Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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You can lol safely from your house while betraying the nation that allows you to live a good life, and I book it as a win for actual classic liberalism.
I dont view the fact that scumbag self and a bunch of other scumbags much worse than me get to live a good life on the backs of others to be a win. in other words, I dont think bc its good for me that it is in itself good.
probably misinformation

As likely a bot as anything else, but either way. Reap.
Jared Kushner under fire for calling Gaza waterfront property ‘valuable’
Rumor is it that Trump wants to call it De Río a Mar.
Desde el rio hasta el mar
Desde el rio hasta el mar
A Desde el rio hasta el mar wine mixer would be epic.
Trump Plaza Gaza
all this kid needs is an MRE and no more victim complex according to this thread
no wait, ofc its all misinformation and no one is starving in Gaza
I find it interesting, but not surprising, Jared Kushner is getting raked through the coals by the left wing MSM for pointing out the obvious; that the land in Gaza has a lot of economic potential; and it is unfortunate it is being squandered to support Jihad and terror tunnels, instead of peaceful economic development.
It really is a testament to how dysfunctional Palestinian culture is, that Egypt could have Gaza and wants nothing to do with it.
I am actually not a fan of Trump policies on most topics, but in Arab-Israeli ME relations the Trump administration actually made A LOT more progress than pretty much any modern president, exactly because he did not let Palestinian intransigence hold progress back. And I generally dont think another Trump presidency would be great on most fronts, but I feel more than any other potential president he would have the potential to either force Palestinians make peace or find somewhere else for them to go. No more generational Jihad on the UN's dime.
second, where would they go? where can refugees go from palestine that will give them free rent and food?
Interesting you brought this up, as this involves a history lesson on how the current Palestinian dysfunction is a choice. All the millions of refugees in the world, except Palestinians, are cared for under the umbrella of UNHCR, whose goal is to temporarily take care of refugees and eventually resettle and integrate them in a new place to live independent, functional lives.
The Palestinians on the other hand are cared for under the umbrella of UNRWA, whose mandate is to treat them as refugees generationally until there is some unspecified political resolution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. And the Palestinians actually support this dynamic, as they have this vision that if they live in Gaza and the West Bank terrorizing Israel long enough on the UN dime, then eventually they will be able to conquer Israel and take all the land. And they are concerned if they were relocated this will railroad those plans.
So Palestinians having nowhere else to go is actually a conscious choice they have been making for the last 80 years, as they perceive this would interfere with their plans for conquest of all Israel.
It isn't a perfect analogy, but could you imagine in the Ukraine-Russia conflict instead of relocating all the Ukranian refugees from Eastern Ukraine to Western Ukraine, Poland, Britain, etc. to rebuild their lives; the refugees instead demanded to live in refugee camps on the border of Russia indefinitely, and fire Western provided rockets at Moscow, and occasionally do Mongol style raids into Russia. And everyone would be expected to live with this dynamic for 80 years?
I know inside the magic show everything appears as it should be, but the Palestinian situation really is bizarre and unprecedented.
Would read again
All those words and none of them answer the simple question I asked
Where would they go that will take them and pay their rent / food
It isn't a perfect analogy, but could you imagine in the Ukraine-Russia conflict instead of relocating all the Ukranian refugees from Eastern Ukraine to Western Ukraine, Poland, Britain, etc. to rebuild their lives; the refugees instead demanded to live in refugee camps on the border of Russia indefinitely, and fire Western provided rockets at Moscow, and occasionally do Mongol style raids into Russia. And everyone would be expected to live with this dynamic for 80 years?
I know inside the magic
Many palestinians actually left, but they then exploded in population anyway. Iirc Gaza had 150k palestinian residents in 1949.
Why do you keep bringing up population growth? What argument do you think you are making?
You’re showing Palestinians haven’t been eradicated. That’s all you’re doing unless you can open my mind to another reality.
Eradication and genocide aren’t the same, that’s why they have different words.
Why do you keep bringing up population growth? What argument do you think you are making?
You’re showing Palestinians haven’t been eradicated. That’s all you’re doing unless you can open my mind to another reality.
Eradication and genocide aren’t the same, that’s why they have different words.
Try to read my post again, and what i am replying to.
Why do you keep bringing up population growth? What argument do you think you are making?
You’re showing Palestinians haven’t been eradicated. That’s all you’re doing unless you can open my mind to another reality.
Eradication and genocide aren’t the same, that’s why they have different words.
They have millions of people packed into a tiny strip of land which some here describe as a prison, with no way to feed themselves other than shipments through the land of their greatest enemy, yet they somehow think it's a good idea to have more children than people in any other country on the earth. You don't find that to be at all relevant?
I honestly can't understand why Israel has treated them as well as they have. Have you ever heard of a war where you tell your enemy exactly where and when you will be attacking? Where you provide your enemy with even a single crumb of food or drop of water? Since when is it considered normal to expect one nation to provide anything to its enemy? I don't even think the US should be providing any aid - the Palestinians are not our allies. Why isn't any other country giving them food? Why hasn't Iran been giving them food, instead of weapons? I don't know why Israel is letting even a single truck across the border, or why they have let anything across the border for the last 17 years. That's the biggest thing Israel did wrong; allowing them to become dependent on imports from that nation they have sworn to destroy. Israel should have sealed the border as soon as Hamas took power, and waited to see what friends they had to come to their rescue.
FYI, the allies did feed the Germans they occupied.
Even the Germans fed (most) of the people they occupied.
Even during the Middle Ages, hell, literally biblical times, it was considered humane and moral to feed your enemies.
How is this even an argument.
They have millions of people packed into a tiny strip of land which some here describe as a prison, with no way to feed themselves other than shipments through the land of their greatest enemy, yet they somehow think it's a good idea to have more children than people in any other country on the earth. You don't find that to be at all relevant?
I honestly can't understand why Israel has treated them as well as they have. Have you ever heard of a war where you tell your enemy exactly where and wh
Are you saying they are being negligent by having kids?
Israel could treat them better than anyone else, and it doesn’t mean Israel is doing right. Morality is not relative. It’s binary. Something is either right or it’s wrong.
Blah blah blah. More circular arguing without any substance
Where should they go? Where can they go that takes refugees who have nothing?
More suggestions for war crimes. Yawn. If I were to meet you in real life and beat your ass, you would call the police. You would complain that someone is hurting you and that you need help. Can you imagine if the police responded how you respond?
“ you should’ve left”
Straight idiocy. But of course chillrob, Lucium and dunyain are the opposite of ethical and logical posters. Perhaps it’s all a troll, but more likely than not you guys are supporting genocide because you’re insecure and it gives you a group of people to hangout with.
They have millions of people packed into a tiny strip of land which some here describe as a prison, with no way to feed themselves other than shipments through the land of their greatest enemy, yet they somehow think it's a good idea to have more children than people in any other country on the earth. You don't find that to be at all relevant?
I honestly can't understand why Israel has treated them as well as they have. Have you ever heard of a war where you tell your enemy exactly where and wh
Yeah none of this explains why you don't give a **** about children starving to death.
I deleted a post about Cyprus for bigoted statements about muslims as an entire group. Those need to stop. Also, the Cypress 1974 invasion is off topic in this thread.