Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33428 Replies


by Luckbox Inc k

They used to put "temp banned" for people who were just temp banned but lately it's just been "banned"


althought, I am sure I will be permabanned for showing the Israelis dancing to awful rave music while blocking trucks.

and if not that, then this will definitely get me

oh and cant miss this one before I go

and this one is just lol

for the record, no one is enjoying any of the things they are doing. and on one wants it to happen. just in case anyone gets the wrong idea from reading about it.

by Victor k

go cry about it. sorry that the truth hurts.

lol @ you telling someone else to cry. You’re one of the most ignorant, delusional crybabies on this site. Babs-level pathetic.

Keep spewing your ignorant bs because you despise Jews.

by spaceman Bryce k

I’m not a very serious people but the logic is flawed. I don’t think any country bans homosexuality because of islam.


--When do you predict the Islamic world will begin it's inevitable acceptance of homosexuality?

by gs3737 k

lol @ you telling someone else to cry. You’re one of the most ignorant, delusional crybabies on this site. Babs-level pathetic.

Keep spewing your ignorant bs because you despise Jews.

nah I love Jews. I just love the Jews that dont support genocide. theres a lot of them actually! I just posted the twitter of one!

by Victor k

nah I love Jews. I just love the Jews that dont support genocide. theres a lot of them actually! I just posted the twitter of one!

What are your thoughts on Muslims?

by Dunyain k


--When do you predict the Islamic world will begin it's inevitable acceptance of homosexuality?

I am very familiar with the map. My answer to your question is over the course of about 80 years. Greece an orthodox christian country just legalized gay marriage. . There is going to be a lot of marriages on the island of lesbos.

by Dunyain k

What are your thoughts on Muslims?

the same

by spaceman Bryce k

look at all the christian countries that treated homosexuals far worse for many years up until 50 years ago. Like for example Spain and Brazil. I don’t think they stopped being christian places, I just think they became more advanced despite being christian and stopped discriminating against gay guys. Same with islamic countries eventually

Brazil was actually faster than most to treat homosexuals and trans with dignity.

Ofc many (most? all?) western countries did horrible things to homosexuals.

Then they actually stopped being christian places, just check polls, people don't believe in actual christian tenets anymore where homosexuality was normalized.

Can it happen to islamic countries? sure, they can secularize. Even if we had more than one example of the opposite (Iran, Afghanistan). Point is they aren't secular right now. So if Israel is bad because it hurts palestinians, and we purportedly have a moral obligation to intervene and stop it, why isn't the same metric used for muslim countries doing bad things to their homosexual citizens?

by Luciom k

Brazil was actually faster than most to treat homosexuals and trans with dignity.

Ofc many (most? all?) western countries did horrible things to homosexuals.

Then they actually stopped being christian places, just check polls, people don't believe in actual christian tenets anymore where homosexuality was normalized.

Can it happen to islamic countries? sure, they can secularize. Even if we had more than one example of the opposite (Iran, Afghanistan). Point is they aren't secular right now. So if I

I don’t understand the nature of your question in relation to what I wrote or my positions. We do have a moral obligation to try to prevent bad things happening in muslim countries to homosexuals. There isn’t anything about islam that is inherently more homophobic than christianity it’s just that islamic countries are underdeveloped.

by Victor k

oh so that guy was not tortured even though it was posted from that Israeli soldier tiktok?

or Israelis are not having a rave party while they block food to starving people?

or the American doctor who wrote an op-ed in the LA Times is lying?

nah, I definitely believe it bc you know, its true.

viktor i am not going to dignify your sources with clicks sorry.

If it comes from you and it puts Israel under a bad light, it's 99% false, that's a pretty good heuristic that saves me time which is why i don't want you banned, i want you to post as much as you can so i can know what propaganda is being pushed with frequent updates.

by spaceman Bryce k

I don’t understand the nature of your question in relation to what I wrote or my positions. We do have a moral obligation to try to prevent bad things happening in muslim countries to homosexuals. There isn’t anything about islam that is inherently more homophobic than christianity it’s just that islamic countries are underdeveloped.

Ok so what should be do? because protesting in western cities didn't work to stop Iran

by Luciom k

Ok so what should be do? because protesting in western cities didn't work to stop Iran

My answer is that we should raise the standard of living in islamic countries so there isn’t a harrison bergeron solution to crime due to malnourished brains. Malala Yousofsai was on the right track. In Irans case military options are on the table. But this is disingenuous framing because the right isn’t doing much to stop violence happening to lgbtq individuals in the western countries they live in either.

--Pertinent to the current conversation, a predominantly Muslim community in Minnesota hired a Christian law firm from Texas to force the school system to let them opt out of pro LGBTQ+ material on religious grounds, and won.

Is this an example of intersectionality?

by Luciom k

viktor i am not going to dignify your sources with clicks sorry.

If it comes from you and it puts Israel under a bad light, it's 99% false, that's a pretty good heuristic that saves me time which is why i don't want you banned, i want you to post as much as you can so i can know what propaganda is being pushed with frequent updates.

you cant refute my posts. esp the ones where the Israelis themselves are bragging about war crimes.

I mean, you cant refute the raw numbers either.

anyway, now is as good as any to remind you guys that ofc I was correct that the Israelis were using the 6 year old girl as bait to murder to more paramedics.

she was then murdered as well. but let me be clear, this was something that just happened and no one wanted it to happen.

by spaceman Bryce k

My answer is that we should raise the standard of living in islamic countries so there isn’t a harrison bergeron solution to crime due to malnourished brains. Malala Yousofsai was on the right track. In Irans case military options are on the table. But this is disingenuous framing because the right isn’t doing much to stop violence happening to lgbtq individuals in the western countries they live in either.

Saudi Arabia has an higher per capita gdp than Greece, and lower poverty among citizens .

Qatar is close to switzerland (for citizens)

Nothing disingenous, we are talking STATE violence to homosexuals. If private citizens are violent, our countries act the same if you are an homosexual targeted by violence, or an heterosexual, as it should be. And we do a fairly decent job of keeping violence limited domestically, for homosexuals and heterosexuals.

by Dunyain k

--Pertinent to the current conversation, a predominantly Muslim community in Minnesota hired a Christian law firm from Texas to force the school system to let them opt out of pro LGBTQ+ material on religious grounds, and won.

Is this an example of intersectionality?

We can now call that law firm simply "specialized in freedom of religion"

by spaceman Bryce k

My answer is that we should raise the standard of living in islamic countries so there isn’t a harrison bergeron solution to crime due to malnourished brains. Malala Yousofsai was on the right track. In Irans case military options are on the table. But this is disingenuous framing because the right isn’t doing much to stop violence happening to lgbtq individuals in the western countries they live in either.

Iran actually seems to be secularizing without us doing anything. For reasons I admit I dont understand, where much of the younger generations in the Muslim world seems to be circling the wagons and becoming more fundamentalist, Iran seems to be going the other way.

Whether this eventually manifests into a cultural revolution away from fundamental Islam remains to be seen. But it seems to be in the cards.

by Victor k

anyway, now is as good as any to remind you guys that ofc I was correct that the Israelis were using the 6 year old girl as bait to murder to more paramedics.

she was then murdered as well. but let me be clear, this was something that just happened and no one wanted it to happen.

No. That is you accepting propaganda at face value because it affirms your biases. All we know is a 6 year old girl died. Everything else is just propaganda. I doubt the people pushing the propaganda even know what happened. They are just cynically crafting a propaganda narrative around a tragic incident to support their cause.

by Dunyain k

Iran actually seems to be secularizing without us doing anything. For reasons I admit I dont understand, where much of the younger generations in the Muslim world seems to be circling the wagons and becoming more fundamentalist, Iran seems to be going the other way.

Whether this eventually manifests into a cultural revolution away from fundamental Islam remains to be seen. But it seems to be in the cards.

Tunisia is maybe the most liberal Arab country and many/most women walking around in Tunis aren't even wearing hijab/scarves.

Just read fifty posts of people trying to justify murder and genocide cause the LGBTQ community might get killed later

Just like Israelis justifying the genocide of the Palestinians. We might lose 500 people! So we have to kill 30,000 people

by Dunyain k

No. That is you accepting propaganda at face value because it affirms your biases. All we know is a 6 year old girl died. Everything else is just propaganda. I doubt the people pushing the propaganda even know what happened. They are just cynically crafting a propaganda narrative around a tragic incident to support their cause.

Do you think because something is propaganda it is false?

Do you need help understanding the difference? Someone who understood the difference wouldn’t have made that post

What part do you need help with?

Does Israel think murdering 6 year olds is tragic? Is it tragic enough for them to stop doing it?

exhibit 25408745 that all accusations are confessions

* The experts: Reem Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences; Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967; Dorothy Estrada Tanck (Chair), Claudia Flores, Ivana Krstić, Haina Lu, and Laura Nyirinkindi, Working group on discrimination against women and girls.

The experts are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN human rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms. Special Procedures mandate-holders are independent human rights experts appointed by the Human Rights Council to address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent of any government or organisation and serve in their individual capacity.

Francesca Albanese
