Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33308 Replies


Playing the victim card while you are slaughtering a captive population which has nowhere to escape to and which you massively outgun is disgusting.

Some of you people should be ashamed of yourselves. If you were capable of feeling shame that is, which I doubt.

by Brian James k

Playing the victim card while you are slaughtering a captive population which has nowhere to escape to and which you massively outgun is disgusting.

Some of you people should be ashamed of yourselves. If you were capable of feeling shame that is, which I doubt.

Which population are the Jews in New York and London slaughtering??

i should note that i do not feel unsafe as a jewish londoner. it tends to be the older generation who report feeling unsafe, perhaps because they have experienced more antisemitism over the years than my generation. also i married a bengali girl and we have a daughter together, which totally throws the IRL victors off the scent

i suspect i would feel differently if i were a conspicuous jew (and therefore potentially antagonising folk with my open jewishness), but that is just speculation

by gs3737 k

Which population are the Jews in New York and London slaughtering??

the Palestinians

by Victor k

the Palestinians

It might be time to up your meds.

I have a pretty good idea of Vic's list. But jalfrezi, can I have YOUR list of countries that you take this much issue with? Like ballpark, it's ok if Israel tops your list. What others are in the ballpark for you?

by BOIDS k

i should note that i do not feel unsafe as a jewish londoner. it tends to be the older generation who report feeling unsafe, perhaps because they have experienced more antisemitism over the years than my generation. also i married a bengali girl and we have a daughter together, which totally throws the IRL victors off the scent

i suspect i would feel differently if i were a conspicuous jew (and therefore potentially antagonising folk with my open jewishness), but that is just speculation

Basically. Which is probably why my (fictional) relatives are concerned with wearing kippahs in public.

by gs3737 k

Denying the existence of Jews is the most anti-semetic thing ever.

No matter how times you cry about it, it’s no less true.

And it isn’t even a stretch (like a terrorist lover like you discussing issues with your Jewish neighbors), but you’re clearly a crybaby ignoramus.

Ok, so you have no polls, only hysteria gs #3737.


I think you're wrong about who would or wouldn't call things genocide if the situation were reversed. In this group there are a bunch of Christians. There are Christians who are communists or anarchists or anti-Imperialists or whatever who will always side with the oppressed and less powerful and even if they are not fair or rational and adopt the hatred that becomes common in any group that takes sides under conditionals like this, it's about who has less power. There are also Christians in this group who are just fascists who worship power and will side with the more powerful here because they think anyone who complains about being oppressed should be murdered.

So, any world where 6 months of fighting means 300 dead Arabs and 30000 dead Jews would have those Christians on different sides.

For the Jews here, things are a bit different.

by gs3737 k

It might be time to up your meds.

I mean the Jews arent. but the people that you consider Jews are. Gideon Falter absolutely is.

by BOIDS k

i suspect i would feel differently if i were a conspicuous jew (and therefore potentially antagonising folk with my open jewishness), but that is just speculation

Consider hiring some bodyguards and someone to film you next time you decide to take a totally random walk that just happens to be near a pro-Palestine demo.


Maikng it about Gideon Falter is awful.

Police being moronic is not an excuse to attack the victim. Nor does it make their view on anything important in any way.

Really bad that the conversation goes in that direction.

I think you'd have to see Mr Falter as a very willing victim. Some might even suggest he got exactly what he wanted from the predictably appalling Mets.

It certainly won't have harmed his fund raising for the genocide.

by Victor k

I mean the Jews arent. but the people that you consider Jews are. Gideon Falter absolutely is.

Good one??

Must be nice to be unemployed and live in a fantasy land.

Ploughing right on through Sunday, like the tanks of Alshifastan

by jalfrezi k

I think you'd have to see Mr Falter as a very willing victim. Some might even suggest he got exactly what he wanted from the predictably appalling Mets.

It certainly won't have harmed his fund raising for the genocide.

I think that's a very bad path to go down.

by gs3737 k

Which population are the Jews in New York and London slaughtering??

I'm talking about the people in this thread who are constantly crying about antisemitism while they support what Israel is doing in Gaza. If the country you openly support is carrying out a massive systematic slaughter of a captive population then I would suggest you need to toughen up a bit and stop crying about being a victim.

by jalfrezi k

Ok, so you have no polls, only hysteria gs #3737.

Yes, as I’ve said, I only have the word of the Jews I know in London. No formal polls.

Of course, you’re a Jew-hater speaking for how Jews feel.

by jalfrezi k

Some might even suggest he got exactly what he wanted from the predictably appalling Mets.


by chezlaw k

Maikng it about Gideon Falter is awful.

Police being moronic is not an excuse to attack the victim. Nor does it make their view on anything important in any way.

Really bad that the conversation goes in that direction.

hes not a victim. he funds genocide.

by BOIDS k

i should note that i do not feel unsafe as a jewish londoner. it tends to be the older generation who report feeling unsafe, perhaps because they have experienced more antisemitism over the years than my generation. also i married a bengali girl and we have a daughter together, which totally throws the IRL victors off the scent

i suspect i would feel differently if i were a conspicuous jew (and therefore potentially antagonising folk with my open jewishness), but that is just speculation

lol the guy claiming Jews are unsafe in London says that he in fact is not unsafe in London. you kinda gave up the game here bruvski.

baba booey

go ahead and find the post where i claim jews are unsafe in london

take as long as you need

not sure what we are talking about then
