Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33608 Replies


by chezlaw k

Maximising the cheering doesn't coincide with the world being a better place.

Knowing that hostage negotiations have failed completely because Hamas refuses to budge from its demands that Israel leaves completely, Hamas remain in power, the world rebuilds Gaza, and only then will they start any hostage negotiations (and these maximalist demands are a non starter for Israel); and knowing Israel has done nothing but find dead hostages for months, and this may be the last chance to retrieve any live hostages; do you think Israel should have just passed on the rescue attempt because the risk for collateral damage was too high?

So details are leaking out.

Israel intelligence indicates it was 2 separate simultaneous rescues; and the rescue of the Israeli woman hostage who was being held hostage by the "doctor" and his family went smoothly; but the rescue of the 3 male hostages being held by the Al Jazeera "journalist" and his family resulted in a firefight with said "journalist" that ended up with one dead IDF soldier and the "journalist" and his family dead.

And then while driving to the extraction point 2 vehicles had mechanical issues that delayed them; and it appears this is where the IDF may have overreacted, as they laid down heavy aerial fire to buy the extraction team time, and this is probably when most of the collateral damage casualties happened. One thing we dont know is how much imminent danger the extraction team was in, and whether laying down such cover fire to buy them time was warranted or not. But hard to make these kind of decisions in the heat of the moment and the fog of war, especially when you are transporting a severely wounded soldier (who ultimately didn't make it).

by 57 On Red k

As far as we know it did occur on a number of occasions. It would hardly have to be planned. There's no reason to think it was discouraged.

Agree 100%. I find it difficult to arrive at any other conclusions. Jalfrezi seems to have been, but was never really outright saying it. I have no idea what point he was trying to make.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Agree 100%. I find it difficult to arrive at any other conclusions. Jalfrezi seems to have been, but was never really outright saying it. I have no idea what point he was trying to make.

There is no point. It is just first level tribalism. Around 2 billion people in the world view Hamas (and more general all Jihadis) as part of their tribe at the ideological and/or spiritual level and are going to support them, no matter what.

And there are plenty of westerners (including Jews) who are similarly biased the other way, although the latter group also has a much, much, much, much, much larger number of people much more willing to be critical of their side because they come from a culture that values individualism and freedom of thought.

by Luciom k

I don't think you have reasons to believe that.

I trust you are in good faith about this.

But I don't think you are correct if you believe mental health requires ultra-leftist universalism of human life value to work properly.

Our brains are actually built to deeply enjoy the demise of whomever we consider an enemy.

You might have a point if I was projecting the enemy label over people I just disagree with (that can affect mental issues negatively).

But actual monsters who kill randomly and take hos

This is a political commentary, it isn’t about you specifically and it’s just sort of a fact of life. Obsessing over the death and destruction of people is unhealthy for anyone. Why not obsess over a solution that obviates killing?

by jalfrezi k

Death toll from massacre still rising.

Disgusting country supporting this government's actions.

How many people do you think it would be justified to kill if those people had kidnapped your wife or child?

I would say any number killed to rescue a single hostage is fair.

by jalfrezi k

I agree. A good place to start would be not conducting mass slaughters of civilians including children, don't you think?

I don't believe anyone in this thread has done that.

by holmfries k

This is a political commentary, it isn’t about you specifically and it’s just sort of a fact of life. Obsessing over the death and destruction of people is unhealthy for anyone. Why not obsess over a solution that obviates killing?

Because in some case, specifically when dealing with very irrational people who do evil, the only solution that works is killing them.

I mean I asked the question many times, which other strategies will make it impossible for Hamas (or anyone like them) to do a 10 7 again?

by Dunyain k

And then while driving to the extraction point 2 vehicles had mechanical issues that delayed them; and it appears this is where the IDF may have overreacted, as they laid down heavy aerial fire to buy the extraction team time, and this is probably when most of the collateral damage casualties happened.

So they used the opportunity to run amok killing hundreds of civilians, a large loss of human life that you horribly describe as collateral damage as if they were no more than street signs, then made up some bs about mechanical failure. We al know how militaries work.

3,000 dead Americans on 9/11. Collateral damage?

Street signs aren't casualties.

The dead on 9/11 was exactly what was intended.

Ditto these.

Don’t you ever pause to wonder why it is that Hamas attacks on Israelis are planned and deliberate, while Israeli attacks on Palestinians are an accident or overreaction?

by jalfrezi k

Ditto these.

Don’t you ever pause to wonder why it is that Hamas attacks on Israelis are planned and deliberate, while Israeli attacks on Palestinians are an accident or overreaction?

Maybe because Hamas had to deliberately enter Israeli territory to attack? Do you think 10/7 was an accident?

by jalfrezi k

So they used the opportunity to run amok killing hundreds of civilians, a large loss of human life that you horribly describe as collateral damage as if they were no more than street signs, then made up some bs about mechanical failure. We al know how militaries work.

3,000 dead Americans on 9/11. Collateral damage?

Looks like Hamas isn't the only terrorist group you support.

But at least we now know it's not only Israeli civilian deaths you're cool with, but also those of Americans.

This is the most appalling thing I have read in a long time.

by Luciom k

I mean I asked the question many times, which other strategies will make it impossible for Hamas (or anyone like them) to do a 10 7 again?

You dont have such a stratgey either. In no way are you making it impossible in the future.

by chillrob k

Looks like Hamas isn't the only terrorist group you support.

But at least we now know it's not only Israeli civilian deaths you're cool with, but also those of Americans.

This is the most appalling thing I have read in a long time.

Of course I don’t support terrorist groups, as I’ve said many times. Targeting civilians is vile.

Stop misrepresenting my views.

by chezlaw k

You dont have such a stratgey either. In no way are you making it impossible in the future.

I think that if Israel destroys and militarily occupies gaza, the WB and lebanon and holds the areas indefinitely (or it's allies control them for the next 3-5 decades at least), killing each and every terrorist or terrorist collaborator in the process, then it's impossible to have a 10 7 again in Israel territory.

New terrorists will be made and it will never end.

by jalfrezi k

New terrorists will be made and it will never end.

New terrorists might be made but not in the immediate borders of Israel, if the immediate border of Israel is militarily occupied.

And it's not about terrorists not existing in a vacuum, it's about being able to do great damage. Which they won't be if they don't have land access to Israel.

by jalfrezi k

Of course I don’t support terrorist groups, as I’ve said many times. Targeting civilians is vile.

Stop misrepresenting my views.

You say that yet then you say things which seem to contradict yourself constantly. Meanwhile you attack me for not being negative enough when I say that Israel is not acting appropriately.

Who do you think the 9/11 terrorists were attempting to save when they flew the planes into civilians? I can see the point you're trying to make, but you're failing to make it and are instead just being offensive.

by Luciom k

I think that if Israel destroys and militarily occupies gaza, the WB and lebanon and holds the areas indefinitely (or it's allies control them for the next 3-5 decades at least), killing each and every terrorist or terrorist collaborator in the process, then it's impossible to have a 10 7 again in Israel territory.

Even in some horror fantasy where israel do all that, it's unlikely another 10 7 isn't still at least as likely

by chezlaw k

Even in some horror fantasy where israel do all that, it's unlikely another 10 7 isn't still at least as likely

I don't see how, without land access. Can you elaborate?

on november 30, hamas announced that they were in the planning stages of additional actions on israeli soil which would, quote, make oct 7 look like a rehearsal. you'll recall that oct 7 involved the murder and rape of over a thousand israeli civilians, so feel free to speculate on what hamas had in mind for round two (and round three, and so on)

since that announcement, approximately 15,000 hamas terrorists have lost their lives with more being added to the total every day. much of their infrastructure has been compromised

the job is not yet complete, but its quite clear to me that the IDFs actions have crippled hamas' ability to murder and rape israeli civilians

the idea that killing your enemies makes them stronger is ahistorical

So next time it will be because the job wasn't finished?

by chezlaw k

So next time it will be because the job wasn't finished?

Next time of what, about who, where?

If we let Israel eradicate terrorism and we help doing it there won't be a next 10 7 .

That includes giving a hand to permanently (in the decades sense) occupy, this time for real, gaza , wb and lebanon. Initiate a process of de-hamasification and when society treats anyone expressing violent ideas against Israel the same we treat actual nazis here, when support for any movement, group, association that in any way or form denies Israel sovereinty , and jewish presence in those lands is at low single digits, then and only then they will be allowed to self govern.

In the meantime any attempt to organize such movements would be fully criminalized and the death penalty used profusely.

Now in such a scenario, do you think there can be another 10 7?

we can discuss next time when it happens, but i think you might be waiting a very, very long time for us to have the conversation as israel seems very serious about preventing another oct 7
