Just One Game Thread

Just One Game Thread

by Nicholasp27 k

In this thread we will play the hottest new social word game.

It’s a cooperative game but we can split it into teams to bring a little more competition to it.

To play the game, everyone but one person is given the secret word for that round. Then everyone submits a 1-word clue to that secret word. The mod removes any duplicate words and posts the unique clues and the one person then guesses the secret word.

If correct, we get a point; if wrong we lose a point; if isn’t sure of the word, they can

by eyebooger k

There were 10 items in your list. Here they are in random order:


Should we start a new thread?

New thread started. gogogo

06 June 2024 at 05:54 PM

381 Replies


Nice it worked for Buffalo

For monarch I was worried about king/queen/royal/etc so wanted to hit exactly monarch and if we duped then it’s a pass…better than Charles and you go king or similar…figured high chance of another butterfly but if nobody did it then could go sideways

Yeah, better to dupe butterfly than not clue it at all...woulda been a tough word without it.

by D1iabol1cal k

Yeah I got that one. Wasn't totally sure Buffalo Sabres were a thing, but seemed worth the risk.

lol Sabres is the obvious buffalo one. Bills could go a few different ways imo. think Buffalo Bison is like a double-A baseball team. sabres is leet clue.

Last up to guess is AE, nails and housenuts with the scores currently at:

Team A: -1
Team B: 14
Team C: 11

Can Team A finish with a + score? We shall find out :p

I'll rand words and post PMs tomorrow morning

by housenuts k

lol Sabres is the obvious buffalo one. Bills could go a few different ways imo. think Buffalo Bison is like a double-A baseball team. sabres is leet clue.

Well yeah, it's obviously the best clue if you know them lol. Not everyone is American.

I also had no idea who Buffalo Sabres are until I googled them

Bills though, I love them they're my NFL team 😃

Really glad I didn’t go for the Buffalo Soldier reference with Sabres on the board

by Nicholasp27 k

For monarch I was worried about king/queen/royal/etc so wanted to hit exactly monarch and if we duped then it’s a pass…better than Charles and you go king or similar…figured high chance of another butterfly but if nobody did it then could go sideways

Did the same for that exact reason.

Team C clues for housenuts:

1. Jomboy, outlets, mogul
2. Prejudice, hubris, ego
3. station, military, volunteerism
4. ricin, toxin, warfarin
5. miss, pendulum, fluctuate

by POGcrazy94 k

Team C clues for housenuts:

1. Jomboy, outlets, mogul
2. Prejudice, hubris, ego
3. station, military, volunteerism
4. ricin, toxin, warfarin
5. miss, pendulum, fluctuate

1. media seems to fit.
2. no one wanted to go gay, but Prejudice caps gotta be pride
3. Workstation, military work?, volunteering is 'work' but I think service fits better. Service station is probably euro gas station.
4. Dunno what warfarin is but poison fits others.
5. please be swing

by housenuts k

1. media seems to fit.
2. no one wanted to go gay, but Prejudice caps gotta be pride
3. Workstation, military work?, volunteering is 'work' but I think service fits better. Service station is probably euro gas station.
4. Dunno what warfarin is but poison fits others.
5. please be swing

5/5 good job

i almost duped with prejudice and ricin. whew

would multi be a legal clue btw?

by insanity31 k

would multi be a legal clue btw?

I don't see why not.

Good clues team!

I think so

it's one word and isn't the same root word as media

by POGcrazy94 k

Team C clues for housenuts:

1. Jomboy, outlets, mogul
2. Prejudice, hubris, ego
3. station, military, volunteerism
4. ricin, toxin, warfarin
5. miss, pendulum, fluctuate

by housenuts k

1. media seems to fit.
2. no one wanted to go gay, but Prejudice caps gotta be pride
3. Workstation, military work?, volunteering is 'work' but I think service fits better. Service station is probably euro gas station.
4. Dunno what warfarin is but poison fits others.
5. please be swing

Great job team. Great guessing housenuts.

For 1 it was Murdoch or mogul
For 3 it was volunteerism or community or maintain
For 4 lots of options... venom, cyanide, ivy

Hey POGCrazy. For game integrity and transparency and all that what do you think of this idea?

Once you rand the words, and before you send our team's words to 2 of housenuts/Arctic/insanity, maybe you should pick your 5 words and send them to eyebooger or Nich or someone not on our team just for them to have a record of.

Then you can send the words to 2 of us knowing that there is a prior record in place of your picks.

Only reason I am suggesting that is if/when it is my turn to rand and mod, etc I am going to go that route.


Team B clues for nails:

1. minestrone, Soul, miso
2. Fox, Radio, bulletin
3. Cyrillic, Grafton, ABCs
4. condiment, meatloaf, Heinz
5. mouth, stifle, sleepy

by ArcticKnight k

Hey POGCrazy. For game integrity and transparency and all that what do you think of this idea?

Once you rand the words, and before you send our team's words to 2 of housenuts/Arctic/insanity, maybe you should pick your 5 words and send them to eyebooger or Nich or someone not on our team just for them to have a record of.

Then you can send the words to 2 of us knowing that there is a prior record in place of your picks.

Only reason I am suggesting that is if/when it is my turn to rand and mod, et

Sure no problem

by POGcrazy94 k

Team B clues for nails:

1. minestrone, Soul, miso
2. Fox, Radio, bulletin
3. Cyrillic, Grafton, ABCs
4. condiment, meatloaf, Heinz
5. mouth, stifle, sleepy

1. soup
2. news
3. alphabet
4. ketchup
5. yawn

No dupes! Great job with the clues.

Nice job

I regretted Radio when I saw the clues; NewsRadio is no Galloping Gourmet but it was a short lived 90s sitcom

I don't get the Soul clue?

by D1iabol1cal k

I don't get the Soul clue?

Nazi would have been cool...lol

by D1iabol1cal k

I don't get the Soul clue?

Also confused lol

by D1iabol1cal k

I don't get the Soul clue?

Not mine, but probably referencing the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books?

Seems like a bit of a risky clue.
