The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

3287 Replies


lol at trying to turn the Calgary water main into a partisan political issue. The problem is that the amount of steel used in these pipes - across all of North America - in the 1970s was deficient, and so a series of problems have occurred that don’t occur before or after that time period.

by uke_master k

lol at trying to turn the Calgary water main into a partisan political issue. The problem is that the amount of steel used in these pipes - across all of North America - in the 1970s was deficient, and so a series of problems have occurred that don’t occur before or after that time period.

You ever heard of the term regularly scheduled maintenance ?

And to add about Freeland I find her to be an annoying speaker and when she is not speaking she has this bad habit when standing behind someone to keep nodding or shaking her head in agreement with Junior Castro or anyone

Yes I’m sure you do find it annoying when female politicians speak and hyper focus on her, uh, head movements. Are you going to complain about head movements of male politicians?

by uke_master k

Yes I’m sure you do find it annoying when female politicians speak and hyper focus on her, uh, head movements. Are you going to complain about head movements of male politicians?

Id say that about any politician standing behind the PM . I don't give a flying fxxk if they are male or female . Just google it you will find tons of videos.

I have no issue with men or women as politicians as long as their competent

by uke_master k

Yes I’m sure you do find it annoying when female politicians speak and hyper focus on her, uh, head movements. Are you going to complain about head movements of male politicians?

Lol. She got the job because she was female. But any criticism about her is a sexist conspiracy.

Can anyone remind me what freeland did so bad throughout her years in office?
I don’t remember much of anything she did so bad to be called an idiot or not being qualified beside being a woman shrug .

I think at this point, those tied to Trudeau most closely are going to be viewed in much the same way he is. I don't have a super strong opinion of her as an individual, but I can't see the party moving forward with her in a high profile position once they have a big house cleaning after they get their ass handed to them next year.

It'll be great when we finally get an elected female Prime Minister, but it's not going to be her IMO.

by Montrealcorp k

Can anyone remind me what freeland did so bad throughout her years in office?
I don’t remember much of anything she did so bad to be called an idiot or not being qualified beside being a woman shrug .

What makes her qualified for the position she's has?

by Shifty86 k

What makes her qualified for the position she's has?

There is no university program
That I know of to be a PM or a deputy .

But being many years in politics and to my knowledge didn’t do much of big mistakes with many big responsibilities (nafta negotiators vs trump as an example) seem Qualified enough to me .

So you got any ?

by Bobo Fett k

I think at this point, those tied to Trudeau most closely are going to be viewed in much the same way he is. I don't have a super strong opinion of her as an individual, but I can't see the party moving forward with her in a high profile position once they have a big house cleaning after they get their ass handed to them next year.

It'll be great when we finally get an elected female Prime Minister, but it's not going to be her IMO.

You do realize we have already had one and I’m all for another one . Your assessment is correct anyone so closely associated with Justin will be seen as Justin

The liberals best option if Trudeau stepped down would be Mark Carney

by lozen k

You do realize we have already had one

You might want to read my post again. We have not.

by Bobo Fett k

You might want to read my post again. We have not.

My apologies I had no clue Kim Campbell was not elected PM

Heh, no worries. I forget that it was long enough ago that a growing number of people were too young to remember (or weren't alive then in some cases, LOL). I think it's an important distinction, because she was nothing more than the one left holding the bag after Mulroney pissed everyone off, and never even presided over a session of the legislature. So we unfortunately still have the "distinction" of never having elected a woman federally.

If Trudeau decides not to run next summer and they choose Freeland, it would be the exact same result, but hopefully she knows better than to put her name forward.

Campbell just screwed up the campaign bad. In particular, there was an election ad, linked to below, which threw some subtle jabs at Cretein's disfigurement. This did not go overwell with the Canadian public, and was why the conservatives ended up without enough seats to qualify for official party status.

what annoys me most about Freeland is when she is asked a question point blank and she won't answer it. she will just go on about something else that is at most tangentionally related. just bite the bullet and answer the question, or if you don't know say that. not to mention the constant gas lighting about the state of the debt and the state of the economy. she doesn't have an honest bone in her body.

Buddy, have you watched 5 minutes of house of commons debate ever on everything? Or any reporter asking any question of any politician? Non-answers and just launching into safe partisan talking points are the name of the game. I mean I don't disagree - I have west wing style liberal fantasies about politicians who honestly answer the questions posed to them - that would be fantastic. But this is a ridiculous thing to put on the "what annoys me most about Freeland" bingo card.

So After 3 leaders have read the NSICOP report here is what they have to say

Elizabeth May No concern only one non sitting person looks bad. We all know who that is Though May clarified her statement a bit walking it back a bit
Jagmeet Singh Calling named MP's traitors but none of ours
Trudeau No party is exempt from members being on the list

Here we have a Canadian team, full of Canadian players, in the Stanley Cup finals – that hasn’t been won by a Canadian team in over 30 years and our PM is a ghost. I doubt it would be that way if the Leafs or the Habs were playing. But then again maybe it’s just because Justin could never ever bring himself to say the words Go “Oilers” Go

by lozen k

Here we have a Canadian team, full of Canadian players, in the Stanley Cup finals – that hasn’t been won by a Canadian team in over 30 years and our PM is a ghost. I doubt it would be that way if the Leafs or the Habs were playing. But then again maybe it’s just because Justin could never ever bring himself to say the words Go “Oilers” Go

Lmao, it is so effortless to destroy you every post. This is irrelevant to anything, but it is a great example of how your partisanship blinds you to everything, where you come up with conspiracy theories about something as silly as hockey and don't even take the literally 10 seconds to prove yourself wrong.

Of course, I don't believe that you actually came up with this idea on your own. So it likely instead came from some weird right wing source and you parroted it here without critical reflection. Let's google. Ah....was it this letter to the editor that you read? Edmonton Sun? Maybe. Timing is right. Funny how the editor immediately fact checks the letter writter: Ok lozen out with it, did I guess your source right? Ok probably you didn't go here directly, you probably saw this on social media but check back and see if this was it.

Well suspecting where lozen gets his news and what he reads ,
I’m Not surprise he didn’t know .

Over a week ago Im talking about game 3 and 4

by lozen k

Over a week ago Im talking about game 3 and 4

But then again maybe it’s just because Justin could never ever bring himself to say the words Go “Oilers” Go

"could never ever" became "over a week ago" awfully quickly.

Just take the L lozen.

Oh, and was I right about your source?

by uke_master k

"could never ever" became "over a week ago" awfully quickly.

Just take the L lozen.

Oh, and was I right about your source?

Ill admit your right on this one 😀 See that is the difference between you and I I will always admit when I am wrong and If I think my party is wrong Sadly you can never do it you see it as a sign of weakness just like Justin

I've always found the whole "you have to cheer for the Canadian teams" thing really silly. These aren't national teams, they're professional sports teams that play in cities. I'm not cheering for other NHL teams just because they happened to be located in other Canadian cities, just as I don't expect people in other Canadian cities to cheer for the Canucks even if they're the only team left in the playoffs (and I felt that way in 2011 when people here were whining about Canadians not supporting the Canucks). I certainly get why some people want to cheer for a "Canadian" team, and especially this year with the Oilers having the most Canadians (meanwhile the Canucks had one regular who is a Canadian, LOL), just don't expect that everyone else will. Same goes for the Raptors and the Blue Jays.

And I'd say that even goes for the PM - if we have a leader who's always supported a particular NHL franchise (no idea if that applies to Trudeau or not), I wouldn't begrudge him or her keeping that loyalty as PM. But politically it makes sense to join in with the "back the Canadian team" crowd.

by lozen k

Ill admit your right on this one 😀 See that is the difference between you and I I will always admit when I am wrong and If I think my party is wrong Sadly you can never do it you see it as a sign of weakness just like Justin

The problem is when u side with a party that embraces fakes news, conspiracy theories and disinformation, you are bounded to be more often on the side of being wrong ….
