Trump 2nd term prediction thread

Trump 2nd term prediction thread

So, looks like Trump not only smashed the electoral college, but is looking on track to win the popular vote, which seems to be an unexpected turn of events, but a clear sign of the current temperature in the country and perhaps the wider world.

Would be interested to hear views on how his 2nd term will pan out from both sides of the aisle - major happenings, what he's going to get done, what he's not going to get done, the impact of his election on the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, whether his popularity will remain the same, wane, or increase, etc.

A bit of an anemic OP, I know, just interested to hear people's thoughts now that the election uncertainty is over.

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06 November 2024 at 12:32 PM

3956 Replies



by Gorgonian k


Stretch your brain a little ?


Nah think I'm good

by Nut Nut k

He is getting national security advice on a regular basis which outlines the serious threat of rapidly advancing climate change. His approach to the public is to distract us from it while the powerful people try to explore their private exit strategy.

I don't for a second believe that he isn't well advised about the problem and understands it well enough to know that we're ****ed.

Unconsciously, that's why people like Trump. They know that he has the personality to oversee an involuntary populat

These two are wild takes. Are you talking about President Trump or some other Trump?

by Land O Lakes k

These two are wild takes. Are you talking about President Trump or some other Trump?

Why is it a wild take ?

The military leadership has long maintained that climate change is a huge threat multiplier.

I think a "wild take" is to assume that our politicians are being authentic with us.

Do you really think that the leading Democrats are honest with the public about climate change? Do you think the Paris Accord was a good thing ? Do you buy the hype that the Inflation Reduction Act was the most significant climate action in world history and even remotely commensurate to the challenge ?

Climate change is a disease of wealth. The wealthiest 10% of the global population is responsible for half of the world's emissions. In order to solve the problem, we have to eliminate the liberty of rich people to add as much CO2 to the atmosphere as they please. Obama's Paris Accord provided zero authority to any entity to have jurisdiction over the delicate shared atmosphere. It was 100% hype and zero percent substance.

Trump's public lack of substance is effectively no different than Obama and Biden's feigned substance. It's more authentic in the sense that there is no pretense.

But there is absolutely no way that the security briefings are not discussing the risks and that Trump is not credibly advised behind closed doors.

He's a performer. An actor. He had a TV show called The Apprentice. He knows what a certain large segment of the audience likes. They want a strong man with bravado. It's a role that he plays well because it comes natural to him.

Politicians are good liars. That's a job requirement. Lincoln lied to Congress in order to get the amendment through Congress to ban slavery.

Trust me. The public doesn't want to know the truth about climate change. Because the truth would lead to banning unnecessary things like recreational aviation. Americans don't want to give that up. A person who told the full truth about climate change would never be elected by such an ignorant and selfish population as ours.

Trump loves loyalty but only towards him .
Trump won’t hesitate to throw someone under the bus to save his a$$ even if they were loyal , unless Trump his in a position to pardon them of course .

by 5 south k

59. Quebec can stay sovereign, who wants to deal with them? (Sorry Monty)

lol no problem 🙂

And it’s true , on the culture aspect , Quebec is very different, so to merge with the U.S. would be very difficult.
Already hard with Canada to begin with but fwiw , I’m very different from when I was young and today i realized how great Canada is with Quebec in it .
It’s a win-win situation even if it isn’t always great but the advantages far outweigh the negatives .
Like any couple shrug .

But the U.S. ?
Not a in millions years, unless you are a millionaires of course .

Ps: but it’s strange strategy from maga …. The democrats far outweighs the republicans in Canada ….
They would lose power for the next 20 years easily …

I can't imagine the US and Canada merging with such different health care systems. I can't imagine Canadians agreeing to give up the right to have their government negotiate drug prices and adapting to the abuse that the US system heaps on its citizens.

Americans live in a big ass and self-absorbed country with oceans that keep other cultures far at bay. Do we know that we're the only industrialized democracy which applies free market principles to health care and allows the wealthy skimmers to buy Congress ? Probably not. Luigi knew the score, but he's an outlier.

The contrast between the US and Canada is such that the US plutocracy doesn't want the masses to be aware of the Canadian system. They want to keep Canadians out of sight and out of mind.

by Nut Nut k

Why is it a wild take ?

Because I don't think Trump is astute enough to understand climate change nor measured enough to care about it.

by Nut Nut k

I think a "wild take" is to assume that our politicians are being authentic with us.

Who is making that assumption?

by Nut Nut k

Do you really think that the leading Democrats are honest with the public about climate change? Do you think the Paris Accord was a good thing ? Do you buy the hype that the Inflation Reduction Act was the most significant climate action in world history and even remotely commensurate to the challenge ?

Climate change is a disease of wealth. The wealthiest 10% of the global population is responsible for half of the world's emissions. In order to solve the problem, we have to eliminate the libert

Are you an environmental scientist by trade? Just asking, not because I disagreed with anything you said on climate change, but just trying to understand why your TED Talk contains general information accessible to all, yet presented as if it's not.

by Victor k

Im just going by the numbers

Ill bet you guys Trump doesnt break Obama's record

Yes, its obvious you googled some numbers with zero context

His focus was on formally removing new entrants to create a more robust history for future actions.

What he didn't do was target established illegals

As I've predicted before he was elected, the dismantling of the DS infiltrated and controlled agencies has begun. President Trump has just ordered a communications blackout across the FDA, CDC, HHS and NIH (I also predicted FEMA and DHS but at least this is a start).

Things will start to be made public in March (I was told, but that was just a guestimate), as operations are still ongoing. The corruption goes far beyond what anyone can even imagine, but the war against the global DS isn't over yet just because Trump is officially back in office.

Are these people who tell you those things with you now pb?

by Playbig2000 k

..... the dismantling of the DS infiltrated and controlled agencies has begun. President Trump has just ordered a communications blackout across the FDA, CDC, HHS and NIH (I also predicted FEMA and DHS but at least this is a start).

Were there secret executive orders signed yesterday that no one but you know about?

by jjjou812 k

Were there secret executive orders signed yesterday that no one but you know about?

I did hear about a few major arrests by Navy JAG's over the past couple days but I wouldn't give trolls like you the slightest opportunity to do what you love to do, which is troll.

by Land O Lakes k

Are you an environmental scientist by trade? Just asking, not because I disagreed with anything you said on climate change, but just trying to understand why your TED Talk contains general information accessible to all, yet presented as if it's not.

I'm a person who is pretty vigorous in reviewing the climate change information which is available to us all. After thousands of conversations with humans, I have come to realize that most humans are not seeking that information.

I'm a scientifically oriented individual. For climate science, I rely on the experts.

The greenhouse effect was proved in a lab setting by Jonh Tyndall in 1859. The fossil fuel companies have trillion in revenue to fund research which might disprove it. They can't.

The prominent climate scientists I regularly follow are Johan Rockstrom (Planetary Boundaries), Jennifer Francis (Arctic Amplification & Jet Stream dynamics), Eric Rignot (glaciology and polar ice sheets), Stephan Rahmsdorf (Ocean Circulation), Keri Emanuel (tropical cyclones), James Hansen and a host of others.

The scientists are terrible at messaging to the general public. The US and state governments don't provide high school students competent education on the topic. We are a woefully ignorant nation in which citizens are encouraged to be consumatrons and participate in an exploitative economy which diminishes the Earth's capacity to support our species.

by Nut Nut k

I'm a person who is pretty vigorous in reviewing the climate change information which is available to us all. After thousands of conversations with humans, I have come to realize that most humans are not seeking that information.

I'm a scientifically oriented individual. For climate science, I rely on the experts.

The greenhouse effect was proved in a lab setting by Jonh Tyndall in 1859. The fossil fuel companies have trillion in revenue to fund research which might disprove it. They can't.

The p

Widespread availability of fossil fuels has done more to extend the average human life span than any other advance in human technology.

you might want to read some Bjorn Lomborg, he details the damage that fighting energy availability can cause

by POGcrazy94 k

Are these people who tell you those things with you now pb?

Great question. What’s the answer, PB?

by Playbig2000 k

I did hear about a few major arrests by Navy JAG's over the past couple days

JAGS are arresting people? Now that is news.

by Didace k

JAGS are arresting people? Now that is news.

Gibson gave permission for those Trump guitars.

by Didace k

JAGS are arresting people? Now that is news.

via special forces ordered by the general in charge.

I'm on the board of a startup for new Li-ion storage tech. It's been a huge money drain for VCs as of now, but a couple of other board members who've been itching to get out are pretty confident we'll be able to get some tariff exemptions and basically grift taxpayers due to incompetent regulation under Trump. Just selling off stuff we were supposed to mass produce transfer switches and batteries. I'm skeptical but I'm guessing they did the same thing last time. So much military and government purchasing of equipment requires people acting on behlf of the government to know what they are doing; if they don't you can practically write contracts sating we will steal 150 million from tax payers over the next 8 years and get them to sign it.

by ecriture d'adulte k

I'm on the board of a startup for new Li-ion storage tech. It's been a huge money drain for VCs as of now, but a couple of other board members who've been itching to get out are pretty confident we'll be able to get some tariff exemptions and basically grift taxpayers due to incompetent regulation under Trump. Just selling off stuff we were supposed to mass produce transfer switches and batteries. I'm skeptical but I'm guessing they did the same thing last time. So much military and governme

I work in military contracts and my effective mentor talks about being able to convince the customer of pretty much anything because they are just some adminstrative drone who doesn't understand the many technical nuances

The context is why we have to have robust internal standards

Yeah, we'll see how it plays out but they really think you can buy foreign products, put them in a case and sell at a 100x markup because nobody competent will be there to stop it anymore.
