Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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And that both sides were terrorists committing war crimes but ONE SIDE MORE THAN THE OTHER
listen, my country firebombed Dresden , Tokyo, and we bombed Nagasaki and Japan. We did bad things. And we were still the lesser of two evils.
Victor, I'm going to level with you in a personal way. My father became a flat earther in his old age. I can spin myself in circles about it (and I did for a while), or just accept that some people believe things to be true no matter what evidence you show them to the contrary. There aren't going to be winners and losers in these debates. Just speak to the audience, and when something is said that you don't believe is true, debunk it the best you can and move on from it. I cannot be the arbiter
tbf lets say someone goes out of their way to make a statement saying holocaust didn't happen and tries to bring up whatever bs excuses as to why to support that statement
that should be bannable if people are saying outright absolute false nonsense, theres free speech then theres whatever you want to call that
tbf lets say someone goes out of their way to make a statement saying holocaust didn't happen and tries to bring up whatever bs excuses as to why to support that statement
that should be bannable if people are saying outright absolute false nonsense, theres free speech then theres whatever you want to call that
That issue is covered in the P&S posting guidelines.
(d) Extremist views well outside of the mainstream will not be allowed: offensive conspiracy theories, posts that glorify violence, call to arms etc.
Everyone play nice while I sleep ♥
teaching the children to hate
First off, there is way more indoctrination and hate going the other way; and it isn't even close.
Second off, that is called blowback, and reason 100 the Palestinians should be more reasonable. Attack a people non stop for 80 years and tell them you are going to wipe them off the Earth, and they are going to become radicalized against you.
Everyone focuses so much on Palestinian radicalization, but it is a 2 way street. And just saying Jews are "white", so they should be better than the "brown" Palestinians isn't a workable ideology.
Jews are still people, and people get tired of being attacked and threatened. This isn't Vichy France. The Israeli Jews aren't going to decide it isn't worth it and just leave.
First off, there is way more indoctrination and hate going the other way; and it isn't even close.
lol oh rly

I could keep going
Palestinians dont need to indoctrinate their kids. the bombs and murder from Israel do enough of that.
and people get tired of being attacked and threatened.
this is an amazing twisting of history.
Palestinians dont need to indoctrinate their kids. the bombs and murder from Israel do enough of that.
this is an amazing twisting of history.
stopped reading here

lol at believing anything they say

such a messed up society
If I can correct this misquote
"Alarmingly, 72 per cent of the 503 respondents said “the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip must be stopped until the Israeli prisoners are released,”
Am I surprised that of the whopping 503 people asked, people wanted to trade aid for hostages? Not THAT surprised, no. I suspect that would be the outcome of any poll of any country thrust into this situation. But I also think polls more recent than 4 months ago while paint more accurate views of the aid situation also. Even in this thread, a lot changed in 4 months.
How do you achieve monopoly of a near-infinite resource?

I do think an attack like that of oct 7th would lead to hamas strengthening itself both militarily and through new recruitment. War does lead to those things happening. But it seems pretty clear they werent anticapting such a deadly takeover so quickly and i think doing so kneecaps them for at least a while
you cant tell Jordan not to dominate. I mean you can, but he wont listen. you could go back with your liberal kind on the many liberal forums you have access to if it really upsets you that much.
I believe this is the kind of posting Crossnerds is trying to avoid in here Victor. Let's try to keep on the right track.
well, I was going to respond but trolly told me not to.
appreciate the tone policing from both of you.
I also appreciate that you apparently speak for crossnerd.
I do think an attack like that of oct 7th would lead to hamas strengthening itself both militarily and through new recruitment. War does lead to those things happening. But it seems pretty clear they werent anticapting such a deadly takeover so quickly and i think doing so kneecaps them for at least a while
nope. what oct 7 did is it made the movement a worldwide movement.
It destroyed the current hamas fighters, but it opened the worlds eyes to the genocide that israel has been involved in since the 1940s
the hamas fighters become martyrs, the world sees what israel is doing, the world responds and palestine is saved.
hamas may be very powerful in 30 years because of this, or they may cease to exist.
Maybe, but those in charge will all be dead of old age if hamas ever comes back
well, I was going to respond but trolly told me not to.
appreciate the tone policing from both of you.
I also appreciate that you apparently speak for crossnerd.
We are all responsible for trying to be better in here. We can create less work for the volunteer mods by just acting like better people.
I do think an attack like that of oct 7th would lead to hamas strengthening itself both militarily and through new recruitment. War does lead to those things happening. But it seems pretty clear they werent anticapting such a deadly takeover so quickly and i think doing so kneecaps them for at least a while
Maybe for a while but even that is being really quite hopeful. Particularly as the enemies are not just hamas while the radicalisation is far more widespread. Add losing so much international support and the only part of this that makes any sense is that netanyahu has no better option for himself than war. It's extremely dangerous that that will remain true.