Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.

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) 2 Views 2
22 December 2021 at 07:01 AM

3589 Replies





Good game!

Monopoly was what I'd have clued, though I'd not have clued it unlimited. Seeing that easy pick up for the final two is why I did the reach for Olympus and Berlin as the last two High words.

Capital being theirs HURT. 😀

Glad we won, but damn Ervin you made it harder than you needed to.


Woooo way to go team!

by insanity31 k

it's ervin

he's done weird unlimited clues to close it out a handful of times in this thread. then everyone talks about why he did the weird clue, and they end up at the only two possible answers. then they win and i say gg

i've always been on the other team when it happens, but find it to be hilarious

i still don't know why he does it since i zone out for that part of the conversation, but it's a 2 clue for him


I don't really know why I confuse everyone so much with this - my idea is just to hit the last 2 words as hard as possible. In this case I woulda clued Monopoly - 2 if you had not talked about game, but the last eligible word you discussed was ours so I made it unlimited as I do when the last word is a freebie. I could have done something like punishment or building unlimited or whatever, just thought meh why not hit both words anyway so it's just as much equity to those as possible

by insanity31 k

actually i was on this guessing side once. it was so long ago it might have been his first time

i was adamant it couldn't be one of bugle/lemon for "pucker" or something, but every other option was more ridiculous to my teammates. not going through that again

That one I remember and I capitalized Pucker because it could be capitalized when referred to as the full dish. I didn't think it would matter(and it ultimately didn't), and I don't fully remember this discussion but I do think there were some ideas like Pucker for a movie so then he wants us to guess Star or something like that

But generally my thought is just add as much equity to the target words as possible, I'm certainly not doing some anti unlimited thing to do some reverse word or nix one, could just clue for 0 if I was going for that

Which speaking of, great guessing team blue! The 0 clue worked great, always nice when you clue for more and the team discusses 6 of the 5 words you wanted 😀

Ah yeah the capital got me on Pucker

Nice clues

it's no list so going Monopoly - 2 won't decline game like it would if game had been on our list

but if you want to avoid that, then clue capital with 1 (or your fave, unlimited) and we'll treat it like an n-1 clue where game is ours and then guess capital

when you clue it unlimited AND hit the first word hard, that's when it gets unnecessarily vague and can throw us off

just clue One - 1 for Capital One + makeup game (only word left we had ever mentioned) or clue Monopoly - 2 and we'll assume bc no list that you treated it like nothing on list and monopoly only hits game+capital

I personally would have done One - 1 or any other Capital clue for 1 clue because game was clearly the n-1...if your 2 clue hit any other 2 words but game then i'd avoid game but in this case it only hit those 2 so it was *ok* but made it more complicated; if it had hit any other word even stretchy then I would have not guessed game because you denied it by not doing an n-1 clue

nice clues and spy mastering, though; even if that was the 4th best way to clue there, it still got us there and the rest was spot on

Cluing unlimited doesn't deny n-1 lol. Recluing the unlimited word is totally unnecessary and I can see why it's confusing, but not guessing game in that spot would've been horrendous.

Right, and i said that in my post

You and Ervin use unlimited instead of 1 there but you would clue for capital, not for game

You either clue n-1 or unlimited and clue the word not mentioned or you clue 2

The way you ignore n-1 is just Monopoly - 2 which is what I'd have clued.

by Nicholasp27 k

Right, and i said that in my post

You and Ervin use unlimited instead of 1 there but you would clue for capital, not for game

You either clue n-1 or unlimited and clue the word not mentioned or you clue 2

I don't disagree with that. Just saying not guessing game when the clue is Monopoly just because of some codenames convention that you live by is taking things a step too far.

And actually n-1 there would be worse because you were already caught up on all your words. You shouldn't be automatically guessing next word on your list just because there is 1 word left.

I could have done the One - unlimited thing, I just felt like meh, can get both words anyway so why not

Felt like a cooler way to go about it for no list, but if it was some absolutely unlinkable/blocky combo(which imo is almost never for 2 words) then mighta done it the other way assuming you would figure out game

idk, mighta seemed confusing but no matter which convention you use seems like those are the 2 words to guess and there's no messing it up

Given how much I talk of the last word unlimited freebie, if I went Monopoly - 2 I could easily see someone making an argument that game isn't ours since why didn't I do unlimited then?

N-1 isn’t a convention, it’s deduction

If the spymaster clues one less than you need to win, then you need no prior knowledge or discussion to determine that the next word on your list (or only word mentioned in this case of no list) is yours

I think "Spymaster is cluing away from X because he didn't n-1" is precisely the kind of thing no list is telling us to avoid, isn't it?

You can *guess* n-1 intelligently, as Nich says, without it being a hard inference. "We have one word left, so let's just go back to our list" is a sensible play without it being an inferred mandate, as it can appear to be in a normal game.

But you can't infer the inverse in a no-list game.

Unlimited tells you next word on your list is correct moreso than n-1. In fact, that is the entire purpose of it.

Using it for things like skipping over next word and choose the one after or whatever is just dumb imo.

I'm w d1, and if you want your team to "activate deduction" and go back and figure out a word from a few options, use n-1!

by insanity31 k

it's ervin

he's done weird unlimited clues to close it out a handful of times in this thread. then everyone talks about why he did the weird clue, and they end up at the only two possible answers. then they win and i say gg

i've always been on the other team when it happens, but find it to be hilarious

i still don't know why he does it since i zone out for that part of the conversation, but it's a 2 clue for him


predicting the future is fun! we are currently in the highlighted part of the post

by IBeDrummin k

There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Doctor Zeus
Neil S

eb v DZ imo

nich vs diab


King Arthur

if even i'm red

by Nicholasp27 k

if even i'm red

it's odd so d1 is red
