Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33311 Replies
not trying to speak well of Americans, but at least half the country opposed the Iraq genocide.
regardless, Israel has been at war from day 1. so I guess we kind of agree. I just dont really give them as much of a pass as you do and think that many in the country should be charged with war crimes.
I might well agree on 'many' I wouldn't agree on anything like most.
They will still have to live with it.
NATO should enter Israel as the US did Iraq and arrest Bibi and pals. At least this time we know they've got WMDs (because we sold them to him).
It makes them people.
We're not all as perfect as you insist we should be. Maybe none of us are.
I don't think opposition to mass murder is an unreasonable ask. I was against the Iraq bullshit from day 1 and it wasn't terribly difficult. No one was coerced into supporting the killing Arabs.
Lots of us were against Iraq war from the beginning. It's not quote the same thing though when it's a 'foreign adventure' and no-one is calling us up.
It's funny that you guys think the deaths of Iraqi people are the main reason for the opposition to the Iraq war for most of those who ended up opposing it.
American blood and treasure being wasted for no purpose was and is the main reason, and if Iraqi deaths had been double or 1/10 opposition would have been almost identical.
It's funny that you guys think the deaths of Iraqi people are the main reason for the opposition to the Iraq war for most of those who ended up opposing it.
American blood and treasure being wasted for no purpose was and is the main reason, and if Iraqi deaths had been double or 1/10 opposition would have been almost identical.
People opposed the cost and that American boots were dying. That's all
Have I ever seen you condemn hezbollah or hamas attacking Israel once? Ever?
Is it only certain foreigners you care about?
Sure, I think they're terrorists who can get ****ed. That doesn't begin to justify Israel mass murdering Gazans/Lebanese any more than the 9/11 attacks justified America's 20-year military adventure.
Great post showing the Islamic jihad shot rockets at Israel
You showed me
Regardless, hamas had not and Israel had not attacked hamas
right, I showed you that your statement:
Israel had not fired anything at Gaza in years
is completely false.
also, as to not attacking Hamas, well Israel killed 10 civilians who werent Hamas either.
heres the thing, it is legal and moral to fight against a violent blockade, occupation, and oppressive illegal apartheid regime. Israel has no right to lift a finger in response until it ends this occupation.
Israel retaliated that time like that did this time
They aren't the aggressors
The only defensive genocide ever!
these warmongers think that we who protested the Iraq war was because of just troops. no some of us had the foresight to know it was a bullshit excuse and lots of civilians were going to get killed .
I was there in many protest and its also when I realized activism does not create justice for the most part
these warmongers think that we who protested the Iraq war was because of just troops. no some of us had the foresight to know it was a bullshit excuse and lots of civilians were going to get killed .
I was there in many protest and its also when I realized activism does not create justice for the most part
It was most obvious bullshit excuse and as you say lots of peopel killed.
Also one of the pivatol moments in history where the west ended any idea they could be trusted to work within international law (unlike the 1st Iraq war). Ironially the consequences include this current mess.
It was most obvious bullshit excuse and as you say lots of peopel killed.
Also one of the pivatol moments in history where the west ended any idea they could be trusted to work within international law (unlike the 1st Iraq war). Ironially the consequences include this current mess.
the bullshit was staying there to "build democracy", removing Saddam was more than fine
Israel retaliated that time like that did this time
They aren't the aggressors
The only defensive genocide ever!
The Palestinian population has grown in the last year, unlike the populations in every Western nation. So not only the first defensive genocide, but the first genocide where the population being genocided grew.
What do you mean?
They did try to build a democracy, which was the problem.
Middle Eastern societies have a zero sum tribal epistemology, with no first principles beyond lizard brain tribalism. And in such a milleiu, especially one with so many "tribes" as Iraq, democracies are doomed to failure.
Not in law it wasn't. The obvious lying about the justification was toxic
and no plan for a politcal solution is staggeringly stupid. The military victory is so easy when we have the might but generally makes things far worse unless there's a political process.
We don't know how many civilians were killed because they count military as civilians
Israel was giving more and more work permits every year to Gaza
Israel was at peace with hamas. Israel had not fired anything at Gaza in years
They gave gazans 170,000 work permits
10% of the gazan population was crossing the border every day to work before oct 7
Then october 7th happened
And isreal responded
You acting like Israel wants Gaza is what is naive
I just gave you facts. Please dispute any of them
After all this time you still believe people believe Israel didn’t had the right to respond ?
No one dispute what you are saying so what’s the point ?
The intensity of the response is the problem and all those enumerated points you bring doesn’t change that fact in anyway .
When enough is enough , give us your thoughts about that ?
these warmongers think that we who protested the Iraq war was because of just troops. no some of us had the foresight to know it was a bullshit excuse and lots of civilians were going to get killed .
I was there in many protest and its also when I realized activism does not create justice for the most part
Protests prolong wars.
Israel is set to annex the West Bank and steal the north of Gaza. the whole point of their existence is to expand and steal more land. maybe they dont want to get rid of all of the civilians. maybe they want to keep some cheap labor around.
The West Bank will eventually be under full Israeli control one way or another. The settlements are growing exponentially by the day. No Arab is his right mind will want to continue to live there. It makes sense for Israel to allow this since they can't allow the terrorists to have the high ground. Also, the West Bank is historical Jewish land.