Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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curious about which exact goals Israel has here.
in Gaza it's clear, the complete eradication of Hamas.
in Lebanon I still hope they intend to push all non Hezbollah to join the fight against the common enemy.
pretty sure you can arrested in Germany for saying things like this

curious about which exact goals Israel has here.
in Gaza it's clear, the complete eradication of Hamas.
This is not a clear goal, which is one of the major reasons that Israel is having such huge problems. It's difficult to know what "Hamas" even means in this context: the military wing, the entire political group, the ideology?
Regardless it's unaccomplishable.
I hope Israel has far more limited goals which are actually accomplishable. Best case scenario is they don't invade at all. Second best is that they do something like push Hezbollah north of the Litani and then ask the Lebanese army to control the buffer zone... if they're capable of it.
There has to still be some huge stockpiles of rockets and such in the south. Guessing they want to disarm Hez as much as possible and while they're on the ropes right now it's the best time to try.
I don’t think invading is the right move but maybe they have more intelligence on Hezbollah strongholds than we think. It’s certainly quite a gamble international relations-wise and militarily.
Just consider it from netanyahu pov.
It makes perfect sense.
This is going to be the last warning in here for a bit.
STOP posting at and about each other or there will be moderations. If your posts are being deleted, then this post is most likely directed at you (with the few exceptions of replies to various deleted posts that were fine on their own). There are several of you. Please stop.
Posting Jerusalem Post articles is not allowed I take it? Is all Israeli media disallowed?
And just for direct clarification, am I correct to assume that we are not allowed to predict or even speculate that this will be a long occupation and/or annexation of Lebanese land even if it is presented as such from mainstream Western or Israeli sources (the only valid sources in general ofc)?
By our standards that was pretty civil.
Might also be the first time that I didn't think he did anything wrong, lol. Give or take.
Posting Jerusalem Post articles is not allowed I take it? Is all Israeli media disallowed?
Posting the article is fine.
Victor that's the second time you decide to use a random op-ed from an extremist journalist like it's somehow indicative of Israeli policy. So here's what I propose.
Shall we structure language around a bet that Israel won't take and keep Lebanese territory? I'm sure we can find language we agree to to cover some edge cases.
Loser never posts on 2p2 again. What say you? I'll propose some opening terms?
Posts like this and the arguments they generate are not, so the entire conversation this spawned was deleted.
We’ve been over these rules again and again and again, and they have not changed. Do not post at and about each other. Address the content. Everything else is unnecessary.
In general, this is not the thread for meming, prop betting, and other potentially inflammatory contributions.
ok so back to news, Israel is now bombing the **** out of Damascus. thats Syria btw.
they supposedly leveled 13 apartment buildings in the Dahiyeh. its cool tho, they gave like 30 mins warning for that one.
Damascus stuff is all over twitter, 3 or 4 strikes and a journalist killed. just search for Damascus.
probably the best source I know about.
this guy is one of those iffy influencer types but hes got pictures like all the rest.
heres the Dahiyeh source.
I saw the strike mentioned, but nothing about results from anyone reliable. There was a post saying that Assad's brother is alive, which suggests he's the target. (Or it's something unrelated idk, haven't looked into it much)
At the meeting of the political and security cabinet earlier tonight, the ministers approved the ground operation in Lebanon. Senior Israeli officials said that the cabinet decision emphasized that the operation was focused and limited in time and space and was not intended to occupy southern Lebanon
In regards to Israel's aims in Lebanon, really the only reasonable objective they could accomplish is destroying Hezbollah fortresses and weapons stockpiles near the border. There is literally no other objective that they would have any hope of accomplishing.
And this aim would be consistent with their actions the last 10 days, especially the last day, where they have been constantly hitting giant weapons stockpiles in Beirut, evidenced by spectacular secondary explosions.
Also, to Lucium's post suggesting Israel should "work with" Lebanon to free them from Hezbollah; I think he is underestimating the extreme demographic shift Lebanon has undertaken the last 40 years, where under deadly purges by Nasrallah most of the population that would theoretically be friendly towards Israel against IRI/Hezbollah has been purged already.
There is a very large Lebanese expat population in the US and other places that are hoping for Hezbollah's destruction. But the truth is much of the actual people still living in Lebanon are Palestinian and Syrian refugees sympathetic to Hezbollah, along with the large Shiite population that is extremely sympathetic towards Hezbollah.
Very little potential friends left to potentially work with Israel.
What purges? Jfc it's just fantasy story time in this thread.
I'm fact, Nasrallah always talked about ending sectarianism in his speeches.
But the truth is much of the actual people still living in Lebanon are Palestinian and Syrian refugees sympathetic to Hezbollah, along with the large Shiite population that is extremely sympathetic towards Hezbollah.
This is complete and utter horseshit -- which is not to say that being "extremely sympathetic towards Hezbollah" (whatever that actually means) is a justification for mass murder.
Heh, thats the one part that I think is correct.
There is a tipping point at which Hezbollah is so weak that Lebanon is rid of them. That is the dream.
In fact we are looking at the possibility of a total shift from radicalism in the middle east, if the Iranian proxies are weakened enough. I would imagine there is a second phase in place to start helping the moderate elements take these countries back.