Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33308 Replies


by rafiki k

Once in a while I run into a regional stat that stuns me. This is such a stat

According to the Egyptian Family Health Survey (EFHS) 2021, 86 percent of Egyptian married women between the ages of 15 and 49 have undergone FGM (Female genital mutilation), 74 percent of whom by doctors.

That is WILD. I didn't realize Egypt was Islamizing as fast as it was. That's a trajectory to be the next Somalia if their economy keeps regressing at the present pace. Over 4 in 5 married women and rising. I heard 80%

In somalia it's 98% iirc.

And I was called a racist pointing out that this alone should be enough to completely ban immigration from that country.

by jalfrezi k

East coast and West coast voted Dem, the people in the middle voted GOP. Who is in charge of this theoretical state and what about the electronions?

You realize that unlike the USA, the current territories that would make up the state of Palestine under some plans disagree among themselves about who is the proper ruler right?

by chillrob k

Who defines "armed forces"?

Palestine is now recognized as a country by many other countries.

There is a group of armed people who call themselves Hamas which is a wing of those in the ruling government, also called Hamas.

IMO, that means the armed group of Hamas is an armed force. In what way do you think they should not be considered an armed force?

google it and learn for yourself.

by rafiki k

Once in a while I run into a regional stat that stuns me. This is such a stat

According to the Egyptian Family Health Survey (EFHS) 2021, 86 percent of Egyptian married women between the ages of 15 and 49 have undergone FGM (Female genital mutilation), 74 percent of whom by doctors.

That is WILD. I didn't realize Egypt was Islamizing as fast as it was. That's a trajectory to be the next Somalia if their economy keeps regressing at the present pace. Over 4 in 5 married women and rising. I heard 80%

MGM has similar numbers in the US, why dont you bring that up ?

by mongidig k

They can have a state. It will be called Gaza.

The Israeli religious right won't permit that, as long as they have any say.

by PointlessWords k

MGM has similar numbers in the US, why dont you bring that up ?

You're comparing completely removing any sexual pleasure a woman can have externally (by partially or totally removing the genetalia), to circumcision? And at age 7 to 10!

These things are not the same, lol. There is ZERO benefit to FGM. Circumcision demonstrably lowers the chances of UTIs, some STIs, easier hygiene.

This equivalency you're drawing is weak to non-existent.

But don't take me from me, take it from ...

Myth #2: FGM is no different from male circumcision
Fact: Male circumcision is a common procedure in some communities involving the removal of the foreskin on genitalia. The health consequences of male circumcision are drastically different when compared to FGM. According to the World Health Organisation, circumcision of male babies results in "a very low rate of adverse events, which are usually minor (0.2-0.4%)”. Female genital mutilation, on the other hand, is the cutting and/or partial or total removal of genitalia itself. It is estimated that FGM is performed by a medical professional on one in five girls; more often, however, it is performed by community elders, practitioners of traditional medicine, and relatives in rural settings. It is also often performed in unsanitary environments using old knives, razor blades, scissors or broken glass, and without anesthetic. The average age for girls to undergo FGM is between 7 and 10 years old. Adverse effects of FGM include painful intercourse, menstrual blockage, urinary blockage and infection, wound infection, septicaemia and even death. In fact, women who have undergone FGM are twice as likely to die during childbirth and are more likely to give birth to a stillborn baby than those who haven’t.

by jalfrezi k

East coast and West coast voted Dem, the people in the middle voted GOP. Who is in charge of this theoretical state and what about the electronions?

They claim to be one state now but held separate elections. Neither has had one in 20 years

Who's deciding who runs the election? Will hamas accept pa as the ruling party ? They didn't in 2005

Quote where I said they were the same

Women don't matter in Palestinian culture so why would any one be outraged that women shouldn't enjoy sex there?

Hamas wants a Palestinian state they run and will not accept another government

Even biden and blinken agree it should be fatah not hamas

Hamas will not agree to any deal where they don't retain power

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a traditional practice that involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to female genital organs for non-medical reasons. It's also known as female circumcision or cutting, and by other terms, such as Sunna, gudniin, halalays, tahur, megrez and khitan.
FGM has no health benefits and can lead to immediate and long-term complications to women's physical, mental, and sexual health and well-being. Immediate complications can include:
Severe pain
Excessive bleeding
Genital tissue swelling
Urinary problems
Wound healing problems
Injury to surrounding genital tissue
Long-term complications can include:
Problems with sex, childbirth, and mental health
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Memory loss
Reduced sexual feelings
Painful sexual intercourse
FGM is usually carried out on young girls between infancy and the age of 15, most commonly before puberty starts. It's illegal in many countries, but it is still routinely carried out in parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

From unicef

What is female genital mutilation?
Everything you need to know about FGM and what UNICEF is doing to stop it
A girl holds up a poster of her drawings.
Available in:
An estimated 230 million girls and women worldwide have undergone some form of female genital mutilation (FGM) – many before the age of 15. Despite being internationally recognized as a human rights violation, FGM persists for various reasons. No matter where or how it is performed, FGM causes extreme physical and psychological harm.

What is FGM?
Female genital mutilation (FGM) refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. It is most often carried out on young girls between infancy and age 15. In every form in which it is practiced, FGM is a violation of girls’ and women’s fundamental human rights, including their rights to health, security and dignity.

How is FGM a risk for girls and women?
FGM has no health benefits and can lead to serious, long-term complications and even death. Immediate health risks include haemorrhage, shock, infection, HIV transmission, urine retention and severe pain.

Psychological impacts can range from a girl losing trust in her caregivers, to longer-term feelings of anxiety and depression.

In adulthood, girls subjected to FGM are more likely to suffer infertility or complications during childbirth, including postpartum haemorrhage, stillbirth and early neonatal death.

Why is FGM still practiced?
Numerous factors contribute to the persistence of the practice. Yet in every society in which it occurs, FGM is an expression of deeply rooted gender inequality.

Some societies see it as a rite of passage. Others use it to suppress a girl’s sexuality or ensure her chastity. FGM is not endorsed by Islam or Christianity, but religious texts are commonly deployed to justify it.

Where FGM is most prevalent, communities may deem it a prerequisite for marriage or inheritance. This makes it difficult for parents to abandon the practice. Families who don’t participate face ostracism, their daughters at risk of becoming ineligible for marriage.

by 57 On Red k

The Israeli religious right won't permit that, as long as they have any say.

The religious right also said they wouldn't allow withdrawing from gaza or dismantling the gaza settlements 20 years ago

They also won't allow their kids to join hr military but that's about to change as well

PM Netanyahu said President Biden's cease-fire proposal won't stop the war, but will lead to a temporary truce to release hostages held by Hamas. Egypt's foreign minister said Hamas views the deal positively, and is awaiting Israel's response. The IDF said it is conducting criminal investigations into 48 deaths of Gazans held in Israeli prisons during the war. Palestinian President Abbas said "Iran aims to sacrifice Palestinian blood" after Supreme Leader Khamenei said Hamas' October 7 attack came "at the right time."

So why don’t you guys criticize countries and or religions that promote MGM?

Egypt is probably full of **** as always.

by PointlessWords k

So why don’t you guys criticize countries and or religions that promote MGM?

I do but less because it doesn't preclude orgasms , it's basically far less invasive.

I am in record saying I would ban it for non Jews, and that Jews have a right to circumcision for exceptional circumstances, which we shouldn't extend to others.

I have no problem on giving special treatment to people who deserve it, I am not a leftist equality isn't a value for me

Why do you disagree with cutting hands of children if you agree with earrings for girls?

I’m not the one that said FGM is from the Islamization of a country

by Luciom k

You realize that unlike the USA, the current territories that would make up the state of Palestine under some plans disagree among themselves about who is the proper ruler right?

So? One nation would tun like any other nation with democratic elections.

Israel stands at a historic crossroads with broader implications than the current war in Gaza. The decisions of the Israeli government in the near future will shape the American defense alliance in the Middle East and impact the weakening of Iran and the stability of the global economy.

In the current war, Iran is a dominant hostile player toward Israel and the US through its funding of proxies in the region. Therefore, Israel is taking steps to weaken Iran in the region and globally. A normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia will advance this mission, improve the region’s economy, and impact the global economy.

Tehran understands why normalization agreements are so important to Israel, the Saudis, and especially the Americans. Some will argue that these agreements foster increasing aggressive hostility from Tehran because it knows that signing the normalization agreement will make it difficult to implement the Islamic Republic’s malicious plans. Iran knows well that its regional legitimacy will fade, the Western defense alliance will become stronger, and it will create a strategic envelope based on a regional coalition with the US, as it was during the last Iranian attack on Israel.

Saudi Arabia’s role is crucial in the Arab world due to its political, economic, and religious significance, including the fact that it is home to important Islamic sites

Recognizing Israel’s legitimacy will impact the Arab world and the Western defense alliance in the Middle East. The recent normalization agreement with Israel aims to counter Iran’s influence, alongside China’s growing presence. Despite challenges such as Saudi Arabia’s demand for a Palestinian state, which is problematic for Israel – and rightly so – Israel must capitalize on this opportunity and negotiate effectively to secure benefits from this agreement. Normalization with Saudi Arabia has many advantages, primarily economic ones.

As of 2022, Saudi Arabia holds the title of “largest economy in the Middle East,” according to the World Bank, with a GDP of about $ 800 billion. This economy is based mainly on its oil reserves and less on technological developments. Therefore, there is a golden opportunity for Israel to open the Saudis’ doors to Israeli companies specializing in technology, thereby opening up a new market for manufacturers and extensive exports. The Saudis’ interest in technology and renewable energy will greatly contribute to Israel on the economic level and also save Saudi Arabia from the field in which it has lagged behind.

In 2016, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) declared “Saudi Vision 2030,” which aims to end the kingdom’s dependence on oil sources and to provide other economic sources. The Saudi kingdom is aware that the price of oil is subject to sharp fluctuations over the years; and that oil is ultimately a depletable resource. Normalization will open both countries to new markets and cooperation in the fields of water, energy, and hi-tech.

Moreover, it will reduce the security expenses of the countries involved, since the agreement will defensively secure their position in the region.

The importance of agreement for the US
But why does the US want this agreement so much?

Beyond President Joe Biden’s apparent desire to register such an achievement ahead of the upcoming elections in November 2024, the US wants to promote economic development and prosperity in the Middle East that will include an infrastructure and trade corridor starting from India, passing through Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Israel, and even reaching all of Europe.

The American administration sees this economic plan as a serious game-changer that will affect the integration in the Middle East and the entire Western economy, namely Europe.

The “India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor” initiative, which the American administration wants to promote as quickly as possible, will include road and rail routes that will transport various goods and oil that will enrich Western economy, cause a significant drop in prices that will also reach Europe, and positively affect the global economy.

Overall, the interests of the three leaders intersect: MBS seeks to portray himself as a leader confronting the region’s challenges while heavily relying on the United States; Biden aims for significant international achievements ahead of the elections and to execute a project that would change the region and the world economy; and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees an opportunity to advance Israel’s economy and strengthen its long-term security. Netanyahu must make tough decisions and take appropriate steps for the diplomatic and security development of Israel, the Middle East, and potentially the whole Western world.

From Jerusalem Post

Controlling the sexuality of young females is an important component of most trad cultures, with FGM being an extreme measure of this ideology, with hair covering and not allowing women to walk unattended less extreme measures. I am currently binge watching Shogun right now, and watching trad Japanese culture it is clear it was attempting similar goals for similar reasons, just going about it different.

I wouldn't support such a practice in the civilized world, but If non-liberal Islamist nations like Somalia and Egypt choose to make this practice common, that is their prerogative, and I am not going to pretend that I am going to lose a lot of sleep over it.

Indeed, I suspect that for psych evolution reasons human societies can probably survive just fine practicing extreme control of female sexuality, including FGM; whereas many extreme progressive ideas (such as pro crime/defund the police) are society enders.

I think it is important for Western Civilization to resist Islamism when they bring the fight to us, as is going on in Israel right now, and to support popular efforts in places where the majority of the populace wants to overthrow Islamism (which we could theoretically be doing a lot more in Iran); but if a culture overwhelmingly chooses Islamism and extreme practices such as FGM, it is not our place to dictate that cant do this.

IMO at least.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Sinwar basically saying he’s happy to force Israel to keep killing. He’s telling Palestinians to keep dying on his behalf.

Hamas political leadership just wants to keep grifting and keep their Ritz suites

Sinwar is your Stacy Keach from American History X. When he loses enough knuckle draggers to fight for his dime, he ll be selling disney gift card scams through Sams club.

You mean he will join his buddies in Dubai and start grifting too?

by jbouton k

One of my theories draw on a ton of info I have on ai/chatgtp that comes from a unique view I have on scaling etc. It's all convinced me the backdooring problem is MUCH worse than we as normal citizens are thinking. So this could be outlandish as a theory but I still think its the start of some useful 'open the overton window' type thinking.

So the first thought is that isreal doesn't control its targets, or the question of perhaps who does, or even more sophisticated...WHO is legally responsi

This is an example/explanation of what I'm think that I think is very relevant and significant. He explains there is a questionable nature of who is responsible when you consider the actual deployment is simply a responsibility of the grunt soldiers versus the actual decisions and technology that are involved:

Thats just on a munitions...think about how you secure your AI and all the possible attack vectors, from the energy, storage, dataset, training, firmwar, software, hardware, communications etc. I have a hunch that over time Israel's explanation of their actions is going to seem like they are narrating for someone/something else.

If AI is choosing the targets...who is liable for that?
