Moderation Questions

Moderation Questions

The last iteration of the moderation discussion thread was a complete disaster. Numerous attempts to keep it on topic failed, and it became a general discussion thread with almost no moderation related posts at all. And those that were posted were so buried in non-mod posts that it became a huge time drain on the mods to sort through them. Then, when off topic posts were deleted posters complained about that.

This led to the closing of the mod discussion thread, replaced by the post report/pm approach. This has filtered out lots of noise, but has resulted at times in the General Discussion Thread turning into a quasi-mod thread. This is not desirable, but going back to the old mod thread is also not a workable option.

Therefore, I have created this new moderation thread, but with a different purpose and ground rules than previous mod threads. The purpose of this thread is to provide a place for posters to pose questions to the mods about how policies are applied; to bring to the mods attention posts they think are inappropriate and reach the level of requiring mod action; and for mods to communicate to posters things like changes or clarifications to policies, bannings, etc.

Now let me tell you what this thread is NOT a place for. It is not for nonmoderation related posts, even if the discussion originates from a comment in in a mod related post. It is not for posters to post their opinions about other posters or whether a poster should be banned. It is not to rehash past grievances about mod decisions from months or years ago. The focus of this thread will be recent posts that require action now. Or questions about current policies and enforcement.

So basically, this is a thread to ask mods questions. Which means, pretty much that only mods should be answering those questions. If a poster asks why a particular post was deleted or allowed, only a mod can answer that. Everyone else who wants to jump in with their opinion or their mod war story needs to stay out of it. It just increases the noise to signal ratio and does nothing to answer the question.

Everyone needs to understand that this thread has very different rules than the old mod thread and any other thread. Any non-moderation post will be deleted on sight. Not moved to the appropriate thread, just deleted. So don't waste your time crafting a masterpiece post about wars or transgender issues or the presidential election and then post it in this thread. It will be gone. Also, this isnt a thread for general commentary about our mods performance. Posting "browser sucks as a mod" or any such posts that don't actually ask about a policy or request a mod action will be deleted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the moderation of this forum. But this thread isnt for complaining about mods. You are free to go to the ATF forum and make your concerns about modding in this forum there.

So with that intro, this thread is open for those who need to bring questions about mod policies or bring inappropriate posts to the mods attention. Again, it is NOT a thread for group discussions about other posters or for other posters to answer questions directed to mods.

We'll see how this goes. If you have what you feel is an open issue raised in the General Discussion Thread, please copy that post or otherwise reintroduce the issue here.


) 15 Views 15
30 January 2024 at 05:27 AM

10149 Replies


lol, so a plurality of mods ban mets for behaving like a child but BOIDS thinks that's unfair because of an alleged post made A DECADE ago that he's shamelessly dishonest about? This is the kind of wildly petty nonsense the internet was made for.

by Trolly McTrollson k

lol, so a plurality of mods ban mets for behaving like a child but BOIDS thinks that's unfair because of an alleged post made A DECADE ago that he's shamelessly dishonest about? This is the kind of wildly petty nonsense the internet was made for.

He didn't say a decade ago, it was allegedly this year. The post he screenshotted from Kel when he said "around this time" was dated 2024. You don't need to make **** up to make your point. If you're going to go all out attack on people, at least make sure you brush up on what you're attacking them for.

by d2_e4 k

He didn't say a decade ago, it was allegedly this year. The post he screenshotted from Kel when he said "around this time" was dated 2024. You don't need to make **** up to make your point. If you're going to go all out attack on people, at least make sure you at least brush up on what you're attacking them for.

Mother of god, I asked a simple question and I got a screenshot of a completely unrelated post. Can anyone please give me a coherent summary of who said what when? Bonus if you can connect this to the reason Mets should be allowed to constantly break simple rules.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Mother of god, I asked a simple question and I got a screenshot of a completely unrelated post. Can anyone please give me a coherent summary of who said what when? Bonus if you can connect this to the reason Mets should be allowed to constantly break simple rules.

I can give you a summary of what is being alleged. I am not making any value judgements one way or the other, and truth be told, have not formed and do not plan to form an opinion on the matter.

In chronological order:

1. There is a history of animosity between mets and Crossnerd from a different subforum, going back a decade or longer.
2. When Crossnerd started posting in this subforum (relatively recently), she was antagonistic towards mets, to the point of being moderated herself in at least one instance.
3. Mets put crossnerd on ignore.
4. Crossnerd became a mod.
5. Mets could no longer put Crossnerd on ignore.
6. Mets was moderated multiple times and subsequently permabanned under Crossnerd's modship.

Seems like a pretty straightforward sequence of events to me. You have attacked multiple people, apparently from some misunderstandings on your part stemming from points 1,2 and 3 and 5.

The screenshot BOIDS posted wasn't unrelated, it was supposedly a response from a different poster to a deleted post by Crossnerd, which he could not post because it was deleted. It was establishing the existence of a deleted post and a timeframe for it.

All the attacks on crossnerd are absurd

I think mets should be unbanned.
I'm not a fan of asking anyone to do/say anything before being allowed back. If they're not a simple permaban then they should just know if they dont conform they will get another possibly longer ban. Rinse and repeat.

It wont stop the complaining. Lets sort out world hunger before tackling a difficult problem like that.

by chillrob k

To do that, there was no need for you to emphasize (twice, mistakenly ) that Mets could not put CN on ignore when she arrived with insults.

And THIS is one of the examples of people being allowed to insult others based on lies. Any mod following the conversation can surely see what Trolly has done here. He likely just made a comprehension mistake the first time, but instead of admitting it, or even simply ignoring it, he then
doubles down in attack mode, then finally he makes some post like thi

I realized at some point that there are certain posters that can only derive pleasure from trolling other users. If you were to write "2+2=4", certain people will respond with "lol at thinking 2+2=4. I don't see any proof of that. Why do you have to lie about 2+2=4?" It is done solely to get a rise out of people, and when it happens, there is a reply that goes along the lines of "lol, you sure are angry about being wrong. Just take the L, buddy." If you don't take the bait right away, they double down, sometimes taking shots at your career or maybe your personal life in order to provoke a response.

Eventually you just learn to roll your eyes and ignore their constant need for attention, especially when they seem to be overly friendly with certain mods. I can guarantee you that your comment is exactly the response that your resident forum troll has been trying to elicit the entire day.

by PointlessWords k

I’d like to see the fascist pig post personally. Anyone have receipts

again i need to emphasise that this was not a back and forth between two posters where they both get out of hand etc. when she started posting in the i/p thread in jan he stuck her on ignore after literally 2 posts. she carried on quoting his stuff and calling him this and that up until at least april

by BOIDS k

again i need to emphasise that this was not a back and forth between two posters where they both get out of hand etc. when she started posting in the i/p thread in jan he stuck her on ignore after literally 2 posts. she she carried on quoting his stuff and calling him this and that up until at least april

Yes that is the exact post that I linked and quoted earlier tonight itt.

Beyond that, I have zero opinion and I am *not trying to accomplish anything* for the record.

Well other than wishing to be called a pig rather than a worm. Bacon is delicious, I wish I could eat it every day. Damn my high triglycerides!

anyway, the point is that the two of them have some sort of complicated issues stretching back decades, and that this led to mets' perma and the introduction of the special grovelling rule

I have zero opinion of your point BOIDS and I have no inclination towards a feeling, thought, or inkling whatsoever about the moderation therein this very subforum of TwoPlusTwo.

by All-inMcLovin k

I have zero opinion of your point BOIDS and I have no inclination towards a feeling, thought, or inkling whatsoever about the moderation therein this very subforum of TwoPlusTwo.

You must be the guy to "reply all" to the all staff email asking if anyone needs building access at the weekend, saying "not me".

on the plus side for Bill (****ing great name), these events have freed up about 14 hours per day with which to learn new skills

by d2_e4 k

You must be the guy to "reply all" to the all staff email asking if anyone needs building access at the weekend, saying "not me".

Just a random anecdote, we did have those emails come round the whole department weekly, and certain people reply all weekly, so one time (at band camp, obvs), about 5 co-workers and I simultaneously replied all saying variations of "not me", "me neither", "not here" etc. We got a response from the department head saying "lazy bastards".

by d2_e4 k

You must be the guy to "reply all" to the all staff email asking if anyone needs building access at the weekend, saying "not me".

I had a very specific reason for expressing those sentiments, or in this case, lack thereof, in which to leave zero doubt whatsoever.

by BOIDS k

anyway, the point is that the two of them have some sort of complicated issues stretching back decades, and that this led to mets' perma and the introduction of the special grovelling rule

Despite you wanting to paint your pal mets as a victim of egregious moderation, everyone now knows there is no special grovelling rule and all he has to do is observe the same rules as the rest of us.

Your attempts to brainwash everyone here are a waste of effort. However, I agree the fascist should be freed so it can roll around in its own ****.

by DonkJr k

I realized at some point that there are certain posters that can only derive pleasure from trolling other users. If you were to write "2+2=4", certain people will respond with "lol at thinking 2+2=4. I don't see any proof of that. Why do you have to lie about 2+2=4?" It is done solely to get a rise out of people, and when it happens, there is a reply that goes along the lines of "lol, you sure are angry about being wrong. Just take the L, buddy." If you don't take the bait right away, they d

Hey, at this point I would be happy with any answer from the moderators, even if it's "Trolly is my buddy and I think he's funny so we let him do whatever he wants with no consequences". At least that would be honest. Instead I get gaslit when I ask any questions about why some posters are held to different standards than others with the obviously false answer "they're not".

by All-inMcLovin k

Yes that is the exact post that I linked and quoted earlier tonight itt.

Beyond that, I have zero opinion and I am *not trying to accomplish anything* for the record.

Well other than wishing to be called a pig rather than a worm. Bacon is delicious, I wish I could eat it every day. Damn my high triglycerides!

You better take care of your liver, pal. Twoplustwo needs you for many years to come.

by jalfrezi k

Despite you wanting to paint your pal mets as a victim of egregious moderation, everyone now knows there is no special grovelling rule and all he has to do is observe the same rules as the rest of us.

Your attempts to brainwash everyone here are a waste of effort. However, I agree the fascist should be freed so it can roll around in its own ****.

This is incorrect and you are the one who is misrepresenting things. Of course CN didn't literally say that "groveling" was required. But she did say something was going to be required to be done by him before he is allowed back, she just refuses to tell us exactly what it is.

Similarly, she ignores specific questions about why certain posts by other users are allowed, even to the point of getting upset when another mod chimes in to say that he wouldn't allow them in his forum. Hey, she was right that I would have preferred to have that question answered by a mod in this forum, but at least that answer let me know that it's not just me who sees those kinds of posts as a problem.

If someone who is a mod here refuses to answer that kind of question, of course everyone will believe it's because there is a bias towards or against certain posters.
I don't even have any particular fondness for Mets. We don't agree on a lot, and he even once insulted me in a particularly rude way. But you see, he did that ONCE.
Trolly and Victor have each done that kind of thing many times. I haven't been keeping count, but as a conservative estimate, each of them has personally attacked me at least 50 times. And of course I'm not the only one they do it to, nor am I even the person they do that to more than anyone else. I have probably seen each of make that kind of insulting post 1000 times each, and they're very often accompanied by a dishonest comment.

Months ago I got so sick of Victor's BS that I completely left the threads in which he participates. It was so nice when he was gone for a month and I could participate again, but within a day or two of him coming back he did the same things again so I left those threads again, and I even had to leave another when he started doing the same crap in that one. At least he was given a significant temp ban (unlike Trolly), but it hasn't reformed him. His attacks are actually more heinous than those of Trolly, but at least he occasionally participates in a thread in an honest and constructive way. The number of times I have seen Trolly do that could be counted on my fingers. He certainly participates only to troll people, he even (very honestly, I'll give him that) puts it in his name, yet no mod seems to have ever figured this out and given him the boot. It leaves nothing else for people to think other than that some users are given a much longer rope than others.

I think it's pretty clear what has occurred here. Mets has been permabanned. Because he is a longtime poster, he has been given special treatment in that if he is able to demonstrate he understands why he has been permabanned and commit to changing his behaviour, he will be allowed back under some conditions. Whether that's groveling or not is subjective, I guess. The fact is that he has been given special treatment, just not the special treatment his supporters seem to think. I don't know of any other permabanned posters who even had such an option.

So, I think this whole "groveling" discussion is a red herring. Whether he was permabanned fairly or not seems to be the issue his supporters should be litigating.

by d2_e4 k

I think it's pretty clear what has occurred here. Mets has been permabanned. Because he is a longtime poster, he has been given special treatment in that if he is able to demonstrate he understands why he has been permabanned and commit to changing his behaviour, he will be allowed back under some conditions. Whether that's groveling or not is subjective, I guess. The fact is that he has been given special treatment, just not the special treatment his supporters seem to think. I don't know of an

What the hell did Mets even do? I gather he was *repeatedly* mean to others in some regard, but I didn't realize this sub-forum is treated like Shawshank.

by Tuma k

What the hell did Mets even do? I gather he was mean to others in some regard, but I didn't realize this sub-forum is treated like Shawshank.

I'm sure it's all been documented ITT if you're really interested. I'm just helping summarise the current state of affairs as a number of people seem to be talking past one another.

by d2_e4 k

I think it's pretty clear what has occurred here. Mets has been permabanned. Because he is a longtime poster, he has been given special treatment in that if he is able to demonstrate he understands why he has been permabanned and commit to changing his behaviour, he will be allowed back under some conditions. Whether that's groveling or not is subjective, I guess. The fact is that he has been given special treatment, just not the special treatment his supporters seem to think. I don't know of an

Other permabanned users have effectively been given the option of coming back under another username after they took awhile away from the forum. I'm pretty sure that Mets would not be tolerated if he did that.

Thank you for your service d2. You are hereby awarded an honorary Star.

Y'all are like family to me.

by chillrob k

Other permabanned users have effectively been given the option of coming back under another username after they took awhile away from the forum. I'm pretty sure that Mets would not be tolerated if he did that.

I suspect if he acted within the rules on his new account, he'd be fine like the others, but I really have no idea.

by Tuma k

What the hell did Mets even do? I gather he was *repeatedly* mean to others in some regard, but I didn't realize this sub-forum is treated like Shawshank.

mets' issue is that he is not capable of dropping an argument and wont shut the **** up despite being asked/told repeatedly to do so by mods. this describes half the posters on this forum.
