Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


by checkraisdraw k

My understanding is that the Mujahideen are a lot different from the modern orgs, although many trace their origin from this type of resistance group. Which groups do you think are “created” by western governments?

I Googled "Islamic groups created by cia"

Here are some results:

I have read none of these articles, but if you'd like, you can play bingo with the list of terror groups shared earlier ITT.

It's just a real bummer that the US, claiming to be energy independent, is still backing ethnostates in the region in an effort to remain a hegemon. It's going to lead to global, kinetic war.

The Holy Land, which is home to ALL Abrahamic religions, will be destroyed in the process. And we'll be lucky if regional, then global, nuclear war don't breakout.

Isreal is very much rogue at the moment. The US, because of foreign interest lobbies like AIPAC, no longer has control of the tail that is now wagging the dog.

by ES2 k

It means that when you support snipers shooting children, you have to view it as self defense to keep thinking of yourself as the good guy.

Who is supporting snipers shooting children? Sounds like more fiction.

by ES2 k

It means that when you support snipers shooting children, you have to view it as self defense to keep thinking of yourself as the good guy.

by chezlaw k

It is extarordinary what peopel can convince themselves is good. Or sensible. Or justified.

Perhaps more extraordinary is that they dont recognise the same thing in others.

I recently read a great blog post about social media mobs and witch-hunts. The commentary encompasses Huxley's The Devils of Loudun, and some of the passages the author shared are applicable here:

"Because they do these things for the sake of a group which is, by definition, good and even sacred, they can admire themselves and loathe their neighbours, they can seek power and money, can enjoy the pleasures of aggression and cruelty, not merely without feeling guilty, but with a positive glow of conscious virtue. Loyalty to their group transforms these pleasant vices into acts of heroism. Partisans are aware of themselves, not as sinners or criminals, but as altruists and idealists. And with certain qualifications this is in fact what they are. The only trouble is that their altruism is merely egotism at one remove, and that the ideal, for which they are ready in many cases to lay down their lives, is nothing but the rationalization of corporate interests and party passions."

"Individually and in the co-ordinated and purposive groups which constitute a healthy society, men and women display a certain capacity for rational thought and free choice in the light of ethical principles. Herded into mobs, the same men and women behave as though they possessed neither reason nor free will. Crowd-intoxication reduces them to a condition of infrapersonal and antisocial irresponsibility. Drugged by the mysterious poison which every excited herd secretes, they fall into a state of heightened suggestibility, resembling that which follows an injection of sodium amytal or the induction, by whatever means, of a light hypnotic trance. While in this state they will believe any nonsense that may be bawled at them, will act upon any command or exhortation, however senseless, mad or criminal."

AIPAC is an American political action committee. You’re allowed to (under the current system) lobby politicians in support of another country. By the way, Israel is an extremely valuable ally in the region and the one that most matches us politically and ideologically. The idea that we get nothing out of it and are just getting controlled by zionists is one I don’t find very convincing.

Edit: I read your sources, it looks like they supported some groups that were fighting against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. What specific group did they actually create themselves rather than just support?

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron warned Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to "ignore United Nations decisions" during a weekly meeting with his ministers Tuesday, according to French media reports, confirmed by a participant in the meeting.

"Mr. Netanyahu must not forget that his country was created by a U.N. decision," he is quoted as saying, referencing the U.N. General Assembly's November 1947 vote that terminated the British mandate of Palestine and split the land into a Jewish and an Arab state.

Macron and Netanyahu have been trading barbs in recent days amid fears of an escalation of the conflict between Israel and the Hezbollah militant group, which risks engulfing Lebanon and its civilian population.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Nice deflection but the actual gross part is telling someone their parents were insufficiently Jewish because they don't support Netanyahu. Real divided loyalty **** right there.

Like, imagine telling an American guy with a Irish grandparents that he's not Irish if he doesn't support militant Irish nationalists, it's offensive brainrot. And what about the Jews in the streets of Tel Aviv who are protesting Netanyahu's bloodbath? Are they not real Jews? What are they, exactly?

Trolly you got mad at the Jew 'splain thing, and then weirdly asked how I'd know you're not Jewish.

Trust me, I know. The same way Micro knows.

by microbet k

I don't think you're really reading his posts or have really followed the history of this kind of accusation in this thread.

He suggested that you're not Jewish because of a lack of knowledge, not your specific position, and he says he was joking. I suggested you aren't Jewish because I've seen your posting for a decade and I'd be shocked if nothing has ever come up to make me think you're Jewish.

Unlike some others, rafiki has never suggested that I'm not Jewish because of anything I've said abo

I hadn't seen this yet. This, exactly.

And yes Trolly, Jews can disagree with Netanyahu, protest against the government, protest against judicial reform, all of it.

That has nothing to do with what happened in here today.

by rafiki k

I hadn't seen this yet. This, exactly.

And yes Trolly, Jews can disagree with Netanyahu, protest against the government, protest against judicial reform, all of it.

That has nothing to do with what happened in here today.

can non-Jews protest?

by checkraisdraw k

By the way, Israel is an extremely valuable ally in the region and the one that most matches us politically and ideologically.

Isreal seems to be like that friend you no longer go to bars with because they're rather antagonistic and like to pick fights with people/groups they can't handle by themselves. So, you get dragged into fights you would rather not participate in...

by NLOmahaHL k

Isreal seems to be like that friend you no longer go to bars with because they're rather antagonistic and like to pick fights with people/groups they can't handle by themselves. So, you get dragged into fights you would rather not participate in...

I somewhat agree with this assessment. I think Israel bit off more than it could chew with the opening up of the Lebanon front, although Hez gave them plenty of justification for war. is there a goal of destroying Hamas was very ambitious borderlining on unrealistic. I understand why they would want to dismantle a tourist organization, but it does seem like Netanyahu wants to restore his legacy using this war to tragic consequences.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Who is supporting snipers shooting children? Sounds like more fiction.

I guess another approach is to just pretend it's not happening. You would think that is harder online, where the evidence is inescapable.

This has been posted several times but here it is again.

Isreali snipers shooting kids every day, according to American doctors who were there.

by ES2 k

I guess another approach is to just pretend it's not happening. You would think that is harder online, where the evidence is inescapable.

This has been posted several times but here it is again.

Isreali snipers shooting kids every day, according to American doctors who were there.

No one is pretending it isn’t happening. You’re claiming that there are people supporting it.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

No one is pretending it isn’t happening. You’re claiming that there are people supporting it.

I think it's a cop-out to say you don't support shooting children's skulls, but not examine the ramifications about the nature of Israel. It is obviously intentional. They are driving the populace to the south so they can annex the north. That's what they do.

And yes, there are people on this board who either deny it's happening or say it's entirely on Hamas.

there was a massive social media campaign to paint those claims as lies. thats why the NYT today came out and said that they had the actual pictures showing the flesh and blood but said they were too horrific to show so they settled on the x-rays. they then confirmed everything in the op-ed. which is ofc kinda weird bc thats the sort of fact checking that should occur for feature stories but it surely didnt happen for the screams without words bullshit article.

it wont stop the OSINT Ryan Macbeth clown community from making their idiotic claims.

by Bill Haywood k

I think it's a cop-out to say you don't support shooting children's skulls, but not examine the ramifications about the nature of Israel. It is obviously intentional. They are driving the populace to the south so they can annex the north. That's what they do.

And yes, there are people on this board who either deny it's happening or say it's entirely on Hamas.

It should be possible to support Israel’s right to defend itself without being supportive of POS soldiers shooting children in the head. In the same vein, it should be possible to support the Palestinians right to a homeland without supporting Hamas and Oct 7th.

Portraying these horrors as “ramifications about the nature of Israel” shows your bias, and lack of ability to look at the bigger picture which is that there are 2 sides to the violence. Yet, you choose to incessantly portray Israel as the sole aggressor and it’s not honest or productive.

fact check: just checked and Macbeth did not post about the snipers. he did however make a post poking fun at the people who burned to death at the hospital and blaming Khamas. he also retweeted Sebastian Gorka.

Victor, Bill, Jalfrezi, et al.

You guys are just partisan hacks. You have no first principles against killing kids. October 7th no shits given. Hezbollah Missiles killing kids playing soccer, no shits given.

Your outrage is completely fake and driven by lizard brain tribal hate. Zero first principles at all. So spare us.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

It should be possible to support Israel’s right to defend itself without being supportive of POS soldiers shooting children in the head. In the same vein, it should be possible to support the Palestinians right to a homeland without supporting Hamas and Oct 7th.

Portraying these horrors as “ramifications about the nature of Israel” shows your bias, and lack of ability to look at the bigger picture which is that there are 2 sides to the violence. Yet, you choose to incessantl

its not possible in practice though. there are no alternatives in Israeli and with Zionism that disallow shooting kids in the head. its what they have done since 1947.

on the Palestinian side, there are tons of movements towards freedom that dont involve Hamas or involve violence. those movements, like the March of Great Return for instance, are always met with sniping kids.

In other news,

The IDF is reporting that captured Hezbollah militants are telling them that many of the militants have no loyalty to the IRI, Hezbollah, or the mission to destroy Israel. They are only in it for the paycheck. It is actually pretty diabolical what IRI/Hezbollah did. They destroyed Lebanon through the civli war, corruption and meddling, so no one in Lebanon has any money.

Then they come in with Iranian oil money (thanks Obama and Biden) and use it to fund a private army of desperate young men with no job prospects in their destroyed country. Because there is no real loyalty to the regime, that is why Israel is meeting extremely little resistance and it is so easy to get intelligence.

IDF intelligence is also reporting that the IRI is having to send in their own men to keep Hezbollah together; which is why Israel cant drop a bomb without hitting an IRI officer.

by Dunyain k

Victor, Bill, Jalfrezi, et al.

You guys are just partisan hacks. You have no first principles against killing kids. October 7th no shits given. Hezbollah Missiles killing kids playing soccer, no shits given.

Your outrage is completely fake and driven by lizard brain tribal hate. Zero first principles at all. So spare us.

I am definitely partisan against the army who shoot kids playing soccer

If the UN had any integrity at all, it is clear how to free Lebanon from the IRI and Hezbollah. Shut off Hezbollah's money supply, and at the same time invest in Lebanon. However, the UN is beyond compromised and have been bought and payed for a long time ago, so there is no chance of this happening.

by chezlaw k

It is extarordinary what peopel can convince themselves is good. Or sensible. Or justified.

Perhaps more extraordinary is that they dont recognise the same thing in others.

It would be extraordinary because I don't think people are convincing themselves that it is sensible or justified. I think they fully understand the sinister work at play here.

Just like many on the other side didn't give a **** on oct 7th, many on the opposing side doesn't give a **** now. There is a hatred between these two that you and I cannot comprehend. It's people that are bad and we haven't been able to improve on that from the history is that proves it. We just pretend to be good up to a point.

by Dunyain k

In other news,

The IDF is reporting that captured Hezbollah militants are telling them that many of the militants have no loyalty to the IRI, Hezbollah, or the mission to destroy Israel. They are only in it for the paycheck. It is actually pretty diabolical what IRI/Hezbollah did. They destroyed Lebanon through the civli war, corruption and meddling, so no one in Lebanon has any money.

Then they come in with Iranian oil money (thanks Obama and Biden) and use it to fund a private army of despe

lol really

They destroyed Lebanon through the civli war,

by NLOmahaHL k

Isreal seems to be like that friend you no longer go to bars with because they're rather antagonistic and like to pick fights with people/groups they can't handle by themselves. So, you get dragged into fights you would rather not participate in...

And also is constantly borrowing money and not paying it back even though they have a better lifestyle than you do.

They idea that the US needs to constantly be starting wars and overthrowing governments, requiring such "allies" is the result of tens of billions of dollars in propaganda over the last few decades.

Imagine if China suddenly declared that Uraguay posed an existential threat to them because Chinese arms dealers said so, and then destroyed the country and killed thousands and then the arms dealers gave millions to the piticians who started the war. That's our FP.

by ES2 k

And also is constantly borrowing money and not paying it back even though they have a better lifestyle than you do.

They idea that the US needs to constantly be starting wars and overthrowing governments, requiring such "allies" is the result of tens of billions of dollars in propaganda over the last few decades.

Imagine if China suddenly declared that Uraguay posed an existential threat to them because Chinese arms dealers said so, and then destroyed the country and killed thousands and then th

You have the belief that the USA would not be next, once Israel is taken care of.

American intelligence, on the other hand, thankfully knows better than you.
