Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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33888 Replies
Norm Finkelstein is a cool dude and all one has to do is compare him to the absolutely maniacal freaks who oppose him to appreciate him.
I guess rafiki and BOIDS and ILOVEDEADKIDS are big fans of Norm's big enemy Alan Dershowitz (who, by sheer coincidence, was a friend and lawyer to Jeffrey Epstein!)
Two separate posts in which a guy gleefully cheering on the mass murder of children accuses someone else of mental illness. Doyle is also a fan of accusing all of his opponents (i.e., those opposed to mass murder of children) of antisemitism, a deranged and obviously false claim; a mentally-well person isn't too likely to do so.
Look inward, fascist.
I’m actually very much against the mass murder of children. I’ve consistently advocated against Hamas using their women and children as shields. I’ve also questioned why Hamas doesn’t provide shelters for their civilians. If it was up to me, we’d go back in time before Oct 7th and maybe all these children wouldn’t die. You on the other hand, cheer for Oct 7th and think it was a great victory.
Being called a fascist by a brainwashed Hamas supporter. Must have learned that word on TikTok.
Oh word? Tell me, which side has killed more children in this conflict? You can take the entire history of Israel/Palestine, or just 10/7 and after, it's all good.
Guy supports the intentional bombing of schools, hospitals and nurseries (and then says it's OK because Hamas may or may not have been in there!) and then has the gall to pretend being against the murdering of "inconvenient" children...
Being called a fascist by a brainwashed Hamas supporter. Must have learned that word on TikTok.
TikTok, lol. Just go ahead and jam allllll of your grievances in there. I've never been on TikTok, in my life, so move on to your next evil, anti-child murder lib website and talk about how I get my opinions from, I don't know, Reddit, another place I've never frequented.
lol tiktok
my man thinks the evil Chinese are turning our American kids into Third-Worldist revolutionaries and/or jihadists, one 15-second video of some guy in a car complaining about whatever dumb feelings they want to express at a time!
Norman Finkelstein is a man of principle who has sacrificed for his principles. He did not cheer for the Oct 7th breakout. He expressed a nuanced position which was neither an endorsement or condemnation, basically saying he can't judge people in concentration camps as to how they feel they should free themselves. He compared it to slave uprisings in the U.S., in particular the Nat Turner uprising. In that uprising, children of slavers were killed. And, in fact, Finkelstein said he was so confli
For the past 20 years the people of Gaza, half of whom are children, have been immured in a concentration camp. Today they breached the camp's walls. If we honor John Brown's armed resistance to slavery; if we honor the Jews who revolted in the Warsaw Ghetto—then moral consistency commands that we honor the heroic resistance in Gaza. I, for one, will never begrudge—on the contrary, it warms every fiber of my soul—the scenes of Gaza's smiling children as their arrogant Jewish supremacist oppressors have, finally, been humbled. The stars above in heaven are looking kindly down. Glory, glory, hallelujah. The souls of Gaza go marching
He said this after Oct 07. That's most assuredly cheering on Hamas, who warm every fibre of Finkelstein's soul, according to himself.
He's a scumbag.
Oppressed me arse, they could have had their own state yonks ago.
Go easy on poor corpus vile, he’s not really capable of thinking for himself.
He said this after Oct 07. That's most assuredly cheering on Hamas, who warm every fibre of Finkelstein's soul, according to himself.
He's a scumbag.
You misrepresented the quote a little bit. but it still doesn't make him a scumbag. He's cheering for the good guys, the ones trying to free themselves from inhuman oppression.
Scumbags are wealthy opportunists. Finkelstein volunteers. He has refused to conform to the opinion of the powerful in this age where the powerful are the evil and the greedy. He has a PhD from Princeton. All he ever had to do was sellout and he could live the comfortable life of a tenured professor. He's spent his life attacking powerful scumbags like Dershowitz and Netanyahoo. Why would he do that unless he was fighting for what he thought was good?