Sheep - Entries due 9pm August 6

Sheep - Entries due 9pm August 6

Sheep was invented by M. Night Shyamalan during the filming of The Sixth Sense. The twist is, if you match your opponents’ answers more than anyone else, you win.

A dead comedian
A found footage film
A song from West Side Story
An easy game
A film directed by Christopher Nolan
An Olympian
The GOAT tv show
A famous band from the USA
A city in Africa
The best comedian alive today

PM me a single-spaced, unnumbered list of your answers. Entries will close at 9pm server time with reveal to follow shortly thereafter. Good luck and thanks for playing!

04 August 2024 at 12:41 AM

20 Replies

will be in if don't forget

You won’t forget, I’ll see to it

Sitting in the house without power

Count me in



Zomg, an IBD sheep complete with origin story.

I'm in!


Contractually obligated to be in, so in.

by Booker Wolfbox k

Contractually obligated to be in, so in.


In for the lol's



by Booker Wolfbox k

Contractually obligated to be in, so in.

You getting Name and Likeness revenue now... I mean the Panda is a 2+2 icon, and "lol at research" should be trademarked by you.

Plus, IBD is loaded........ so I hear.

I can be your agent...

by IBeDrummin k

The twist is, if you match your opponents’ answers more than anyone else you win.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this. A mega sheep missed with all the small sheeps hit.

by Nicholasp27 k

will be in if don't forget


Will be in if don’t forget

in with horrible answers

there's a reveal going on now if you're waiting for a notification from this thread...

Wrong thread!
