Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33308 Replies


learn this one neat trick of fascism and genocide!

Because we need the Japanese lmao that’s why. Same reason we don’t call the Germans Nazis anymore. We need them against Russia. Man you’re so smart. And so well informed

Chinas genocide is worse than the Catholic Churches ? I doubt it

Are Israeli settlers terrorists? Are they civilians? Armed combatants?

I dont think the Zionists in this thread will be calling the settlers currently on a 2 day long pogrom terrorists any time soon

How many of these capatgon pills from Assad make it to

israel and palestine? Assad is flodding the arab world with meth now. how many are high on the battle field?
Captagon pills were found in the pockets of Hamas terrorists.

50k seized blaiming israel as source


by Victor k

I dont think the Zionists in this thread will be calling the settlers currently on a 2 day long pogrom terrorists any time soon

I thought the kibbutzes were peaceful places full of Elderly farmers???

whos gonna tell him

by PointlessWords k

I thought the kibbutzes were peaceful places full of Elderly farmers???

these settlers are different entities than the kibbutzes.

Meanwhile in Europe...

the stuff in Germany is insane. detaining that doctor and University rector and then using 900 police to storm an event is just incredible. they shut off the electricity and arrested a bunch of people including Jews. also arrested a Jewish person holding a sign that said free Palestine.

Yannis was supposed to speak there too.

says they threatened him with a year of jail time if he Zoomed in for his speech.

the problem is that they were never de-Nazified in the West.

they talk about it some on this podcast which is the best I have found thus far.

It’s not that crazy. They see it as anti semitic

by Luciom k

for citizens? not really even under whatever assumption you want to make on how they treat a specific group of non citizens.

It's their own choice, in occupying the West Bank, to decline to annexe the territory, which would create an expectation that the Arabs become Israeli citizens, diluting the Jewish majority, and it's their own choice to run it instead as an apartheid state where Arabs can be shot on sight for using the wrong Jews-only footpath and settlers can acquire Arab farms and properties by the simple expedient of shooting the owners without fear of legal redress. In East Jerusalem it's slightly different, and they arrange to have the owners arrested for whatever reason and detained for long enough -- I think it's six weeks -- for their property to become 'vacant' under the occupation law and therefore available for settlers to seize.

It's not good. Where a supposedly democratic state takes charge of large numbers of people and controls their lives but denies them basic civil rights... it's not good.

by PointlessWords k

It’s not that crazy. They see it as anti semitic

sure. but antisemitic is a completely insane term at this point. it has no definite meaning.

It does have a meaning. People are liars tho

by PointlessWords k

It’s not that crazy. They see it as anti semitic

Only because of their own (obviously justified) guilt over the Holocaust.

by jalfrezi k

Meanwhile in Europe...


by 57 On Red k

It's their own choice, in occupying the West Bank, to decline to annexe the territory, which would create an expectation that the Arabs become Israeli citizens, diluting the Jewish majority, and it's their own choice to run it instead as an apartheid state where Arabs can be shot on sight for using the wrong Jews-only footpath and settlers can acquire Arab farms and properties by the simple expedient of shooting the owners without fear of legal redress. In East Jerusalem it's slightly different,

It is a bit of an intractable problem. The West Bank overlooks all of Israel's major population centers, so given the Palestinians proclivity for terrorism and attacking civilian population centers, they cant just cede such militarily strategic high ground to the Palestinians.

But annexing the land and taking in millions of radicalized Palestinians would literally cause a Civil War that would destroy the entire region. There is not a single state actor in the region that endorses such a suicidal move by Israel, which is why it is not even part of the discourse, except for when non elite Western liberals who live thousands of miles away bring it up.

I am pretty sure in some hypothetical scenario Israel tried to annex the entire West Bank and the entire Palestinian population there, the Arab world would protest the most vociferously against such a move, as the regional destabilization this would cause would affect them so dramatically. It would be Syria/Lebanon x100.

According to Twitter, Iran has begun its attack on Israel. A lot of noise about what exactly is happening, so I guess we will have to wait a little bit until reliable information comes in.

Iran has launched drones at Israel, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Saturday night.

It said the wave could take hours to reach Israel.

This is a break news story, please return to this page for more details.

and the grauniad at it's finest

Joe Biden was rushing back to the White House on Saturday afternoon from a weekend trip to Delaware as Israel fired dozens of drones against Israel.

Hoping this is a fake or performative or whatever.

The slow flying drones have to fly over a score of US military bases in Iraq and get past the Israeli air defenses and then a Shahed-136 drone only has an 88lb warhead which is very unlikely to injure people in shelters. Iran has ballistic missiles that have 1000lb+ warheads. They aren't trying very hard to really hit Israel.

this is not a good time to be an iranian lieutenant-general

by BOIDS k

this is not a good time to be an iranian lieutenant-general

Seems like this could be mitigated by the IRG not sending generals to liaison with proxies attacking Israel. Seems they could just Zoom call in to give last minute instructions/motivational speeches/etc. to the same effect.

Non zero chance Iran told US what they are doing.

Some Iranian general somewhere is under orders to destroy some radio towers and make sure nobody dies.

This is a great outcome for Israel.

1. No more uncertainty over if/how Iran will respond.
2. Hamas and Hizbollah can’t be happy Iran is telegraphing its not interested in escalation
