Bandle (It's Wordle - But MUSIC!)
Anyone else play this before? I just found out about it so not sure how long it's been around.
got it in 1
Big fat 6, would have never got it without the clue.
Had forgotten that this song existed. Life was better that way.
0, and **** this trash
I’m starting to resent newguy for introducing me to this game.
0, never heard of it. I figured what the clue meant correctly but refused to guess out of principle.
Woo hoo 6 lol
it's problem when a bandle song is better than the original
Yea some of these bandles kinda slap I barely hear it happen in the song lol
Easiest one in a while. Although on my first guess I thought it was
Nailed it in 1.
Took me 3. Meh.
4, pretty sad.
My main takeaway this week has been that apparently I don't pay that much attention to the drums.
Oh man, this one pissed me off. I recognized it in one but couldn’t place it. Wasted four turns and got it in five. Embarrassing.
Mmmm ouch, was thinking ibd was gonna know the ole drum part of 71 and snap get it and feeling bad I didn't know it after 2 tho it sounded very familiar. After guess 3 had the wrong song in mind and couldn't place it, actually needed the vocals to land on it
4. Was not close before that.
4, only mildly annoyed that I didn't have it after 3.
5, it feels so obvious now...
Aaaaye it took me til 5 to recognize it, felt I knew it the whole way but didn't quite
I like this one!
3, got lucky typing lyrics in and finding it. Never would’ve been able to name the artist or song on my own with confidence.