Moderation Questions

Moderation Questions

The last iteration of the moderation discussion thread was a complete disaster. Numerous attempts to keep it on topic failed, and it became a general discussion thread with almost no moderation related posts at all. And those that were posted were so buried in non-mod posts that it became a huge time drain on the mods to sort through them. Then, when off topic posts were deleted posters complained about that.

This led to the closing of the mod discussion thread, replaced by the post report/pm approach. This has filtered out lots of noise, but has resulted at times in the General Discussion Thread turning into a quasi-mod thread. This is not desirable, but going back to the old mod thread is also not a workable option.

Therefore, I have created this new moderation thread, but with a different purpose and ground rules than previous mod threads. The purpose of this thread is to provide a place for posters to pose questions to the mods about how policies are applied; to bring to the mods attention posts they think are inappropriate and reach the level of requiring mod action; and for mods to communicate to posters things like changes or clarifications to policies, bannings, etc.

Now let me tell you what this thread is NOT a place for. It is not for nonmoderation related posts, even if the discussion originates from a comment in in a mod related post. It is not for posters to post their opinions about other posters or whether a poster should be banned. It is not to rehash past grievances about mod decisions from months or years ago. The focus of this thread will be recent posts that require action now. Or questions about current policies and enforcement.

So basically, this is a thread to ask mods questions. Which means, pretty much that only mods should be answering those questions. If a poster asks why a particular post was deleted or allowed, only a mod can answer that. Everyone else who wants to jump in with their opinion or their mod war story needs to stay out of it. It just increases the noise to signal ratio and does nothing to answer the question.

Everyone needs to understand that this thread has very different rules than the old mod thread and any other thread. Any non-moderation post will be deleted on sight. Not moved to the appropriate thread, just deleted. So don't waste your time crafting a masterpiece post about wars or transgender issues or the presidential election and then post it in this thread. It will be gone. Also, this isnt a thread for general commentary about our mods performance. Posting "browser sucks as a mod" or any such posts that don't actually ask about a policy or request a mod action will be deleted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the moderation of this forum. But this thread isnt for complaining about mods. You are free to go to the ATF forum and make your concerns about modding in this forum there.

So with that intro, this thread is open for those who need to bring questions about mod policies or bring inappropriate posts to the mods attention. Again, it is NOT a thread for group discussions about other posters or for other posters to answer questions directed to mods.

We'll see how this goes. If you have what you feel is an open issue raised in the General Discussion Thread, please copy that post or otherwise reintroduce the issue here.


) 15 Views 15
30 January 2024 at 05:27 AM

10125 Replies


by jalfrezi k

I can't speak for mods but the US is highly culturally and ethnically diverse, as is Italy according to you, remember?

I said Italy is super diverse ethnically, and there are cultural differences, but the attack was about mafia being an ingrained element of Italian culture (which it isn't), and that's objectively wrong exactly because of those differences, because it's exclusively a very specific southern Italy thing (and only in some specific regions of the south).

It would be like someone insulting ALL Americans because the Texas governor pardoned the racist guy who point blank assassinated the BLM protestor.

Or someone claiming ALL AMERICANS love the death penalty because a small number of states use it somewhat frequently

by Luciom k

I said Italy is super diverse ethnically, and there are cultural differences, but the attack was about mafia being an ingrained element of Italian culture (which it isn't), and that's objectively wrong exactly because of those differences, because it's exclusively a very specific southern Italy thing (and only in some specific regions of the south).

Right, so why do you think someone saying something about Italians could be racist (which was your complaint)?

by jalfrezi k

Right, so why do you think someone saying something about Italians could be racist (which was your complaint)?


So it's either I can say literally anything about Palestinians without a ban, then people can say anything about Italians as well, or no one can say anything negative about italians at all.

Or, there is an horrific bias against western cultures such that horrible insults against them are allowed, while any negative criticism of other cultures is a bannable offense.

Which is like wokism wants thing to be to be clear

I don't buy into this narrative that western cultures are victims of discrimination.

by Luciom k

I said Italy is super diverse ethnically, and there are cultural differences, but the attack was about mafia being an ingrained element of Italian culture (which it isn't), and that's objectively wrong exactly because of those differences, because it's exclusively a very specific southern Italy thing (and only in some specific regions of the south).

The Italian courts, including the Court of Cassation, let Andreotti off and allowed him to remain in the Senate, despite his obvious and appalling crimes (including probable implication in the Falcone murder) and despite the legal finding that he was, or had been, a leading member of the mafia while Prime Minister. That does look suspiciously like ingrained, institutional, nationwide mafia corruption. False denial of the mafia's influence, and at one time even of its existence, is a well-known Italian trope, criticised in, for instance, the work of Leonardo Sciascia.

by Luciom k

Don't you think governments in democratic countries actually pretty well reflect the character of that country (at least in the moment the photograph is taken, during elections)?

Biden and trump both had consistently negative approval ratings. it's a complete farce that those are the only two candidates who have a chance at being "elected".

probably something like 99% of Americans believe neither of them should be president.

but yes, the total sham, the completely repugnant nature of Biden/trump is reflective of the character of USA, and that's why I'm anti usa. it's controlled by elites, not the people.

USA is not a democratic country, not in the sense that it has a govt by the people, for the people... it never has, and it never will have. the govt is made up of elites, and is for elites, exploiting workers, and the planet.

by Luciom k

I said Italy is super diverse ethnically, and there are cultural differences, but the attack was about mafia being an ingrained element of Italian culture (which it isn't), and that's objectively wrong exactly because of those differences, because it's exclusively a very specific southern Italy thing (and only in some specific regions of the south).

It would be like someone insulting ALL Americans because the Texas governor pardoned the racist guy who point blank assassinated the BLM protestor.


I provided plenty of links and evidence which refutes your claim on the mafias not being ingrained in Italian society and no, the 'Ndrangheta in particular have set up clans all over Italy very much including Northern Italy.

by jalfrezi k

I don't buy into this narrative that western cultures are victims of discrimination.

You don't think that Muslims in Arab countries discriminate against Americans? You know, like when they have events where people chant "death to America" and burn the flag?

by DonkJr k

It was pretty obvious earlier this week when you said that an obvious one from Trolly, a poster that posts literally nothing but personal attacks, wasn't posting personal attacks but what instead being "sarcastic."

Can you point out the specific post I made that you think should have received moderator action?

by 57 On Red k

The Italian courts, including the Court of Cassation, let Andreotti off and allowed him to remain in the Senate, despite his obvious and appalling crimes (including probable implication in the Falcone murder) and despite the legal finding that he was, or had been, a leading member of the mafia while Prime Minister. That does look suspiciously like ingrained, institutional, nationwide mafia corruption. False denial of the mafia's influence, and at one time even of its existence, is a well-known I

More to the point.

Ok, say the mafia is ingrained in southern Italian culture. Fine, whatever.

It's still not as easy as "Southern Italians should just stop having the mafia today" And killing tens of thousands of random Southern Italian civilians would not be a moral, and probably not a good pragmatic solution.

There are countless examples. I know extremely little about the IRA/troubles. I do know that Ireland has become prosperous, and IRA attacks are not a big issue anymore and that this was done without blowing up every hospital in Ireland and killing Irish indiscriminately until every single one renounced the IRA. If I'm not mistaken, the political face of the IRA still has a lot of public support. And I'd guess few supporters want to set off bombs in English shopping malls even though they "vote for the IRA."

by chillrob k

You don't think that Muslims in Arab countries discriminate against Americans? You know, like when they have events where people chant "death to America" and burn the flag?

I don't think that's called "discrimination". They want an end to US interference in ME affairs, which has been going on for many decades and has cost hundreds of thousands of ME lives.

What do you think they should be chanting? "Kill more of us please, Uncle Sam"?

by Luciom k


So it's either I can say literally anything about Palestinians without a ban, then people can say anything about Italians as well, or no one can say anything negative about italians at all.

Or, there is an horrific bias against western cultures such that horrible insults against them are allowed, while any negative criticism of other cultures is a bannable offense.

Which is like wokism wants thing to be to be clear

I'm not sure anyone would really dispute that fundamentalism, Islamism and religious violence are ingrained problems in many muslim countries. Let alone that someone would be banned for saying this.

In fact, my post about the mafia was to make exactly this point. I made a similar post comparing Hamas to the KKK, which was also ingrained in the culture of the Southern US.

I was not banned, cautioned or even criticized.

I'll say it more explicitly.

Religious extremism is a big problem ingrained in the culture of many Muslim countries.

Let's see what happens.

It's a much more recent phenomenon than the KKK in Southern states, which is therefore more deeply ingrained.

Oh yeah, of course as an American i think The US = the world, so I was originally thinking of the mafia in The US.

That's another example of a violent, oppressive institution that was ingrained in certain cultures, yet it was somehow defeated without killing tons of i
Italian American kids, or everyone who associated with mafia members or thought they were cool. Incredibly, I don’t think the FBI assassinated a single doctor for treating a mob member.

The idea that the only solution to these problems is to wipe out the whole population is just as stupid and unfounded as it is evil.

by ES2 k

I'm not sure anyone would really dispute that fundamentalism, Islamism and religious violence are ingrained problems in many muslim countries. Let alone that someone would be banned for saying this.

In fact, my post about the mafia was to make exactly this point. I made a similar post comparing Hamas to the KKK, which was also ingrained in the culture of the Southern US.

I was not banned, cautioned or even criticized.

I'll say it more explicitly.

Religious extremism is a big problem ingrained in

no ES it's a tad different.

it's that you are not allowed to say GIVEN A POPULATION does X, THEN that population is WORSE in an OBJECTIVE SENSE, so the median human being of that population is measurably not of the same moral value than our median, inferior, rankably worse, not equal, AND this morally justifies not allying with them or allying with their enemies or banning immigration from that country or whatever.

so take your claim and add *and this makes it moral to ban extremists from asylum* or *to deport any religious extremist immigrant* because they are objectively bad human beings.


that position would not be defensible or arguable in this forum

by 57 On Red k

The Italian courts, including the Court of Cassation, let Andreotti off and allowed him to remain in the Senate, despite his obvious and appalling crimes (including probable implication in the Falcone murder) and despite the legal finding that he was, or had been, a leading member of the mafia while Prime Minister. That does look suspiciously like ingrained, institutional, nationwide mafia corruption. False denial of the mafia's influence, and at one time even of its existence, is a well-known I

Andreotti got off because of the statute of limitations (which in Italy bizarelly keeps running with a trial ongoing).

he wasn't implicated in Falcone murder in trials.

and the anti Italian claim by Washoe wasn't "there is a lot of mafia", it was that more than 80% of Italians support it (that was because I claimed than in polls 80% of west bank Palestinians support Hamas).

that is a racist claim (under the forum definition of racism) because it's blatantly false, it's literally saying the vast majority of Italians lack any basic morals

by corpus vile k

I provided plenty of links and evidence which refutes your claim on the mafias not being ingrained in Italian society and no, the 'Ndrangheta in particular have set up clans all over Italy very much including Northern Italy.

define ingrained quantitatively.

for me it means that a substantial number of people, high single digit percentage as a very minimum, deal in that.

and even that would be low for something actually ingrained, 20-25% minimum looks more reasonable right?

now we aren't close to 100k mafioso in Italy, and even if you add collaborators (people who deal with them knowing they are mafiosos because they gain from it) you don't reach a million.

which would be 1.6% of the population.

ingrained the ****?

if a country of 60m people has 1m religious extremists and 12m hating them actively and 47m disliking them a lot, would that country be defined as ingrained in religious extremism?

by jalfrezi k

I don't buy into this narrative that western cultures are victims of discrimination.

you know that heavy, extreme criticism of Christianity is far less censored than heavy criticism of Islam in basically every leftwing circle.

everyone knows that, why do you deny objective truths?

by corpus vile k

I provided plenty of links and evidence which refutes your claim on the mafias not being ingrained in Italian society and no, the 'Ndrangheta in particular have set up clans all over Italy very much including Northern Italy.

by washoe k

What a lie.
The Italian mafia is deeply engrained into Italien society and you can never change that. The ruling Party is not "mafia" and has no Military wing???
80%? Its more than that probably.
U dont know whos on their roll.
Berlusconi? Lol mafia

Berlusconi is mafia, right?
Well he ruled the country for what 50 years??? And now meloni has no mafia Connections??? Who are u kiddinz here??

if this Washoe tweet isn't racism, it means you can insult Italians with absolutely no limit and it's never racism.

btw having a "clan" or 7 in a city of one million people doesn't mean it's "deeply ingrained" lol.

you need it to control 10-20-30% of GDP on most relevant cities to claim that. it doesn't make a tenth of that outside some areas of the south

by Luciom k

no ES it's a tad different.

it's that you are not allowed to say GIVEN A POPULATION does X, THEN that population is WORSE in an OBJECTIVE SENSE, so the median human being of that population is measurably not of the same moral value than our median, inferior, rankably worse, not equal, AND this morally justifies not allying with them or allying with their enemies or banning immigration from that country or whatever.

so take your claim and add *and this makes it moral to ban extremists from asylum*

Still doesn't make much sense.

I'd be surprised if it was against forum rules to say that an immigrant who is affiliated with Isisis should be deported (they'd be lucky).

I'd be surprised if it was against forum rules to say an immigrant affiliated with the mafia should be deported.

It might be against forum rules to say all Muslims should be deported as Muslims are more likely to be in Isis than non Muslims, therby making them worse people on average.

If so, it should be against forum rules to say all Italians should be deported because they are more likely to be mafia than non Italians, making them worse people on average.

I doubt it's even against forum rules to say that countries should manage their immigration policies to prevent Islamism becoming a big problem.

I really believe that they should do so. I
would'nt want European countries to have to deal with the problems we face from religious extremism. Let's see if i get in trouble.

Can you two take this conversation to a different thread?

If anyone makes the argument that the Italian “population is measurably not of the same moral value than our median, inferior, rankably worse, not equal” as human beings, I promise to moderate that too. Luckily no one has done that. 🙄

by Crossnerd k

If anyone makes the argument that the Italian “population is measurably not of the same moral value than our median, inferior, rankably worse, not equal” as human beings, I promise to moderate that too. Luckily no one has done that. 🙄

Let me understand if I get it properly, so as long as that argument isn't made explicitly you can make up completely unsubstantiated very negative claims about a human group without repercussions in this forum?

Like Washoe could wake up tomorrow and claim 92% of Catholics are pedophiles and that would be allowed?

by Luciom k

Let me understand if I get it properly, so as long as that argument isn't made explicitly you can make up completely unsubstantiated very negative claims about a human group without repercussions in this forum?

Like Washoe could wake up tomorrow and claim 92% of Catholics are pedophiles and that would be allowed?

Racist posts and other bigoted statements that target a particular group or individuals of such groups (such as members of the LGBTQ community or African Americans) with derogatory comments are not allowed.

I think you are more than capable of understanding this rule. It might help if you viewed the above as a guideline instead of a game to win.

by Luciom k

Let me understand if I get it properly, so as long as that argument isn't made explicitly you can make up completely unsubstantiated very negative claims about a human group without repercussions in this forum?

Like Washoe could wake up tomorrow and claim 92% of Catholics are pedophiles and that would be allowed?

Damn so all the while Victor was allowed to call people genocide lovers, I could have been calling all Catholics pedophile lovers.
Missed opportunity there...

Also don't see why Mets got a timeout that eventually led to his one week ban. I know it was based on his past body of work but Jal likes to wind him up.
