Moderation Questions

Moderation Questions

The last iteration of the moderation discussion thread was a complete disaster. Numerous attempts to keep it on topic failed, and it became a general discussion thread with almost no moderation related posts at all. And those that were posted were so buried in non-mod posts that it became a huge time drain on the mods to sort through them. Then, when off topic posts were deleted posters complained about that.

This led to the closing of the mod discussion thread, replaced by the post report/pm approach. This has filtered out lots of noise, but has resulted at times in the General Discussion Thread turning into a quasi-mod thread. This is not desirable, but going back to the old mod thread is also not a workable option.

Therefore, I have created this new moderation thread, but with a different purpose and ground rules than previous mod threads. The purpose of this thread is to provide a place for posters to pose questions to the mods about how policies are applied; to bring to the mods attention posts they think are inappropriate and reach the level of requiring mod action; and for mods to communicate to posters things like changes or clarifications to policies, bannings, etc.

Now let me tell you what this thread is NOT a place for. It is not for nonmoderation related posts, even if the discussion originates from a comment in in a mod related post. It is not for posters to post their opinions about other posters or whether a poster should be banned. It is not to rehash past grievances about mod decisions from months or years ago. The focus of this thread will be recent posts that require action now. Or questions about current policies and enforcement.

So basically, this is a thread to ask mods questions. Which means, pretty much that only mods should be answering those questions. If a poster asks why a particular post was deleted or allowed, only a mod can answer that. Everyone else who wants to jump in with their opinion or their mod war story needs to stay out of it. It just increases the noise to signal ratio and does nothing to answer the question.

Everyone needs to understand that this thread has very different rules than the old mod thread and any other thread. Any non-moderation post will be deleted on sight. Not moved to the appropriate thread, just deleted. So don't waste your time crafting a masterpiece post about wars or transgender issues or the presidential election and then post it in this thread. It will be gone. Also, this isnt a thread for general commentary about our mods performance. Posting "browser sucks as a mod" or any such posts that don't actually ask about a policy or request a mod action will be deleted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the moderation of this forum. But this thread isnt for complaining about mods. You are free to go to the ATF forum and make your concerns about modding in this forum there.

So with that intro, this thread is open for those who need to bring questions about mod policies or bring inappropriate posts to the mods attention. Again, it is NOT a thread for group discussions about other posters or for other posters to answer questions directed to mods.

We'll see how this goes. If you have what you feel is an open issue raised in the General Discussion Thread, please copy that post or otherwise reintroduce the issue here.


) 15 Views 15
30 January 2024 at 05:27 AM

10125 Replies


Since multiple posters have asked now, I want to be transparent about my decisions. So as it relates to metsandfinsfan:

On 5/12, I began moderating the I/P thread and posted as follows:

by Crossnerd k

Alright, friends. We're going to give this another try.

The first thing I'm going to ask of you is to re-familiarize yourselves with the below posts:

2+2 Rules

Posting guidelines for Politics and Soci...

These are our baselines. We're not reinventing the wheel here. If you aren't sure if something is acceptable to post, its better to ask first. If you think someone is posting something that violates the above guidelines, please report it or PM me rather than responding in kind.

To reiterate some of

On 5/13, I gave mets a warning for violating the rules.

On 5/15, I gave mets a warning for violating the rules.

On 5/16, I gave mets a timeout for violating the rules.

On 5/17, I gave mets a timeout for getting into an extended personal back and forth with Microbet.

On 5/20, I gave mets a timeout for getting into an extended personal back and forth with PointlessWords that included posts like these:

[quote=metsandfinsfan]****ing antisemitic pos

I'll see you whenever

by metsandfinsfan k


At least be a man and admit you just hate Jews

You admit you hate women by starting dumb threads about men being oppressed

Just own that you ****ing hate Jews cause "they are white colonizers" and they deserved to be raped and murdered

You already admittedc the second part jew hater

by metsandfinsfan k

After I'm banned you can celebrate another jew out of your life

Bye loser


I should have banned him, but he offered to take a voluntary 7 day break, so I let him.

On 5/28, immediately upon returning, I gave mets a timeout for linking to an article with a racist cartoon and making bigoted statements against Palestinians and Muslims.

On 6/5, I asked mets to calm down after making these posts:

by metsandfinsfan k

Bull ****ing ****

Stop lying

It's not even funny

by metsandfinsfan k


Hamas attacks Israel
Trolly mad that Israel responds
Hezbollah attacks Israel
Trilly mad that Israel would respond

You really want Israel to just ****ing disappear?

by metsandfinsfan k


Stop trolling

It's not helpful

He became argumentative and I gave him a 1 day ban.

Today I gave mets a timeout for getting into yet another personal back and forth, this time with jalfrezi:

by metsandfinsfan k

Keep denying rape if it helps you sleep at night

by metsandfinsfan k

I get you are upset that

Jews are being saved
Terrorists are being killed
Proof that hamas used un schools as military bases are being uncovered

I get that it's a bad day for you jaz

But rape denial is where even you should draw the line imho

by metsandfinsfan k



except Jewishwomen?

by metsandfinsfan k

You just don't want to hear from Jewish women who were raped because it spoils you rape denial fantasy

Have you no integrity?

by metsandfinsfan k

Have a nice life I've lost the last ounce of respect i had got you. No more responses from me.

Mets was warned on 5/20 after his meltdown that his next violation would be a 30 day ban. I have not done that, despite the numerous infractions since then. The above also does not reflect the constant bombardments of extremely rude PMs or the repeated arguments moved to the moderation thread, nor the complaints that I have handled on mets' own behalf.

I've frankly had enough of making a special case for him. I wasn't posting this because I was concerned that if I actually enumerated all of the actual bullshit, then another mod would simply nuke him when I am doing everything I can to simply get him to cooperate with the forum guidelines. But c'est la vie.

I don't know how else to explain to someone that *personal attacks and extended sniping* are NOT ALLOWED. I've been as permissive as possible.

by Luciom k


This gave me a good long laugh.

by Luciom k

you know that heavy, extreme criticism of Christianity is far less censored than heavy criticism of Islam in basically every leftwing circle.

everyone knows that, why do you deny objective truths?

Now you’re going to talk about cartoons of religious figures, aren’t you?

by jalfrezi k

I don't think that's called "discrimination". They want an end to US interference in ME affairs, which has been going on for many decades and has cost hundreds of thousands of ME lives.

What do you think they should be chanting? "Kill more of us please, Uncle Sam"?

What is your definition of discrimination then?

Do you think that if I moved to an Islamic country, I would not be discriminated against? I would be treated exactly the same as a native Arab Muslim? I think I would almost certainly be discriminated against.

by jalfrezi k

It's a much more recent phenomenon than the KKK in Southern states, which is therefore more deeply ingrained.

This may be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read in this forum.

chill rob

by chillrob k

What is your definition of discrimination then?

Do you think that if I moved to an Islamic country, I would not be discriminated against? I would be treated exactly the same as a native Arab Muslim? I think I would almost certainly be discriminated against.

I don't really know - would you? You could move to one for a year and report back.

I knew someone who previously had lived in Turkey for a year and didn't feel they were discriminated against.

by jalfrezi k

I don't really know - would you? You could move to one for a year and report back.

I knew someone who previously had lived in Turkey for a year and didn't feel they were discriminated against.

Why don't you ask your Israeli friend if he thinks he would be discriminated against in Iran?

I'm pretty certain that if I moved there I would not be alive to report back after a year had passed.

While I'm not happy with the way Turkey is going, that is not one of the extremist countries I was talking about - they're even a member of NATO so I wouldn't expect an American to be treated poorly there.

by chillrob k

Why don't you ask your Israeli friend if he thinks he would be discriminated against in Iran?

I'm pretty certain that if I moved there I would not be alive to report back after a year had passed.

While I'm not happy with the way Turkey is going, that is not one of the extremist countries I was talking about - they're even a member of NATO so I wouldn't expect an American to be treated poorly there.

Wait a minute, you were talking about discrimination against Christians, not Jewish people.

If you moved to Iran you might be discriminated against for being American more than anything else.

Re. Turkey I am not an American and neither was the person who lived there.

Muslim majority countries don't usually discriminate against western christians more than against many other immigrants, Iran might be the exception.

In the UAE (or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Libya, or Egypt, or KSA) a Muslim Nigerian will be heavily discriminated against infinitely more than a white orthodox (or atheist) Estonian.

For obvious reasons linked more to class/income/education of the original groups than to race or religion.

Poor Estonians don't move to the UAE (and the other listed countries), some poor Nigerians kinda do, and that's what they get discriminated for. And Arabs don't love blacks in general very much

Muslim majority countries routinely confiscate, or allow the confiscation of, passports of Bangladeshi or subsaharian African Muslims, while I never heard that practice being common among western physicians or investors moving there, imagine that.

With discrimination here I mean the actual one, state or corporate discrimination.

Police won't treat you worse than the Nigerian Muslim (rather the opposite), public officials checking your documents, setting up your residency, letting you put a kid in public school and so on won't either.

You won't face big problems finding rental property, or won't be denied reservations in restaurants, or car rentals, certainly not more than the Nigerian Muslim.

Personal relationships with local can very immensely depending on details and personal histories, and matter far less in general

by 5 south k

Damn so all the while Victor was allowed to call people genocide lovers, I could have been calling all Catholics pedophile lovers.
Missed opportunity there...

Also don't see why Mets got a timeout that eventually led to his one week ban. I know it was based on his past body of work but Jal likes to wind him up.

Biased moderation lmao. It’s obvious.

by 72off k

you're really taking all the fun out of cheerleading a genocide, xn. you should be ashamed

This seems to be an example of a post that this new moderation thinks is ok because it’s just “sarcasm” but many people would think is a pretty bigoted statement to make.

by DiamondsOnMyNeck k

Biased moderation lmao. It’s obvious.

Let me help you help him.

If he comes back with “biased moderation” as his new daily song and dance instead of using this time to study the very simple rules he so desperately struggles to follow, then he won’t be here for long because that **** is not gonna be my problem.

by holmfries k

This seems to be an example of a post that this new moderation thinks is ok because it’s just “sarcasm” but many people would think is a pretty bigoted statement to make.

Seems like more of an example of the kind of post anybody that’s sever moderated this forum probably wouldn’t bother deleting or infracting for.

Yeah, but you're missing the part about it being about #teamisrael's forum wars now.

by holmfries k

This seems to be an example of a post that this new moderation thinks is ok because it’s just “sarcasm” but many people would think is a pretty bigoted statement to make.

And I’ll address this as well.

The I/P thread is moderated more tightly than the rest of P&S because it requires it in order to remain open and useable. I have posted the rules and warnings in the OP of that thread, and that is why violations in that thread begin with merely being asked to take a break from that thread specifically. Posting in the I/P thread is at your own risk and comes with greater restrictions. This is publicly posted and known. Everyone can choose whether they want to engage in there or not.

by Crossnerd k

And I’ll address this as well.

The I/P thread is moderated more tightly than the rest of P&S because it requires it in order to remain open and useable. I have posted the rules and warnings in the OP of that thread, and that is why violations in that thread begin with merely being asked to take a break from that thread specifically. Posting in the I/P thread is at your own risk and comes with greater restrictions. This is publicly posted and known. Everyone can choose whether they want to engage

But the trollson "sarcasm" that bypassed moderation was on the I/P thread.

It was the typical content-free, flame-war instigating trollson post

by Luciom k

But the trollson "sarcasm" that bypassed moderation was on the I/P thread.

It was the typical content-free, flame-war instigating trollson post

We’ve been over this already. There was nothing rule breaking about his post.

The fact that one person is prone to meltdowns with now four different individuals in that thread in a matter of weeks is not due to Trolly making fun of Israel.

by jalfrezi k

Now you’re going to talk about cartoons of religious figures, aren’t you?

Uh what where does it come from?

I am talking 6 leftists going to dinner, someone saying he deeply hate christians for (say) gay conversion therapy horrors they do in some states, being fully acceptable discourse.

If someone in the group says he deeply hates Muslims because of sharia ... Not the same reaction

by Luciom k

But the trollson "sarcasm" that bypassed moderation was on the I/P thread.

It was the typical content-free, flame-war instigating trollson post

ffs just ignore it and move on. Life's too short.

by jalfrezi k

ffs just ignore it and move on. Life's too short.

Especially in Gaza /s

There will come a time when you'll look back and regret all the numerous hours you spent trying to colour between the mod lines in order to further your campaign to an audience of about 12 people. LOL

by jalfrezi k

There will come a time when you'll look back and regret all the numerous hours you spent trying to colour between the mod lines in order to further your campaign to an audience of about 12 people. LOL

The now obsolete forum medium is excellent to train yourself in arguments.

Here I have room to elaborate longer form text and my ideological opponents do as well, I find it invaluable as a training setup for fast social media interactions on Twitter.

I can study the "logic" of people who disagree with me .much better, find weak spots, find cultural memes they have become enamored with and so on. In detail.

If anything I regret I didn't go back to forums a lot sooner

I see. And how is the proselytising going? Do you have many converts?

by Luciom k

Here I have room to elaborate longer form text and my ideological opponents do as well, I find it invaluable as a training setup for fast social media interactions on Twitter.

After you complete your long-format training here on 2+2, I assume that you will feel prepared to enter the short-format competition on X, which of course has a much larger field.

May I ask what sorts of prizes you expect to win in the competition on X? I ask not because I doubt your ability but rather because I am not familiar with the prize structure.
