Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Man I'm glad there were 2 other choppers with the Iranian President's 3rd chopper. Will prevent crazy speculation on an attempt.
Fingers crossed that ****er’s dead
My mom called me happier than a pig in **** gloating about it
Long story short as an iranian who despises the theocracy and wishes for khameni’s death on the daily, anytime you can get his puppet ‘butcher of Tehran’ to meet his untimely end you gotta be happy to have it
well, sometimes you do. look at Stalingrad for instance.
also, they arent really bombing the fighters.
Stalingrado received immense numbers of troops from outside. Like monstrous numbers.
It's not like Stalingrad residents, after many of them got killed, magically became stronger.
Stalingrad was won by the Russians because they threw men from outside with complete disregard for their lives (as it's always the case for communists), a lot of them
Stalingrado received immense numbers of troops from outside. Like monstrous numbers.
It's not like Stalingrad residents, after many of them got killed, magically became stronger.
Stalingrad was won by the Russians because they threw men from outside with complete disregard for their lives (as it's always the case for communists), a lot of them
its a well known trope that the Germans made a mistake reducing the city to rubble before progressing as it gave the Russians infinite hiding spots and hurt German maneuverability.
maybe its bs and false I dunno. its just what the history channel has told us the last 30 years.
I just wondered if there was anything unique about this guy that made him more of a villain than the rest. I dont know anything about him.
the question is why are you putting words into my mouth?
its a well known trope that the Germans made a mistake reducing the city to rubble before progressing as it gave the Russians infinite hiding spots and hurt German maneuverability.
maybe its bs and false I dunno. its just what the history channel has told us the last 30 years.
I just wondered if there was anything unique about this guy that made him more of a villain than the rest. I dont know anything about him.
the question is why are you putting words into my mouth?
Germans made several mistakes in Stalingrad because of Hitler delusions, even against the counsel of his best military advisors.
I am not sure creating ruins gave Russians more hiding spots; urban warfare is stacked full of hiding spots and preferred terrain for local defendants infighting even if untouched by bombs.
Knowing every street, every building, side entrances, street sizes and so on can be invaluable in door to door fighting.
As for the Iranian guy I just thought you knew he was Iranian as I am kinda a newcomer here (just a couple of months) and I knew that from other threads (btw if it matters to you: he deeply despises me and is close to your politics on most other issues).
wtf I love running over protesters now. am
I mean, I cant watch the video for you.
It's the best his Twitter feed could do today

I did I saw the truck slowly going over someone, still don't understand what this is about, where, who is the trucker, who is the person in the street and so on.
its in Israel where government sanctioned psychopaths are stopping trucks to make sure they arent delivering food to Gaza. the other day they beat a driver senseless and left him laying on the side of the road while they smashed all the supplies in his truck. (it was going to WB fwiw)
this driver decided not to risk his life on these scumbags but expertly did not run over them which I now believe was his right.
Schlitz mmmm, I’ve deleted multiple posts of yours today, yet you continue to post no-content trolls.
Please see yourself out of this thread for the rest of the day. Your timeout ends at 12:00 AM Eastern Time. Please do not disregard this message. Thank you
Victor, this is not an acceptable post. Please take a timeout from this thread until 12:00 AM Eastern Time for glorifying violence. Please do not disregard this message. Thank you
What’s the issue here? I think you are being racist against the pro Palestinian fighters. I haven’t heard you tell anyone that they can’t discuss Israelis killing Hamas but when Vic says someone sticking their head up is a good shot it’s violence?
Please correct this
Schlitz mmmm has been temp-banned for posting in this thread after being told to take a break, and for those posts being clearly inappropriate (all now deleted).