Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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very normal country

forcing people to invest in Israel and its murder of civilians and apartheid. cant see any blowback here.
I don't think we'll see many Western publications take chances like this anymore. But a short article by By Taghreed El-Khodary (I'm sure a few of you know where this is coming from), to illustrate a point:
GAZA CITY — The emergency room in Shifa Hospital is often a place of gore and despair. On Thursday, it was also a lesson in the way ordinary people are squeezed between suicidal fighters and a military behemoth. Dr. Awni al-Jaru, 37, a surgeon at the hospital, rushed in from his home here, dressed in his scrubs. But he came not to work. His head was bleeding, and his daughter’s jaw was broken. He said Hamas militants next to his apartment building had fired mortar and rocket rounds. Israel fired back with force, and his apartment was hit. His wife, Albina, originally from Ukraine, and his 1-year-old son were killed.
“My son has been turned into pieces,” he cried. “My wife was cut in half. I had to leave her body at home.” Because Albina was a foreigner, she could have left Gaza with her children. But, Dr. Jaru lamented, she would not leave him behind. A car arrived with more patients. One was a 21-year-old man with shrapnel in his left leg who demanded quick treatment. He turned out to be a militant with Islamic Jihad. He was smiling a big smile.
“Hurry, I must get back so I can keep fighting,” he told the doctors.
He was told that there were more serious cases than his, that he needed to wait. But he insisted. “We are fighting the Israelis,” he said. “When we fire we run, but they hit back so fast. We run into the houses to get away.” He continued smiling.
“Why are you so happy?” this reporter asked. “Look around you.”
A girl who looked about 18 screamed as a surgeon removed shrapnel from her leg. An elderly man was soaked in blood. A baby a few weeks old and slightly wounded looked around helplessly. A man lay with parts of his brain coming out. His family wailed at his side.
“Don’t you see that these people are hurting?” the militant was asked.
“But I am from the people, too,” he said, his smile incandescent. “They lost their loved ones as martyrs. They should be happy. I want to be a martyr, too.”
It predates the present war by many years (but still under the Hamas rule). But that's a real account. And that's the crux of the very real problem.
This is an unrelenting death cult that truly believes in martyrdom. Truly believes in the forever war. And will put everybody in harm's way to fight for this cause. Hamas can't stay in power anymore if people in this thread want Gazans to have peace and eventual safety. Gaza needs a new government, asap. That's the starting point. They need out from this delirium.
I think this was quadcopters just massacring a bunch of civilians. heres the aftermath.
you wonder who who is flying the drones and why are they targeting children. and if these operrators go to prison for war crimes.
This is how the military industrial complex works.
The more kids they kill the more blowback there is and the more fighting will need to be done.
More fighting = more profits
you wonder who who is flying the drones and why are they targeting children. and if these operrators go to prison for war crimes.
The Israelis have never ratified the ICC's Rome Statute, so they know they're safe from that kind of prosecution unless they travel to a ratified country while named on a warrant. This probably explains a lot.
criminal country
Extensive operational intellingence. They monitor with drones, they monitor comunications electronically, they have spies on the ground, they get intelligence from other western countries as well.
I believe they've admitted to using algorithms with next to no human input, claiming it saves time. They've subsequently attempted to deny it, but the record appears to be out there.
I believe they've admitted to using algorithms with next to no human input, claiming it saves time. They've subsequently attempted to deny it, but the record appears to be out there.
yes they have admitted to it
972 is a liberal Zionist Israeli site and thus all of this went through their stringent military sensor. kinda gotta wonder why they let this info out there. maybe they wanted to establish that they were just following orders.
I'm honestly confused by why "Zionists" is viewed as such a dirty word in here.
There are 100 countries in the world where the fastest growing religion is islam. Islam is a religion of expansion (among other things clearly), you only need to look at a map to see this play out across the Middle East and North Africa. In every other country there give or take, they run things to the near complete exclusion of anything else (from an ethnic perspective).
Meanwhile for thousands of years, all countries have done is expel Jews. Over and over. Between the constant expulsions (including from their OG homeland) and the extermination, it makes perfectly good sense to give them a place to self-determine and protect themselves. And when the mandate was split, like India-Pakistan, the same deal was done. They got their small part.
So why in the face of that is Zionism said like some insult? The whole region has their version of this.
aaaaaand we're back to kneejerk Islamophobia.
I wonder how it goes from this is my opinion , to this is fact, and this is absolutely the reason why. Islam Christianity and Judaism are basically the same religions. They even worship the same god.
I'm not being remotely Islamophobic Trolly (but I've written "expansion" for clarity sake here). For starters, look at a map. Forget even using dialogue. Look at the size of the land mass where Islam is dominant. Let's just look at this for a moment before we get outraged.
But next, dive into the actual texts and practice Trolly. Are you even a little familiar with the Dawah?
In modern world especially in the West, for example, the purpose of Islamic Dawah is understood in the context of ‘missionary’ zeal and it is equalized with Christian evangelicalism. As a matter of fact many Muslims claim that Islam is a missionary religion. It encourages for preaching and conversion.
It's not remotely insulting to highlight that much like the Christian Evangelicals, Islam proudly expands. This is NOT an insult. You have to be totally unfamiliar with the faith and world maps to find what I'm saying rude or inappropriate. Again in ONE HUNDRED countries, Islam is the fastest growing religion by design. And that is not remotely an insult. These are the facts.
The purpose of highlighting these facts is that ONE country self-determined by Jews is a drop in the bucket compared to this.
the muslims are no colonialists,
wheras Isreal is a colonialists.
I think if you look at the scale of the conquests of old Muslim Empires (Ottoman for example), your argument falls apart very very quickly.
And the moment we rationally use India and Pakistan (which play this out but swap Jews for Hindus), more of the same.
I'm honestly confused by why "Zionists" is viewed as such a dirty word in here.
There are 100 countries in the world where the fastest growing religion is islam. Islam is a religion of expansion (among other things clearly), you only need to look at a map to see this play out across the Middle East and North Africa. In every other country there give or take, they run things to the near complete exclusion of anything else (from an ethnic perspective).
Meanwhile for thousands of years, all countries
it was just a precise description of the 972 magazine.
the muslims are no colonialists,
wheras Isreal is a colonialists.
britain stole the land, murdered, misplaced 1.6M people
then you came in and did the same with the same plan, the nakba.
all illegally then and now. now youre lying about it.
and now you do it again. the nakba.
and the same settlers are in power now.
This is 5 years old, but again this notion of the purity of one side is just not real.
Islamists have killed 167,096 people since 1979 – most of them were Muslims
none of that has anything to do with the Palestinians.
and this is your justification of illegally settling and stealing the land of
palestinians? lol not to mention the murder of them?
and this is your justification of illegally settling and stealing the land of
palestinians? lol not to mention the murder of them?
You can't steal a country from the UN. You have to apply via a rigorous process. The world has to vote and accept it. Then for good measure, you may have to win a defensive war (which has further benefits to the victor).
Again, just like Pakistan and India.
But even moreso, you can't steal what was once yours. Israel has always been a Jewish homeland. And the proof is in the dirt.
Once the British Empire was done with it, it had to become SOMETHING. One group applied for it to become Israel. The end. Jordan is the Pakistan part. These splits happened all over. It's time to get on with life now.
wtf are you talking about india and pakistan?
there is nothing like in gaza happening anywhere.
wtf are you talking about india and pakistan?
there is nothing like in gaza happening anywhere.
I encourage you to go learn about how India and Pakistan became India and Pakistan. In your world many Hindus would consider Pakistan "stolen". Thankfully over there they managed to get somewhat farther along then this endless grudge.
I say somewhat because they could also nuke each other one day, lol. Guess that's more scary than funny.
Btw Washoe, the estimate on dead in the Pakistan-India "upheavals" are between 500k and 2M. A lot of people think it's closer to that 2M figure.
For a sense of the scale of how many refugees moved in 1947, some 850k moved from India to Pakistan in FORTY TWO DAYS (that's just refugees in the one direction). You wanna talk Nakba.
But we aren't rage posting on that. It's a thing that happened 3 generations ago. It's over.
Zionists have killed 35,000 Muslims since 2023.
Btw Washoe, the estimate on dead in the Pakistan-India "upheavals" are between 500k and 2M. A lot of people think it's closer to that 2M figure.
Sounds like ethnonationalism worked out great!
But even moreso, you can't steal what was once yours. Israel has always been a Jewish homeland. And the proof is in the dirt.
sounds like the Palestinians are justified. you might want to get back with Dun to work on your messaging.
You will get absolutely no argument from me on that.
After 4000+ armed terrorists declared war by invading Israel under the cover of 30k+ rockets on Oct 7th, Israel went to war and killed 35k Gazans so far. These are indeed the facts.
As declarations of war go (by Hamas), that one was a whopper. Think it'll be hundreds of years before anyone forgets it.