Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 19 Views 19
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

32768 Replies


by Tien k

To nobody's surprise, Dunyain is simply saying what other people here just are too afraid to say out loud.

Totally reasonable to follow through with genocidal urges!

Dunyain is openly claiming genocide is reasonable and ok and should have been followed through 50 years ago. Team Netanyahu has no problem with Dunyain making these claims, because Dunyain is on their team.


by Dunyain k

I have interacted with you before and know generally where you are coming from. You have been part of a cabal that got me banned under a different screen name (Kelhus maybe?), although I dont know your exact role in my banning.

I was mostly just criticizing Victor with that post. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt that is your prerogative, but his bias is definitely to be hyper critical of (((Israeli's))) and mostly agnostic or supportive of much worse behavior from everyone else.

Oh LMAO!! You’re Kelhus, that makes sense. Yeah that was me, I got you banned.

by Tien k

That was the most ridiculous rebuttle I've ever seen.

Hey we could have broken every bone in your body in about 3 days, we refrained from doing so, but we'll end up doing it over 3 months so that Corpus Vile will say intent was not shown!

Israel could turn Gaza into a parking lot if they wanted to. They haven't. Reason being they aren't engaging in genocide as it isn't their intent.

by 57 On Red k

Well, that was a rather regrettable comment, though interesting and revealing of a certain mentality.

He's been saying it for months now in different ways.

The last time I checked this thread Dunyain said Isreal doesn't get respect globally because they haven't butchered enough people.

by Victor k

no Im pretty sure anti-genocide is a good first principle

On paper maybe, until you realize all existing societies are built upon the skulls of genocides previous populations.

Only difference is when in time their ancestors genocides someone else but I believe you understand that if it happened 5k years ago or 300 it doesn't make that much of a difference.

We are the children of rapists, genocidal maniacs, and the women of both tribes. That dynamic got repeated 30-50 times since we are **** sapiens sapiens, more in Europe than elsewhere, but roughly everywhere.

You either accept that's normal human nature, like needing to ****, disgusting but you wouldn't exist without it, or your keep being sad at what you and we are ultimately, without any chance of ever feeling better.

Btw all the above doesn't mean genocide cannot stop as a tool for human development. It probably can. But stop treating it as if it was a strange thing pls

by Dunyain k

Yeah. And the wars, environmental deterioration and social collapse will follow the global economic collapse. I suspect if/when the American empire fully declines we are going to see a lot more Iran/Palestinian/Houthi type societies form; where tribal warfare, slavery, murdering gay people and basically turning all females into domestic sex slaves will become the norm.

Come on mods, this guy is spewing racist garbage here unfiltered.

Genocide is reasonable, Iranian and Palestinian societies were all females are turned into domestic sex slaves?

WTF are you smoking?

by corpus vile k

Court obviously believes it, as they haven't ruled genocide or called for a ceasefire.

The court ruled that there was "plausible evidence" for genocide and sent Israel to trial for genocide.

You are arguing that the murderer suspect is innocent bc the grand jury didn't declare him guilty. It doesn't work that way.

by Tien k

Come on mods, this guy is spewing racist garbage here unfiltered.

Genocide is reasonable, Iranian and Palestinian societies were all females are turned into domestic sex slaves?

WTF are you smoking?

He is saying that if no country (or group of countries) is "the police of the world", IE if no country (or group of countries) is willing to spend blood and treasure for that, many places will revert to historical norms, where what we now consider as clear human rights never existed.

I think that's an uncontroversial take, and not racist, some white majority country could easily revert to slavery (of "inferior" whites or ethnic minorities) , say Russia enslaving Ukrainians or kazaki or whatever

by Victor k

The court ruled that there was "plausible evidence" for genocide and sent Israel to trial for genocide.

You are arguing that the murderer suspect is innocent bc the grand jury didn't declare him guilty. It doesn't work that way.

Please cite verbatim where the court established that Israel is engaging in genocide. Thanks in advance.

by corpus vile k

Please cite verbatim where the court established that Israel is engaging in genocide. Thanks in advance.

That was not the purpose of the hearing or ruling. They ruled genocide was "plausible". And ordered a trial to determine if it had in fact happened.

Please cite where the court "obviously believes there is no intent".

The court also called on Hamas to release the hostages who are still in captivity.

The court did not say they had to be traded for prisoners, just that they had to be released

Let's ignore this though

by grizy k

I was talking about your (possibly Freudian) equivalence between Hamas and gaza.


Was not on purpose

by Tien k

No the intent is to destroy as much as Gaza as possible parallel with destroying Hamas. And doing it in such a manner that still gets the money flowing from the USA to continue the destruction.

No intent? Who believes this besides Netanyahu supporters?

Destroy so it gets rebuilt without tunnels ? Ok

Destroyed so israelis can settle there? No

by Tien k

Come on mods, this guy is spewing racist garbage here unfiltered.

Genocide is reasonable, Iranian and Palestinian societies were all females are turned into domestic sex slaves?

WTF are you smoking?

Be careful here: when I told the mods this guy is spewing racist garbage they spite-banned me for three days and told me they substantially agree with his views on Palestinians.

Scale and death are not requirements for a genocidal action. Putin currently has an arrest warrant out for him for a genocidal action which did not kill anyone.

What makes Russia's actions so obviously genocidal is that Putin went as far as to release a manifesto denying Ukrainian identity before he invaded. Since then, state sponsored propaganda has called for their extermination and continued to deny Ukrainians have a unique identity. There are very obvious signs of intent coming Russia regarding genocide.

The SA lawyers spent like 20 minutes reading off such statements in court. There were 3 straight pages of them in the document they submitted. And the judges cited such statements in their ruling.

The difference is that Russia is not actually doing genocide, despite what Putin may have said. Israel is quite obv doing genocide.

Russia is very obviously doing genocide.

There have been a lot of statements from Israel, especially several specific politicians, that have greatly hurt Israel's cause. However, there is nothing close to a manifesto from the dictator of Israel stating that these are his views and due to the control he has over Israel it is therefore the basis for all actions taken by Israel. Even some of the awful things that came from Bibi fall very short of this, and not just because he doesn't have the same level of control as Putin does.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Russia is very obviously doing genocide.

There have been a lot of statements from Israel, especially several specific politicians, that have greatly hurt Israel's cause. However, there is nothing close to a manifesto from the dictator of Israel stating that these are his views and due to the control he has over Israel it is therefore the basis for all actions taken by Israel. Even some of the awful things that came from Bibi fall very short of this, and not just because he doesn't have the same

A lot of fairly well-regarded human rights lawyers seem to disagree with this.

the ICJ disagrees with that too

also, any decent person with a twitter feed disagrees

I've seen nothing to suggest that anyone disagrees with that.

Since a comparison to Putin was brought up, it was a direct comparison to Putin, which I have not seen in the ICJ or from the human rights lawyers. They do not hold the incorrect opinion that it's either a genocide in Ukraine or a genocide of Gaza. They understand enough to know that it's possible for there to be genocide in both, and calling Gaza a genocide in no way suggests that Ukrainians are suffering less; that incorrect opinion has been repeated several times ITT and in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine thread.

From what I've seen the trial is focusing entirely on alleged genocide in Gaza and does not touch any alleged genocide in Ukraine. They are not making a comparison. Bibi's and the far right politicians statements can fall far short of Putin's manifesto and still amount to genocide.

by Victor k

I dont think you understand what "critical support" means. it means to be critical of an entity but still support certain actions or goals.

so I support the blockade but I am critical of the whole Jew hating thing.

Did you just learn this term?

Having read your pages of posts about azov in Ukraine theead, I am confused.

U changed ur mind on that?

UNRWA getting cut off by a whole lot of countries. Probably not Yemen though

by ntanygd760 k

UNRWA getting cut off by a whole lot of countries. Probably not Yemen though

Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Finland on Saturday joined the United States, Australia and Canada

Yep, not Yemen

1 Australia, Italy and others halt funding to U.N. agency over claim staff involved in Hamas attack on Israel

2 Israel’s war on Gaza live: Aid cuts are ‘collective punishment’

3 More nations halt funds to U.N. agency over alleged staff involvement in Hamas attack

4 U.S. Suspends Funding to U.N. Agency Amid Claims Its Staff Were Involved in Hamas Attack

Guess which headline is Al-jazeera
