Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Yes and who provides those numbers? Hamas I am sure their very reliable. Of that number how many are Hamas soldiers ?
you guys come in here with the same easily debunked talking points. its trivially easy to be informed on this. but rather than do any research, analysis, reflection, or just cursory reading you repeat the same crap.

that said, the numbers are a massive undercount as Lucium has indicated. they simply are not able to count and verify all of the dead at this point.
28k of them died in the first 40-60 days, do yoi realize that?
we already had the 28k number months ago, now we are at like 32k
Period were saying it was 29k mid December so it's under 5k the past 90 days so about 60 per day
Still sucks but for a war it's super low
But that's because Israel hasn't really attacked rafah yet per se
If you're just going to make **** up, why not say there were zero deaths over the past 5 months?
lol i wrote 3 months for a reason, and I didn't make anything up.
it has been months that civilian deaths are down to a small trickle in Gaza, that's what the data says.
you know it but you like to lie about it because it collapses the anti Israel narrative.
after a (completely justified) impetuous start, where 28k people were killed , Israel isn't almost killing anyone anymore and that has been the case for months.
in fact the "smart" anti -israel people are focusing on other stuff now, namely the purported lack of food for civilians.
Which ofc they grotesquely exaggerate, but that's another topic.
lol, the IDF itself relies on these numbers, they're the most accurate count available.

Very normal society
Again, this is a lie as over 80 people died yesterday and I'm pretty sure we've had consistent numbers in the 80-100 range for days now.
Again, yesterday is one day, if you find and post daily deaths since January from a reputable source, giving very different numbers from my 30/day estimate, you can have a point, otherwise you are just angry that your narrative is collapsing
Very normal for a society that is under existential risks because neighbors want to genocide it to either get genocided, or start considering unlimited violence against the enemy as a moral positive if not an imperative.
What's not normal is for some western people not to be fully pro Israel no matter what they do given the existential genocide threat.
With the **** show that has been going on since the beginning, the avg death toll atm seems about a good as you can get considering the current situation of a million gazans.
Of interest. The NYT is walking back a portion of the Hamas rape charges.
New video has surfaced that undercuts the account of an Israeli military paramedic who said two teenagers killed in the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Oct. 7 were sexually assaulted.
The unnamed paramedic, from an Israeli commando unit,
Well I for one am shocked, utterly, that a story that started out so well sourced turned out to be bunk.
But really, to be the most cynical I can be (which never seems to be cynical enough these days), the NYT is getting a 2nd mileage out of its lie. Not only does the initially story serve as a distraction away from the genocide, but then the subsequent walking back and detailed justifications of the initial lies can even further distract from what is actually happening there which is genocide and ethnic cleansing with full U.S. support. I mean, I'm no journalist but even I can see that that's the story, not specious and unfounded claims of sexual assault.
Very normal for a society that is under existential risks because neighbors want to genocide it to either get genocided, or start considering unlimited violence against the enemy as a moral positive if not an imperative.
What's not normal is for some western people not to be fully pro Israel no matter what they do given the existential genocide threat.
look at this women calling for genocide at 35s
lol keep posting pallywood videos that will certainly do it the zillionth time
she def calls for genocide. you would appreciate it.
yes that is the deal that Hamas is offering. release the hostages and stop the genocide.
Bibi and almost all of the country want the hostages released and then to continue murdering Palestinians.
Very normal for a society that is under existential risks because neighbors want to genocide it to either get genocided, or start considering unlimited violence against the enemy as a moral positive if not an imperative.
What's not normal is for some western people not to be fully pro Israel no matter what they do given the existential genocide threat.
How many Palestinian death per Israeli casualties you think is adequate to defend themselves before you feel the respond is exaggerated ?
10-1 ?
What would be a necessary ratio to think It ressemble a genocide response ?
1000-1 ?
100k-1 ?
Seem to me at 30-1 we are far from the perception of Israel just « defending themselves »…..
So what’s your number ?
Why hasn't Israel really began destroying rafah yet if it's goal is to kill lots of civilians
They've been holding off for so long, well over a month, that it looks as if (a) they haven't got the troops, the emergency reserves having been released back to civilian life and (b) they're scared by the Americans withholding the usual blanket approval, which means that Israel's whole strategic we-can-do-what-we-like posture has to be reconsidered, and not before time.
I agree. I wrote that many months ago. you can see how my position has changed a lot since then.
its a Supremacist society indoctrinated from birth to commit this genocide.
Yeah I was going back to the beginning of the thread to get the hot takes and see how some individuals might have evolved their positions. Seems like those against genocide have expanded their knowledge and filled in their positions while those who are pro genocide keep saying the same nonsense based on religious "truths" and speculative, paranoid aggrandizement of the "existential threat" to the occupiers. Strange.
Pro genocide, lol
How many Palestinian death per Israeli casualties you think is adequate to defend themselves before you feel the respond is exaggerated ?
10-1 ?
What would be a necessary ratio to think It ressemble a genocide response ?
1000-1 ?
100k-1 ?
Seem to me at 30-1 we are far from the perception of Israel just « defending themselves »…..
So what’s your number ?
There is no number
The correct number is the majority of hamas with as few civilian casualties as possible. But there is no number that answers your question
They've been holding off for so long, well over a month, that it looks as if (a) they haven't got the troops, the emergency reserves having been released back to civilian life and (b) they're scared by the Americans withholding the usual blanket approval, which means that Israel's whole strategic we-can-do-what-we-like posture has to be reconsidered, and not before time.
C) they are hoping they get help internationally to set up refugee camps away from rafah so they can invade. This answers goes against them wanting genocide so people in this thread may reject it but it's the most likely reason