Bandle (It's Wordle - But MUSIC!)
Anyone else play this before? I just found out about it so not sure how long it's been around.
Christ, I need to just walk away
I got my first ace after doing this daily for 2 weeks.
Never heard this and you should feel good about yourself if didn't get it imo
Managed a 5
Should have been an ace, but I didn't think carefully about the year and view count.
6, no chance
I think we can all agree that this game reveals something us all:
eb loves some terrible ****ing music
I can't dispute that.
I'm honestly not that big a fan of this song. This artist has a bunch of other songs that I like better.
6 again, meh
Same. I’ve literally never heard a [redacted] song in my life. I’m probably not right for this game.
6 here too, I don't know this song.
rage quit this one
Meh, maybe could have done better.
I love the idea of this but needs to be more like SongPop where you can choose playlists that you know like 80s or 90s alternative or whatever
Too many of these I just never heard of before
At least it’s only 1 minute/day but I can see myself forgetting to play soon bc half the time I don’t know the song
Needed the clue for this one, but I definitely know the song.
It simply cannot be overstated how much this song ****ing sucks.
I like to think I'm pretty knowledgeable about music from this time period, but I don't think I've ever heard this song in my life.
6, pretty sure I've never heard it.
Didn't know this one but got in 5 with help
Out of all the stuff I haven't known this seems the best by far, not my favorite or anything but this song will prob live on
didn't get it
thought i knew the song the whole time until i didn't get it and saw what the song was, I haven't heard of this song
At least from reading YouTube comments haha, it sounds all happy and apparently is about depression and stuff - people chew that stuff up