Jesus Became God. Why?
There have been many in this world who have desired to become a god, but they did not.
Jesus had the same desires as any other human and the same ability to either identify or de-identify with those desires.
So why him?
He explained why two thousand years ago with three words:
I desire mercy.
You don’t realize what you’re saying. If Jesus didn’t BECOME God, then you and your loved ones have zero chance of ever entering into eternal life in the kingdom. As a fallen being, how are you expected to unify your story with the story of a perfect being who can never fall. Those two cannot reconcile together.
You can only unify with Christ’s story, and become perfect, if he unifies with your story, becoming imperfect. What is true of him (perfection), becomes true for y
Look, why can't you just say "live your life like Christ"? You're adding all kinds of kooky language as well as gnostic ideas. We aren't "unifying our stories"...where did you get this silly language?
Of course there's truth in Christ always being God BECAUSE HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN GOD. This isn't allegorical. He's perfect because He's God. He CANNOT not be perfect. Christ is the LOGOS. Truth isn't a concept. Truth is literally a PERSON...Christ. He created the universe and every one of us.
Jesus Christ is second person of a trinitarian Monarchical Godhead. Three distinct hypostasis sharing the same essence and will. The Father being the sole cause of the Son and Holy Spirit, but all equally coeternal and all EQUALLY God. That's the nuts and bolts of it. You seem to have a grasp on what it takes to achieve salvation but you gotta drop all the woo woo rhetoric. You're not going to convert anyone sounding like hippie shaman on ayahuasca.
And yes, I'm Orthodox.
Look, why can't you just say "live your life like Christ"? You're adding all kinds of kooky language as well as gnostic ideas. We aren't "unifying our stories"...where did you get this silly language?
Of course there's truth in Christ always being God BECAUSE HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN GOD. This isn't allegorical. He's perfect because He's God. He CANNOT not be perfect. Christ is the LOGOS. Truth isn't a concept. Truth is literally a PERSON...Christ. He created the universe and every one of us.
Jesus Chr
No. I’m not going back. People like you are to evolve.
Stop being afraid and believe what is written on your soul. Or don’t.
All of this is true. Jesus is a bridge to the soul. Son of God = soul.
The entirety of creation is for the purpose of the soul (only begotten son).
Is your soul perfect? Yes. But also no. But also yes.
No no no.
Christ is not a bridge to the are you talking about? We are each made up of a soul and body. You cannot be a person without both. When we die an earthly death our body is separated from our soul until the resurrection. Every person that ever existed will be resurrected.
And no my soul is not perfect. Soul isn't some magical thing that is perfect at all times. We can have darkened souls.
And the Son of God is most certainly NOT the soul. That's complete nonsense.
No. I’m not going back. People like you are to evolve.
Stop being afraid and believe what is written on your soul. Or don’t.
How high are you? Going back to what?
Christ is written in our hearts. That's our conscience. Christ is the only reason humans innately know right from wrong. And yes, I believe in that.
This is why the Non-Christian is necessary. So many Christians are going to be stuck.
The Non-Christian is needed to become a brother to the Christian, go out ahead, and prepare the path.
You don’t realize what you’re saying. If Jesus didn’t BECOME God, then you and your loved ones have zero chance of ever entering into eternal life in the kingdom. As a fallen being, how are you expected to unify your story with the story of a perfect being who can never fall. Those two cannot reconcile together.
You can only unify with Christ’s story, and become perfect, if he unifies with your story, becoming imperfect. What is true of him (perfection), becomes true for you. What is true of you
Are you being religious right now? Can you separate religion from reality? Is there any difference between the two?
How high are you? Going back to what?
Christ is written in our hearts. That's our conscience. Christ is the only reason humans innately know right from wrong. And yes, I believe in that.
There are billions who never heard of Christ and most had plenty of inner ideas about right and wrong.
There are billions who never heard of Christ and most had plenty of inner ideas about right and wrong.
Yes. In the New Testament it states many times that Christ is written in man's heart. That's where we get our sense of right and wrong. Those how cannot come to know Christ can still live a Christlike life and will be judged accordingly. Every human knows inherently that beating a child or raping a woman is bad. Without God to give us a conscience we'd just kill each other willy nilly.
Heathens: Lord, we are just simple beings and not intelligent enough to deal with an abstract entity and don't understand hardly anything you are trying to say.
GOD: OK, I'll send a real-life person, call him my son, down to earth to show you how to believe, pray, and live your lives in a holy manner. You will see him perform miracles and be loving and kind, just like I want you all to be. All you have to do is follow his example.
Heathens: Brilliant! We shall await his arrival and let HIM show us the way! Thank you, Lord, you are wise and wonderful.
GOD: Hey, what happened to my son?
Heathens: We killed him. Sorry.
Heathens: Lord, we are just simple beings and not intelligent enough to deal with an abstract entity and don't understand hardly anything you are trying to say.
GOD: OK, I'll send a real-life person, call him my son, down to earth to show you how to believe, pray, and live your lives in a holy manner. You will see him perform miracles and be loving and kind, just like I want you all to be. All you have to do is follow his example.
Heathens: Brilliant! We shall await his arrival and let HIM
Stretch your faith.
Christ dying is God showing us how the story goes and showing us the way.
Death is a prerequisite for renewal.