Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33356 Replies


by gs3737 k

Still waiting on this…

all of your posts?

or are you trying to say that you reluctantly support genocide?

by rafiki k

I saw her social. It's just so much like in here that at this point I'm basically saying "that's it?"

I'm so conditioned to life in here that her reposts don't really bother me. Par for the same course.

ok so it actually doesnt bother you and you still wont link or screenshot anything.

I think we are done here.

by Victor k

all of your posts?

or are you trying to say that you reluctantly support genocide?

Show me a single post of mine where I celebrated any of the stuff you posted.

I’d hate to think that you’re a liar…

here ya go

just embrace your inner Rafiki and Dun and admit you love this **** that is happening right now.

by gs3737 k

Terrorists, not prisoners.

Plenty of countries have the death penalty for terrorists.

Usually we go through the niceties of trials and so on first. Well, the US doesn't *always* do that, but usually. I don't think we execute people en masse either, but when in Rome...

these are the people they cant wait to murder. kids.

by Victor k

here ya go

just embrace your inner Rafiki and Dun and admit you love this **** that is happening right now.

lol wtf are you even talking about??

“You love this.”

“Show me one quote of me loving this.”

*shows a quote that had zero to do with loving it*

“Just admit you love this ****”

This is pathetic, even by your standards.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Usually we go through the niceties of trials and so on first. Well, the US doesn't *always* do that, but usually. I don't think we execute people en masse either, but when in Rome...

And if found guilty of terrorism, the death penalty applies.

This isn’t some radical idea. A significant number of countries have terrorism as a capital offense.

by rafiki k

I saw her social. It's just so much like in here that at this point I'm basically saying "that's it?"

I'm so conditioned to life in here that her reposts don't really bother me. Par for the same course.

I doubt this has anything to do with her social media per se. I am guessing the real story is they "asked" her not to do any activism during her speech, and she refused. So they aren't letting her speak. And all the rest is just spin.

by gs3737 k

lol wtf are you even talking about??

“You love this.”

“Show me one quote of me loving this.”

*shows a quote that had zero to do with loving it*

“Just admit you love this ****”

This is pathetic, even by your standards.

It does seem like you at least really enjoy giving **** to Victor. Have you considered why that is?

by Luckbox Inc k

It does seem like you at least really enjoy giving **** to Victor. Have you considered why that is?

Because his clear motivation is hatred of Jews. He doesn’t care at all about the suffering of the Palestinians. Also, he appears to be a terrible human being.

I disagree with the views of some others in this thread. We will likely never see eye to eye on this conflict. However, they seem to be sincere.

Vic exists in this thread to spread hatred against Jews, not Israelis.

by Luckbox Inc k

Google fires a bunch of people who had a sit-in protesting the use of Google technology facilitating genocide and has officially changed their motto to "**** it we're evil"

This has to be a confusing time for the progressive activist left. They spent the last several years running pogroms against conservatives, and the institutional left permitted it. I am sure if this protest had happened in 2021 against some aspy white software engineer who insisted, "All lives matter" Google would have supported them and run said engineer out.

So the activists (falsely) assumed they have righteous carte blanche to continue pushing other aspects of their platform. However, what they failed to grasp is that the institutional class does not have a 1st principle commitment to left wing activism. The actual cause matters. and now that the activist left is taking it back to 700 AD and running pogroms against the Jews, the institutional left is pushing back.

Of course, this is an argument that dissidents/conservatives have been making the last several years; that the institutional left selectively enforcing laws and policies is going to cause a lot of problems down the road.

by Dunyain k

I doubt this has anything to do with her social media per se. I am guessing the real story is they "asked" her not to do any activism during her speech, and she refused. So they aren't letting her speak. And all the rest is just spin.

this is not the story she nor the university give.

she said she had not even started writing her speech yet.

So Erdogan's Islamist party in Turkey is very unpopular mainly for domestic policy reasons; and in response he is turning to the tried and true Islamofascist playbook of trying to distract the populace by going after the Jews, ostensibly for their treatment of Palestinians.

And like all Islamists, he is completely agnostic towards the double standard between his criticism of Israel and his own (arguably much worse) treatment of minority groups domestically and in neighboring nations.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

by Victor k

this is not the story she nor the university give.

she said she had not even started writing her speech yet.

I understand that. I gave my opinion what really happened, and stated everyone is now trying to spin the story towards their own interests. Feel free to disagree.

by rafiki k

Trolly you didn't raise a child in a war zone. You can't know what it's like. Taking the fight to someone thousands of miles away is nothing like having the fight on your doorstep every day. These things are not the same. Your home town is not evacuated right now.

Have you?

by rafiki k

I realize you've never lived in a place under constant attack. I realize that much Trolly. Anyone who's grown up under armed guard definitely doesn't find it outrageous to try to get a sense of normal back via your defence forces putting it all on the line.

Btw Hezbollah are tough hombres. I may dislike them, but I respect them. They're well trained, well armed, and well funded. Fearless too.

Nah. People don’t do that. Are you going to be in the defense force or are you volunteering other people?

South Korea doesn’t invade North Korea. Ever. You’re very smart

by gs3737 k

And if found guilty of terrorism, the death penalty applies.

This isn’t some radical idea. A significant number of countries have terrorism as a capital offense.

Really? How many terrorists has the US executed?

by PointlessWords k

Really? How many terrorists has the US executed?

Where did I say the US?

You said it’s not a radical idea. You didn’t offer any reasons why. Lots of countries have legal slavery, does that mean it’s not a radical idea?

by PointlessWords k

Have you?


by Trolly McTrollson k

We're invading Lebanon too? Oh boy!

Invading? Hezbollah has been sttacking Israel for months

by PointlessWords k

You said it’s not a radical idea. You didn’t offer any reasons why. Lots of countries have legal slavery, does that mean it’s not a radical idea?

So is US the standard??

I don’t think classifying terrorism as a capital offense is a radical idea. Or even wrong.

by Luckbox Inc k

Google fires a bunch of people who had a sit-in protesting the use of Google technology facilitating genocide and has officially changed their motto to "**** it we're evil"

That's because they weren't facilitating genocide

by Victor k

all of your posts?

or are you trying to say that you reluctantly support genocide?

Nobody besides you in this thread supports genocide

by Luckbox Inc k

It does seem like you at least really enjoy giving **** to Victor. Have you considered why that is?

Because he's a loser antisemite who believes any anti Israel twitter account and thinks all Jews are shady liars?

by metsandfinsfan k

Nobody besides you in this thread supports genocide

it doesnt work this way. supporting Palestinians to not be murdered, despite how much their presence makes you angry, does not support genocide. you could just stop being such a baby about these people existing.
