Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


by ViktorKaBloooom k

Doesn't change my main point, as there is no freedom of speech if minority views are silenced. I don't support Hamas by any means, and still think what Israel is doing is genocide. And I have the right to publicly state my opinion even if the majority doesn't agree with me. This is freedom of speech 😀

Who was silenced? no one was silenced.

You can say you are pro palestine in italy without government persecution.

That doesn't mean you will be invited again in prime tv time though , a right to free speech isn't necessarily a right to free prime time platforms.

Not sure why you think there was any silencing of anyone

You can be silenced while not having right to free speech

Doesn’t mean it’s moral

by PointlessWords k

You can be silenced while not having right to free speech

Doesn’t mean it’s moral

Nobody has been silenced in Italy wrt pro palestinian positions

by Luciom k

Nobody has been silenced in Italy wrt pro palestinian positions

Holy ****! God is here!

God , now that you have revealed yourself to us,

Can you answer more questions with your omnipotence?

Having worked their way down the Strip, the IDF have about 1.5m people penned in Rafah, and they're now going to take out Rafah. As UK Foreign Secretary Cameron has pointed out, the people there simply have nowhere to go to. The EU has called on Israel's allies to halt arms sales. (I might mention again that, after the 1967 war, Britain refused to supply the Chieftain tank to Israel and France supposedly refused to supply the Mirage V fighter plane -- in fact they shipped a dismantled aircraft to Israel via dodgy arms dealers and the Israelis reverse-engineered it, but that's the French for you.)

As Bill Haywood has pointed out, Egypt is threatening to suspend its treaty with Israel if the assault on Rafah goes ahead. This is quite serious.

by PointlessWords k

I didn’t ask about deaths with qualifiers. I asked how many deaths.

I asked how many deaths

If you ask me, I’d say both sides are on the wrong side of this conflict

Kinda disturbing how people choose one or the other when they’re both basically just slaughtering each other at every chance they get and in disturbingly Neanderthal-like ways. In 2024…

Christ this thread is terrible

by TeflonDawg k

If you ask me, I’d say both sides are on the wrong side of this conflict

Kinda disturbing how people choose one or the other when they’re both basically just slaughtering each other at every chance they get and in disturbingly Neanderthal-like ways. In 2024…

Christ this thread is terrible

Well one side is one of the most important allies of the west, other than being a group of people persecuted for 2k years by everyone else while they gave to humanity proportionally more than any other human group by a very large margin (Jewish contributions to science are unparalleled).

So given one side is some of the best people who ever existed on this planet (or their heirs), AND our allies... Sorry but not sorry if I consider a moral imperative to side with them with no ifs and no buts.

by 57 On Red k

Having worked their way down the Strip, the IDF have about 1.5m people penned in Rafah, and they're now going to take out Rafah. As UK Foreign Secretary Cameron has pointed out, the people there simply have nowhere to go to. The EU has called on Israel's allies to halt arms sales. (I might mention again that, after the 1967 war, Britain refused to supply the Chieftain tank to Israel and France supposedly refused to supply the Mirage V fighter plane -- in fact they shipped a dismantled aircraft t

While Egypt suspends it's treaty, can't it take the gazean Palestinians in while we are at it?

by Luciom k

While Egypt suspends it's treaty, can't it take the gazean Palestinians in while we are at it?

Sure, they'll definitely be up for that.

This biden press conference with the king of jordan is not great news for israel

by Trolly McTrollson k

Sure, they'll definitely be up for that.

So when they blockaded Gaza it was Israel fault, and now they don't take their fellow Arabs as refugees like other countries are asked to do with neighbors during wars, and... Israel is the bad guy again?

by Luciom k

So when they blockaded Gaza it was Israel fault, and now they don't take their fellow Arabs as refugees like other countries are asked to do with neighbors during wars, and... Israel is the bad guy again?

Yes, ethnic cleansing is a bad thing and Israel should stop doing it.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Yes, ethnic cleansing is a bad thing and Israel should stop doing it.

Ethnic cleansing is a terrible thing, and Israel never did that

by Luciom k

Well one side is one of the most important allies of the west, other than being a group of people persecuted for 2k years by everyone else while they gave to humanity proportionally more than any other human group by a very large margin (Jewish contributions to science are unparalleled).

So given one side is some of the best people who ever existed on this planet (or their heirs), AND our allies... Sorry but not sorry if I consider a moral imperative to side with them with no ifs and no buts.

I can understand that, but Israel is literally slaughtering human beings that have nothing to do with this conflict

It's horrifying

I get why they're doing it, but it's still beyond ****ed up. Feel the same way about 10/7. None of this is okay...

Kind of saddening to see someone use "some of the best people ever" and contributions to the world like it's a scoreboard as an acceptable justification to commit mass murder/grotesque war crimes

Feels like another form of dehumanization

by TeflonDawg k

I can understand that, but Israel is literally slaughtering human beings that have nothing to do with this conflict

It's horrifying

I get why they're doing it, but it's still beyond ****ed up. Feel the same way about 10/7. None of this is okay...

Kind of saddening to see someone use "some of the best people ever" and contributions to the world like it's a scoreboard as an acceptable justification to commit mass murder/grotesque war crimes

Feels like another form of dehumanization

I ask you like I asked other people with takes similar to yours:

What would your plan be, to guarantee radical Muslim terrorism originating within Palestinian people will never be able again to take Jewish lives?

Do you agree making sure Palestinian Muslim terrorists won't be able to accomplish anything evermore is a fundamental moral imperative for us in the west, yes, also given what Jews went through because of our faults and complicity in the past?

Israel will stop shooting when Hamas surrenders.

Hamas has shown over and over again it will keep shooting until Jews are removed from the area even if Israel backs off.

by Luciom k

What would your plan be, to guarantee radical Muslim terrorism originating within Palestinian people will never be able again to take Jewish lives?

Most people want normalcy. If the moderates succeeded at delivering a Palestinian state, then Hamas would rapidly lose cachet. Israel needs to pull out of Area C and grant a state.

by Bill Haywood k

Most people want normalcy. If the moderates succeeded at delivering a Palestinian state, then Hamas would rapidly lose cachet. Israel needs to pull out of Area C and grant a state.

Which moderates do you have in mind? You mean moderates vs Jews or moderates in the sense we mean in the west?

Who is in favour of legalizing homosexuality in Palestine? Because maybe Yoh don't know but having anal sex as a man with another man is still a crime in Palestine.

Do you realize absolute majorities of Palestinians are in favour of horrific legal dispositions against homosexuals and women? Do you understand they median center is what we had in the 19th century in Europe?

by Luciom k

Which moderates do you have in mind? You mean moderates vs Jews or moderates in the sense we mean in the west?

Who is in favour of legalizing homosexuality in Palestine? Because maybe Yoh don't know but having anal sex as a man with another man is still a crime in Palestine.

Do you realize absolute majorities of Palestinians are in favour of horrific legal dispositions against homosexuals and women? Do you understand they median center is what we had in the 19th century in Europe?

None of this is as bad as murdering 10k people a month

by Luciom k

Which moderates do you have in mind? You mean moderates vs Jews or moderates in the sense we mean in the west?

Who is in favour of legalizing homosexuality in Palestine? Because maybe Yoh don't know but having anal sex as a man with another man is still a crime in Palestine.

Do you realize absolute majorities of Palestinians are in favour of horrific legal dispositions against homosexuals and women? Do you understand they median center is what we had in the 19th century in Europe?

Can't be gay if you've been genocided.

by Luciom k

Which moderates do you have in mind?

The moderates who gave up the gun and recognized the Jewish state -- the PLO.

In return they got hundreds of thousands of new settlers, raids on their homes, and killing of their children.

Nice fresh article on the USS liberty.

The Day Israel Attacked the USA

by Bill Haywood k

Nice fresh article on the USS liberty.

The Day Israel Attacked the USA

Never knew they used boats with torpedoes. Guess I always kinda believed it was a semi accident …. There’s no way this was accidental though

“ Prior to the 2:00 pm attack, all frequencies utilized by the Liberty, including some known only to our allies, were jammed. International distress frequencies were also jammed in violation of international law. All antennae were destroyed in the first attack making it impossible for the Liberty to call for assistance. In the midst of the attack, a crewman, under fire and injured, managed to climb a damaged mast to hang a wire. This enabled the Liberty to make a feeble call for help which was received by the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga.
USS Liberty medical personnel, then on deck administering to wounded, were fired upon by attacking torpedo boats, in violation of international law.
Two torpedo boats fired a total of 5 torpedoes, only one of which hit the Liberty. This torpedo hit amidships killing 25 NSA personnel at their work stations belowdecks.”

by Luciom k

I ask you like I asked other people with takes similar to yours:

What would your plan be, to guarantee radical Muslim terrorism originating within Palestinian people will never be able again to take Jewish lives?

Do you agree making sure Palestinian Muslim terrorists won't be able to accomplish anything evermore is a fundamental moral imperative for us in the west, yes, also given what Jews went through because of our faults and complicity in the past?

Tough question to answer, but this can't possibly be the best way what Israel is doing right now

One thought: Building instead of destroying generally leads to people no longer giving a **** what is going on around them. So maybe flood Gaza with aid in a way Hamas can't steal it, or with so much that the people themselves begin to have a semblance of power through education and wealth

Leaving the place in rubble and sustaining it like it's an "open air prison" just seems like asking for more enemies

Religion probably needs to go through some sort of reformation as well. But that goes back to wealth and education. Abundance as opposed to deprivation...

by TeflonDawg k

Tough question to answer, but this can't possibly be the best way what Israel is doing right now

One thought: Building instead of destroying generally leads to people no longer giving a **** what is going on around them. So maybe flood Gaza with aid in a way Hamas can't steal it, or with so much that the people themselves begin to have a semblance of power through education and wealth

Leaving the place in rubble and sustaining it like it's an "open air prison" just seems like asking for more enemi

Do you agree or not with the idea that foreign powers are financing the most extremist elements of Palestinians society to maximize the damage they can inflict to the state of Israel and basically own a controller to decide when and if tensions go to the max?
