Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33311 Replies
Maybe you have been living under a rock for the last year; but the "American govt" in many blue cities have allowed an appalling level of intimidation, harassment and violence against Jews, that would not be tolerated against any other minority group. And there is no reason to suggest this could not and will not get worse.
If the US wanted to show that Israel wasn't necessary because the US would be a place that stood up to antisemitism, I would say the last year has been a giant failure in t
The government didn't do enough to protect i agree. I wasn't reading her question that way
I do agree with you that what has happened in the past year in America does show the need for Israel to exist, yes
Israel and the USA have redefined the meaning of the world cease-fire.
actually, probably not. same meaning the frontier settlers had in the colonial era with the Native Americans. this is why you never make deals with White Empire.
Do you want to see the cease fire, at least a charitable interpretation of it, hold and be succrssfull in that regard or do you feel Israel deserves punishment for what theve done?
I want a ceasefire ofc rhetorically and for personal reasons. but it seems that Israel has already broken it by denying freedom of movement of citizens in Lebanon.
Jewish residents won't return to northern Israel till that time too. It makes sense
Hezbollah is not telling Israeli residents to stay away so no, it doesnt make sense.
regardless, there are already reports of Israel firing shells into Lebanon post cease-fire. we all know how this goes from here.
We both know what happened and is still happening. If you have a different interpretation, than fair enough. That being said, I think the American people as a whole are getting sick of left wing performative activism, including but not limited to thinly veiled antisemitism; and they are a giant liability for the Democratic Party.
More babies have been born in Gaza in the past 14 months than people have died .. and that's based on hamas numbers on the deaths. So this would be the only genocide in the history of mankind where the native population grew
Gross. Of course a population with an inflated infant mortality rate seeks to have more babies.
Horrible stuff from you.
We both know what happened and is still happening. If you have a different interpretation, than fair enough. That being said, I think the American people as a whole are getting sick of left wing performative activism, including but not limited to thinly veiled antisemitism; and they are a giant liability for the Democratic Party.
Both Labour and the Conservative Party in the UK have a history of antisemitism, but I think it is a particular problem for many current Western left-wing parties.
The west ain't good on islamophobia either
The idea the response to Israel is driven because the prejudice favours muslims over Jews is preposterous.
I would agree people are fed up of the middle ground parties yelling at people but never actually doing anything about the problems (except to copy the people they yelled at)
Perhaps, but then Jews in the UK are not systematically raping thousands of vulnerable young girls or blowing up kids at pop concerts, and this kind of behaviour tends to get people's backs up.
less posts about trying to convince hamas supporters to care about anitsemitism (spoiler, they dont) and more posts about the future of hezbollah please
what is the point of them now?
With that mindset you should be taking even more seriously the view on Israels behavior in the west.
Do you think the way Israel is handling this war is making the above issue better or worse…?
I think it's making anti Israeli sentiments worse. Re actual anti Semitism though, why should it matter? Why should Jews worldwide be held accountable for Israel's actions?Anti Semites are simply using Israel's action as an excuse for their anti Semitism, to give it some form of superficial legitimacy. So I think anti Semites are making the above issue worse.
Do you think America’s extended war in Iraq and Afghanistan made the international community think better or worse of us? People do eventually judge the goals and consequences of wars.
It made me think worse of the American government. I certainly didn't feel any animosity at all whatsoever to the American people. Again Israel's action leading to negativity toward them by the international community isn't the same as anti Semitism toward Jews in general due to Israeli actions. This isn't an apt comparison, sorry.
He may think that but other Jews my well not think that and it's irrelevant anyway. Neither Mets nor any other Jew should be subjected to anti Semitism due to Israel's actions and it doesn't matter at all if those are Mets' beliefs re Jews having a connection to Israel. People are allowed to have beliefs. "Herein lies the issue" kinda comes across as implying "Hey that's what ya get for having such beliefs innit? Herein lies the issue after all"
And to clarify I don't think that's your intention but that's how it's kinda coming across. There would be no justification at all subjecting Americans to bigotry or hostility due to the actions of GW Bush's government. There's no justification holding Jews in general responsible for Israel's actions.
It’s wild to see such condemnation of “hiding among the populace” etc when American independence was won using similar tactics of subversive warfare and hiding among civilians who willingly protected them, and they are lauded as heroes and revolutionaries.
History's written by winners and England Colonised America and subjugated the populace. Israel didn't colonise anyone, they launched a bloody insurgency just like America Ireland and Kosovo and were successful with their insurrection, so have just as much a right to exist as the aforementioned countries or any other country which fought for independence and self determination. Nor did any of these countries pledge in their constitution to annihilate England or Serbia and encourage the murder of English or Serbians worldwide, the way Hamas does regarding Israel and Jews worldwide, in their charter.
Again your comparison isn't apt.
Justification is a different issue.
It's no more justified than infections that feed off of open wounds or disaster zones etc
I suggest politics.
We have to do far better or the infections will thrive. They feed off our failures and our **** ups.