President Elon Musk
He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly
Democrats get elected by illegal immigrants.
How does that work, exactly?
Laughing at DOGE for being several orders of magnitude off in their savings calculations is entirely valid.
Another angle might be that you should be extremely concerned that they're only able to trim the federal budget by 0.001% of what they expected, even by slashing all this DEI garbage that you guys are claiming is actually essential. How completely and utterly ****ed is the United States of America if our bloated budget has no room for real cuts?
Everyone get out now while you still can, and go live the life of a king in Micronesia before the rest of the rats start jumping off the sinking USS Trump.
You lefties have blown it by making a huge deal about how tariffs (fancy word for taxes) really just get paid by the end consumer. If you try to fix this by taxing the **** out of domestic corporations, would not all of those taxes simply flow directly to the consumer as well? Or is that different, because reasons?
You've got congressmen saying the USA will be insolvent in 10 years and our currency will have no value beyond fuel for the dumpster fires used to fend off hypothermia when the power grid shuts down. Is this true, or is it like when Al Gore said the planet would be under water by 2012?
Elon sold all of his homes, so we can't even go crash on his couch.
Laughing at DOGE for being several orders of magnitude off in their savings calculations is entirely valid.
Oh no, we're laughing at the people that have been defending this s-show as anything more than a dog and pony show to disguise and distract from the implementation of project 2025.
We have geniuses in this forum breathlessly copy/pasting Elon's tweets as they come in and wondering how anyone could be against closing all these departments, firing all of these people, and tanking the entire economy just to trim what amounts to 35 minutes of interest accrual on our national debt.
Nevermind the fact that this was all done to give tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy right under everyone's noses.
Laughing at DOGE for being several orders of magnitude off in their savings calculations is entirely valid.
Another angle might be that you should be extremely concerned that they're only able to trim the federal budget by 0.001% of what they expected, even by slashing all this DEI garbage that you guys are claiming is actually essential. How completely and utterly ****ed is the United States of America if our bloated budget has no room for real cuts?
Everyone get out now while you still can, and
Well, we would have to address your initial point first of all.
What is the basis for saying that the edgily named meme-crew is trying to put a stop to fraud?
Is there any evidence to that effect? And by evidence, I mean something preferably not in the form of a tweet or social media hot take about how they're going to put an end to Democrats.
A cynic might even ponder what is to stop the edgily named meme-crew from committing fraud? They operate without oversight and their transparency is selective. They're also handed authority by a president with a history of corrupt, fraudulent and criminal behavior, and an administration of yes-men.
There is of course also the mounting evidence of their incompetence and being a bunch of useless liars. In fairness, nobody could have seen that coming.
Laughing at DOGE for being several orders of magnitude off in their savings calculations is entirely valid.
Another angle might be that you should be extremely concerned that they're only able to trim the federal budget by 0.001% of what they expected, even by slashing all this DEI garbage that you guys are claiming is actually essential. How completely and utterly ****ed is the United States of America if our bloated budget has no room for real cuts?
Everyone get out now while you still can, and
To break this down into the two parts. Why the terror that cutting discretionary budgeting is only cutting .01% of the budget? That's good if you're a conservative, you've won! That means there's not much to be trimmed. I'd be relieved to find out that half the federal budget isn't going to having blue haired lesbians making finger puppets or giving out grants for yoga instructors to strengthen everyone's non racial bias chakra.
The upside as well is that things that sound good like cancer research or making sure rivers don't catch on fire doesn't cost too much. A lot of bang for a little buck
The other part about tariffs is that yes tariffs are taxes, and no one likes paying taxes but between Republicans and Democrats, Republicans are the ones who need a magic bullet to say we can cut taxes and have everything we want though funding and Trump's narrative around tariffs provides that by saying we can cut taxes and pay for everything by having other countries pay for it. Likewise when it comes to balancing the budget and paying down the debt Democrats are on more solid ground, because there's no magic way to do that other than good ol' raise taxes and/or cut baseline services. You see now that there's no magical pot of money that the blue hairs were siphoning way that will magically put the budget it in black, so it's going to have to be the standard cut social security and raise taxes. Preferably with raising taxes on the rich a lot (though in the spirit of being transparent raising the taxes on the rich is also not a panacea, everyone's going to have to chip in) and cutting back on social security a little or hopefully not at all.
Another angle might be that you should be extremely concerned that they're only able to trim the federal budget by 0.001% of what they expected, even by slashing all this DEI garbage that you guys are claiming is actually essential.
Why should this bother me? You're the rube for fell for the DEI hysteria just like you fall for every single moral panic the GOP gins up.
Another angle might be that you should be extremely concerned that they're only able to trim the federal budget by 0.001% of what they expected, even by slashing all this DEI garbage that you guys are claiming is actually essential. How completely and utterly ****ed is the United States of America if our bloated budget has no room for real cuts?
Did any financially literate person actually believe that DEI policies were a big driver of the federal deficit?
Total government expenditures in 2024 were approximately $6.75T, with the following items accounting for close to 90% of overall budget:
--Healthcare--$1.7T -- This includes ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.
--Social Security -- $1.5T
--Interest expense -- $882B
--National defense -- $872B
--Benefits for veterans and retired federal employees -- $526B
--Other safety net programs -- $476B
If you want to make a real dent in the federal deficit, you have to decide which of these things you can cut (and are willing to cut) significantly without causing a concomitant drop in revenue.
All this chatter about DEI, foreign aid, etc., is bullshit ankle biting when it comes to making a dent in the deficit.
Did any financially literate person actually believe that DEI policies were a big driver of the federal deficit?
Total government expenditures in 2024 were approximately $6.75T, with the following items accounting for close to 90% of overall budget:
--Healthcare--$1.7T -- This includes ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.
--Social Security -- $1.5T
--Interest expense -- $882B
--National defense -- $872B
--Benefits for veterans and retired federal employees -- $526B
--Other safety net programs -- $476B
If you
On the 8th day of doge, Elon gave to me, a bunch of over calculated dei expenditure in a spreadsheet
Laughing at DOGE for being several orders of magnitude off in their savings calculations is entirely valid.
Another angle might be that you should be extremely concerned that they're only able to trim the federal budget by 0.001% of what they expected, even by slashing all this DEI garbage that you guys are claiming is actually essential. How completely and utterly ****ed is the United States of America if our bloated budget has no room for real cuts?
Everyone get out now while you still can, and
Left fault .
lol ….
Ps: not surprise at all they can’t save much .
Republicans runs on lie and non factual $h!t for decades shrug .
Is it true Trump is endorsing cuts to Medicaid? That will eviscerate his base. No good deed goes unpunished, eh?
Elon Musk is failing to cut American spending - DOGE has so far disrupted everything in government bar the deficit
How surprising.
If MAGA cared, it would mean little. They don't, so it matters even less.
I'm sure a new acronym or hazily defined concept to fight is right against the corner.
Elon Musk is failing to cut American spending - DOGE has so far disrupted everything in government bar the deficit
OMG!! Good find!
Why isn't everyone talking about this?
(hint: radical left publications will spin things to support the narrative of their party. When you lay people off and cancel contracts and stop additional money from going out of the country into black holes, how is that "failing to cut spending"? Don't you see how dumb and gullible this makes you look?)

The political bias is obvious just by reading that headline and first paragraph (I don't have a subscription, but I do hope the article helped you solidify how bad you think Elon is, especially since that's what you're paying them for).
About The Economist's Bias Rating
The Economist is a news media source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Lean Left.
What a "Lean Left" Rating Means
Sources with an AllSides Media Bias Rating of Lean Left display media bias in ways that moderately align with liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and/or policy agendas. A Lean Left bias is a moderately liberal rating on the political spectrum.
lol how does
display media bias in ways that moderately align with liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and/or policy agendas
rating from who knows where equal 'radical left' again?
Awww, it's trying to think. That's cute.
"radical left" to playbig is anyone that doesn't grovel to trump or doesn't support a racist fascist dictatorship.
Maybe our budget isn't that bloated and it provides more services than people give the government credit for.