended decades ago, everyone would have moved on with their lives, and there would be peace. No one respects a compassionate loser who doesn't get the job done.
What happened to the Jews in those countries since 1948?

"God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam."
--This is the Houthi banner, adopted in 2003. Despite their rhetoric and actions, when he became President Biden removed this group from the list of terrorist groups, ostensibly to make it easier for the US to provide their people with much needed aid. They have repaid this compassion by trying to destroy world commerce by attacking container ships and firing missiles/drone into Israel.
The Houthis are revered by the people in much of the world, where Biden is despised. Pretty much the only country (including the US) where they think highly of Biden is Israel, and we all know where Israel stands in the international community.
No one respects a compassionate loser.
Why should the Houthis roll over for USA? Why should there be any trust? And no animosity?
You do understand what USA did to them right?
"God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam."
--This is the Houthi banner, adopted in 2003. Despite their rhetoric and actions, when he became President Biden removed this group from the list of terrorist groups, ostensibly to make it easier for the US to provide their people with much needed aid. They have repaid this compassion by trying to destroy world commerce by attacking container ships and firing missiles/drone into Israel.
The Houthis
Notice it says death to Jews
All the anti zionist groups say death to Jews but no. They are not antisemites amirite