Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!
Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.
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I’m good with pyramid delta
I like having an air connection as why he chose luftwaffe
that's good with me also
Luftwaffe - 4
grass - 3
Golden - 3
NASA - 3
Mercury - First manned orbital program
Board - Boarding a rocket/orbiter
Drop - what the manned capsules used to do into the ocean
Mercury yes, I kinda like School?
Doubt EB is going for this but for the sax players around here NASA also does stand for North American Saxophone Alliance 😀
I could see School over Drop.
School was one of the possibles for Grass.
We're done w Grass, so School shouldn't have anything to do with it. I don't think EB would necessarily try to get it with a Grass clue tho
Hmmm I wonder why NASA over space or flight
I am thinking School has to be one, 3rd maybe something like Part or Board?
Ehh, there's the possibility that we lucked into grass with an unintended word. There's always the possibility. I think it adds weight to the choice, which matters if we have no clear arguments otherwise.
Johnson Space Center did have UH Clear Lake founded right adjacent to it to support it, and a bunch of future astronauts went there.
Mercury/school/drop I could be convinced of.
Or /board
Not sure which of the two I like more. Probably board over drop.
The nasa logo is blue, so maybe that could work?
Do you really "board" a rocket? I guess you do, but it still feels kinda bleh.
I don't like drop at all, and it's most likely the other luftwaffe word.
Also agree we're done with grass. I'd be shocked if we spursed anything there.
Blues for the saxophone connection! #shadowfax
Should we guess mercury and school since we're not really getting off them?
Gotta say I'm not loving school either. But I like everything else less, so I guess I'm fine with it.
I think Mercury is impossible not to guess.
I really like drop specifically because of the tie to the mercury program, the capsules dropping into the ocean.
Same with boarding the mercury program rockets.
Blues - isn't blue, but it's possible this would be intended.
Board - Boarding a spaceship is something you DO.
Drop - Again, manned spaceflight capsules would just drop into the ocean
France - I don't see a connection. France is a member of ESA, not NASA.
Kangaroo - Nope
Key - Don't see it
Kid - It's a two step to go from NASA to Space Camp to Kid
Lightning - It's a thing in the sky, I guess?
Mercury - Mercury Program, the famous first steps to the moon landings
Mount - Don't see it
Pants - Space suit? Naaah.
Part - NASA does purchase parts from vendors, I Guess
Powder - Don't see it.
School - There's a school near one of the main NASA facilities. NASA tried to put a teacher in space.
Snowman - Don't see it.
I really only like school for flight training and such. If it's just because there's a school nearby, then I don't like it at all.
Is the nasa logo not blue? I thought it was.
I mean the word blues isn't the same as the word blue.
Can we figure out why it's NASA and not spaceship or rocket or whatever?
(To me that reason is school but I'm open to other ideas or whatever it could be)
Can we figure out why it's NASA and not spaceship or rocket or whatever?
(To me that reason is school but I'm open to other ideas or whatever it could be)
That's why I kinda like blue(s).
I think flight gets school/board/mercury much cleaner than nasa does. I guess it kinda hits France as well, but that is obviously red.
Flight wouldn't hit mercury imo, would even guess Kid before. Our clue makes mercury automatic but it is a hard word to hit really
Do you know what it exactly stands for lol
Maybe that would help me decide why it's NASA over Space