Sheep Reveal
Sheep was invented by M. Night Shyamalan during the filming of The Sixth Sense. The twist is, if you match your opponents’ answers more than anyone else, you win.
A dead comedian
A found footage film
A song from West Side Story
An easy game
A film directed by Christopher Nolan
An Olympian
The GOAT tv show
A famous band from the USA
A city in Africa
The best comedian alive today
PM me a single-spaced, unnumbered list of your answers. Entries will close at 9pm server time with reveal to follow
Just about 3 hours to go time.
dead comedian and live comedian ****ed me. all sheeps on the others
NGL, I'm pretty honored to share the MacPodium with ak56 and IBS. That's some pretty elite sheepin' company.
Thanks for the game! Grats winners!
i finally aliced!
Thanks for the game and congrats to the podium
1. A dead comedian
George Carlin - 5
Robin Williams - 5
Doctor Zeus
xander biscuits
Bob Newhart - 2
Norm Macdonald - 2
ACE - John Belushi - 1
Booker Wolfbox
ACE - John Pinette - 1
ACE - Johnny Carson - 1
ACE - Mitch Hedberg - 1
ACE - Richard Pryor - 1
Rip kings
Grats to the winners n thanks for the game!!!
Congrats Aicirt!!! LOL Filthy
Thanks IBD! This was a fun read. 😀
Well done, winners! Thanks for a long overdue sheep, IBD.
The other meaning of Olympian never entered my mind.
I even double checked that the word was "brand" because it was so strange a category. Weird.
Nice! I knew Pearl Jam wasn't a great answer. Was hoping for the sheep to be small on that one. It is kinda crazy that there isn't necessarily an obvious answer to "USA band".
Thanks IBD for the game!
Grats podium.
Congrats winners and thx for running IBD!!!!
I was really wondering how the whole Breaking Bad/The Wire/Sopranos thing would turn out.
Ugh I did awful. I plead sheep rustiness, yeah that's the ticket.
Thanks, IBD! Congrats, Aicirt and podium!