President Elon Musk
He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly
wayy too much information
Look, you’re not wrong that it happens and happens a good amount.
But I think your opinion of the scale of the issue is not accurate, especially with regards to how much of the federal budget this affects. And I’d disagree that the motivation for most people who do this is not personal convenience but lack of any other alternative.
I think the scale of the problem is much larger than should be acceptable to anyone, and reflects underlying problems with our culture as a whole. But I'll concede that I'm also heavily biased after speaking to untold thousands of deadbeats on the phone and listening to their justifications about why they won't pay $25 for an ER visit.
You might even be right about the spread between people who do it for convenience vs those who have no other option, but I personally spoke with a lot of people in the former camp, and it changed me as a person. If I'm reaching you on a cell phone in 2002, you can afford to pay a $25 hospital bill.
When I had covid I called about getting that awful Paxlovid and the advice nurse yelled at me for not going to the doctor for 8 years and not having had a colonoscopy. (that had to be scheduled months ahead)
I'm still on the fence over which is better from my perspective - colonoscopy or poop-in-a-box-and-mail-it-to-somebody.
President Trump while speaking about the genius kids working for Elon probably bit his tong during the interview after he said "and they dress even worse than him, just tee shirts" Lol.

Elon also questioned why some people have bad cases of TDS:
Broken YouTube LinkElon: "they become completely irrational, you can't even have a normal conversation with them" (just like here in P&S).
I'm still on the fence over which is better from my perspective - colonoscopy or poop-in-a-box-and-mail-it-to-somebody.
I didn't ask to be, but was completely sedated for the colonoscopy. Doesn't really seem necessary. Anyway, I have/had no memory of it. It couldn't have been too bad. It wasn't like it was hard to walk afterward.
Sending the speck of poop in a bag is really nbd though. That's better. You don't have to leave the house.
The waiting room for my first colonoscopy had the food network on the TV. Seemed pretty evil.
I don't remember anything other than how good that iced orange juice was when I woke up.
Old people ITT.
I tried to check if my intuition was correct (that you Americans seem obsessed with Colonoscopies) and data confirms it.
you do 15m+ Colonoscopies per year, we do 1.7m (edgs+ Colonoscopies) per year.
so something like 20x the colonoscopies for 5.5x the population, and we are way older ( a lot older than your oldest state).
and ofc we live far longer anyway so... maybe there is absurd insane completely ****ed up over testing in the USA?
just saying
Elon calling the commander of the ISS ******ed
I have an extended family member who works for the Department of the Interior. His comment: "I'm a little worried about how many dam operators we are firing."
He should be. Perusing various statements from insiders coupling it with media sources for a layman's independent verification seem to tell a pretty alarming story.
A lot of the firing seem arbitrary and reflexive, glaring errors are routinely made, critical talent is lost, the team doing this lacks basic knowledge of the data they are pulling and querying and they have no expertise in the fields they are laying people off in. There is no oversight, nor is there any accountability. When this question is posed as who is accountable, DOGE has no leader. When asked who is making the decisions, it suddenly has a leader. It's been so bad and off the rails that we have seen how the administration has desperately tried to rehire people they just fired, and seem to be failing even that.
It seems naive to not think that a lot of people who keep the lights on or oversee the ones keeping them on are going to be let go, and critical failures will start to happen.
On the plus side for the GOP, when things start failing and people start dying, they can probably turn it into a winning campaign by blaming
What's up?
My neighbor is a retired GI doc. When I see him next, I'll ask him what he thinks a diet of only meat and eggs will do to the colon.
Perfect! That's a good test to see if he actually knows what he's talking about. The facts are Carnivore diets actually cure people of IBS and other similar ailments. This is very well known, so if he's still the pill pushing Big Pharma loyalist type and says "um your body needs fiber to digest", just turn around and run!
Perfect! That's a good test to see if he actually knows what he's talking about. The facts are Carnivore diets actually cure people of IBS and other similar ailments. This is very well known, so if he's still the pill pushing Big Pharma loyalist type and says "um your body needs fiber to digest", just turn around and run!
I will ask him. We'll see if his Duke and Yale education informed him about the gut microbiome as well as random unemployed people on YouTube.
Those are the biggest establishment big pharma supporting schools out there lol that would certainly explain it. I would take a testimonial of the millions of real people on youtube way over a conglomerate. Doctors aren't trained to keep people healthy, they're trained to follow protocol (diagno$e, and pre$cribe).
I've used that line here multiple times and you didn't seem to appreciate it as fire then
The Rescue is a good movie (if that's the cave thing you're talking about)
No i found it, it was musk who had offered the submarine, and the rescuer said that was a PR stunt, and Musk called him a pedo