Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


by microbet k

What I do is tell people they are doing propaganda when they call this a chemical attack

dunno how you missed this, but the primary reason for the patently absurd reference to 'chemical weapons' by these silly jerkoffs is to remind jews of the holocaust/Zyklon B

its possible vic is too dopey to realise this and is just repeating language that he's absorbed from twitter, but given his extensive history of antisemitic posting and his near daily references to nazism its just as likely to be intentional


Victor, you're constantly fighting against the helping the largest cause to defend against imperialism at this moment, and you constantly parrot the justifications for that imperialism.

I don't care if the pro-Israel side looks bad. I've pointed out on my own the actual bad stuff that they've done. You're equivocating again, that's a fact.

Jewish Supremacy is a hell of a drug

the stuff about putting the israelis into 'reeducation camps' is another obvious one that you'll see all over pro-hamas twitter (and vic's posting history)

by Bluegrassplayer k

Victor, you're constantly fighting against the helping the largest cause to defend against imperialism at this moment, and you constantly parrot the justifications for that imperialism.

I don't care if the pro-Israel side looks bad. I've pointed out on my own the actual bad stuff that they've done. You're equivocating again, that's a fact.

cant refute. gotta ad hom.

by BOIDS k

the stuff about putting the israelis into 'reeducation camps' is another obvious one that you'll see all over pro-hamas twitter and vic's posting history

its a joke about communism jesus you guys are too much

lol is that what they told you

I refuted what you said... You can't even use your own memes correctly.

Seriously, turn off Twitter and go outside, your brain is fried.

no you changed the subject to Ukraine.

I was talking about the chemical attack on students by IDF soldiers.

by Dunyain k

IN other related news, it would appear that the "IDF chemical weapon attack" that happened at Columbia a few months ago that Victor was crowing about was actually a Jewish student there releasing fart spray into a crowd of protestors. And he was actually indefinitely suspended for the incident, and is actively suing the administration for their handling of it.

I'm not familiar with US federal or NY State law, but in the UK even throwing a glass of wine in someone's face is an assault. The throwing or spraying of an unknown substance is a serious assault threatening bodily harm because the victim cannot know if the substance is corrosive or deadly (people are presumably aware of horrific cases where men have thrown disfiguring acid or alkali in women's faces), and it is an offence to possess or use any noxious spray.

Columbia's Rules of University Conduct, Section 443, Subsection A, 15, apparently make it a 'serious violation' to use or threaten to use any 'noxious chemical'. I doubt it makes any difference if the chemical is fart spray bought on Amazon as opposed to an alleged IDF chemical weapon. I also doubt that the suspended student suing the university has a leg to stand on.

It does seem, though, that the organisers of the January protest in question, the Columbia chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, had themselves been suspended the previous November because they 'repeatedly violated University policies related to holding campus events.'

You said I support imperialism. I pointed out I do not and how you are a huge hypocrite.

I then addressed how your calling this a chemical weapon is equivocation, a common tactic you like to use which is 100% correct and refuting what you had to say about the smell lingering for a long time. When people think chemical weapons, it's a bit more than this. There's a reason why you phrased it the way you did, and it's extremely transparent.

by Victor k

no you changed the subject to Ukraine.

I was talking about the chemical attack on students by IDF soldiers.

can i clarify

by Victor k

I dont think Zionists should be treated like Palestinians. they can be reformed maybe. might need some reeducation camps.

you are saying saw this on twitter and decided to post it here thinking it was a reference to communism, rather than a reference to the holocaust

do you think anyone other than possibly microbob believes that

Do all the countries self-determined by Muslims need these camps?

I was lead to believe it wasn't the self-determined by Jews thing that was the issue. Errybody making these mistakes I'm told.

by BOIDS k

can i clarify

you are saying saw this on twitter and decided to post it here thinking it was a reference to communism, rather than a reference to the holocaust

do you think anyone other than possibly microbob believes that

The Nazis had reeducation camps?

600k dead in Syria, I just wanna be clear here on these camps. Where are we putting them? So many more dead kids, I gotta assume their camps will be first class facilities.

I know Victor feels betrayed that I don't give him 100% support, but shrug. I will try to bring your attention to something he keeps posting and that everyone else keeps ignoring.

The stuff about Hamas' charter is a being used to justify continual killing. You can find things to post to make it look like this, but trying to make it look like most Gazans or Arabs just want all Jews dead is BS.

a shame that this hamas guy who is at peace with all people didnt remind his pals about the peace policy on the morning that they set off to rape and murder on oct 7

could've saved everyone a lot of trouble

by BOIDS k

can i clarify

you are saying saw this on twitter and decided to post it here thinking it was a reference to communism, rather than a reference to the holocaust

do you think anyone other than possibly microbob believes that

Are you trying to insult Microbob, who is another poster?

Anyway, yeah, obviously "reeducation camps" is a reference to communism (mostly in Asia - Vietnam, China, North Korea).

You're a pretty big circle-jerker and don't really care about being honest, so I reckon you'll just say something to the effect of "see microbob loves antisemites!"

by BOIDS k

can i clarify

you are saying saw this on twitter and decided to post it here thinking it was a reference to communism, rather than a reference to the holocaust

do you think anyone other than possibly microbob believes that

by Luckbox Inc k

The Nazis had reeducation camps?

lol exactly

by BOIDS k

a shame that this hamas guy who is at peace with all people didnt remind his pals about the peace policy on the morning that they set off to rape and murder on oct 7

could've saved everyone a lot of trouble

Killed in an Israeli airstrike in 2004, so that would have been hard.

Perhaps the Israeli govt was trying to get rid of the more moderate positions in Hamas just like they favored Hamas over the PLO because they didn't want peace.

Have you guys ever scrolled through this? and coming from this publication, it says a lot.

It's very well done, it animated Oct 7th minute by minute. It's impressive

Gentiles opposing genocide =/= supporting a caliphate just as being Jewish =/= supporting genocide

We should all agree on this

Hell, I've said itt that I oppose a ceasefire and maybe have said that I oppose two states. What I oppose is leaving Hamas in power and perpetual apartheid.

Leaving Hamas in power is insane, but what Israel has done over the last six months (and 60 years) is also insane.

by Bluegrassplayer k

You said I support imperialism. I pointed out I do not and how you are a huge hypocrite.

I then addressed how your calling this a chemical weapon is equivocation, a common tactic you like to use which is 100% correct and refuting what you had to say about the smell lingering for a long time. When people think chemical weapons, it's a bit more than this. There's a reason why you phrased it the way you did, and it's extremely transparent.

ya well people think a lot of wrong things. I try to educate people. in this case, I would not recommend spraying your political opponents with a chemical that causes hospitalization. you may think its no big deal and you maybe correct if you lick the right boots. but you otherwise could end up with some severe consequences.
