The Democratic Party's Slide Into Irrelevance

The Democratic Party's Slide Into Irrelevance

Attaching a poll ... Dems unfavorability rating increased from 45% to 57% during the Biden Administration.

This is a party with no internal debate about priorities. Bernie Sanders is a lone leftist voice in a party which is unabashedly capitalist.

Strength in politics comes from winning over the people. It comes from popularity and a willingness to engage in fierce debate. There is no debate within the Democratic Party. Name two Democrats who lock horns over policy ..... bet you can't.

Who is leading the opposition to Trump and the GOP ? There is no voice. No alpha character. No coherent philosophy. No anger which mirrors the mood of the electorate.

The most successful Democratic POTUS was FDR. Elected 4x. He wouldn't be welcome in the neoliberal economic paradigm of the party today,

Everything changed when the dominant Boomer generation graduated college , entered the work force and decided they didn't want to pay taxes. Reagan delivered that. He won 49 states in 1984 and the Democrats morphed into Republicans. Obama admitted it. He claimed in 2012 that his policies were moderate and the equivalent of an 80's Republican.

The greatest "fake news" is the labeling of Democrats as leftists. LOL. We don't have a labor party in America. We are the only country that bankrupts our citizens through medical bills and education. Democrats don't try to stop that.

Republicans don't either, but that has been their traditional role for the lasty century.

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03 February 2025 at 11:49 PM

29 Replies


Dunyain -- if the Biden Administration, establishment corporate media people and Democrats in Congress can be referred to "far left" (and they are, constantly...), then what am I? "XXXtreme Radical Ultra-Left"? Whether you believe it or not, I'm practically as far away from them ideologically as you are!

Words mean things. And I'm not going around calling basic GOP ghouls "far-right". Marco Rubio, for instance, isn't "far-right" at all, he's just some establishment douche.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Dunyain -- if the Biden Administration, establishment corporate media people and Democrats in Congress can be referred to "far left" (and they are, constantly...), then what am I? "XXXtreme Radical Ultra-Left"? Whether you believe it or not, I'm practically as far away from them ideologically as you are!

Words mean things. And I'm not going around calling basic GOP ghouls "far-right". Marco Rubio, for instance, isn't "far-right" at all, he's just some establishment douche.

Yes Marx. If AfD can be called far right, how would you call people who actually want to genocide races they dislike? same thing.

The only reasonable use for "far left" is in the context of the nation median. Something like having 75% (or 90%) of the population on your right.

That clearly qualifies a decent number of democrats, same as it qualifies as far right a decent number of republicans.

Approximately 1/3 of adults are democrats, 1/3 republican, 1/3 are independent (who lean a tad to the right overall).

So already being a democrats , even the most moderate one, puts you on the left of 66% of the population if you are the most moderate one. So half the democrats have a supermajority of the population on their right.

Now you have 98-99% of the population on your right so you feel people who "only" have 78% or 84% of the population on their right are far from you. That can be true. Still you are both radical leftists.

Being in favor of healthcare for illegals is being Far Left, same as being against abortion with few (or no) exceptions is being Far Right.

by MSchu18 k

I judge a party by the content of it's character, not by the color of it's flag

The leader of the GOP lies about EVERYTHING, has committed adultery in all of his marriages and has made it clear that he can grab women by the genitals, without reprisal, if he so desires.

Ain’t no character at all there, son.

by Luciom k

Yes Marx. If AfD can be called far right, how would you call people who actually want to genocide races they dislike? same thing.

A nationalist, Islamophobic, hardcore anti-immigration, socially reactionary political party like AfD can indeed be accurately referred to as "far-right". LOL. As though these types of Germans weren't the exact same type putting on the brownshirts 80 years ago...

Also, you're ACTUALLY acting like this thoroughly capitalist, absolute centrist-dominated, war-hawk party known as the Democrats are the left's mirror image to the Nazi-adjacents on the right, which is such a pathetic joke 😆 🤐

Anyway, I don't feel like addressing the rest of your post, in which you go to war with the concept of comparative language.

In Lucy's world -- Chuck Schumer and Che Guevara, ideological twins!

by Luciom k

Approximately 1/3 of adults are democrats, 1/3 republican, 1/3 are independent (who lean a tad to the right overall).

What percentage don't vote ?

What percentage of voter affiliation is "lesser evil" mentality based upon fear or disgust of the alternative party as opposed to positive affinity with one of the two major parties.

You can't look at voter affiliation and conclude anything about whether that affiliation is an affirmation or a rejection.
