Just 8 days until Florida State plays Georgia Tech!

A lot happened while you were away:

Texas and Oklahoma joined the SEC

The Pac-12 went out in a blaze of glory:
Oregon, Washington, USC and UCLA are headed to the B1G
Utah, Arizona, Arizona State and Colorado are headed to the B12
Cal and Stanford along with SMU are somehow headed to the ACC
Poor old Wazzu and Oregon State are now aligned with the MWC in some sort of in-flux relationship

The conferences are huge now, and the schedules are wildly imbalanced. Florida might have the hardest schedule in the history of the sport, while Missouri's playing a sun-belt slate.

FSU and Clemson play each other, but then play ZERO common ACC opponents

Utah/Baylor and Arizona/Kansas State play non-conference games against conference opponents

LSU and USC play in Vegas!

Boise goes to Oregon, a team they've never lost to!

Texas at Michigan!

Alabama at Wisconsin!

Notre Dame at ATM!

Clemson vs Georgia!

And there are some incredibly juicy new conference matchups:

Texas @ ATM is back!

Texas vs Georgia

Oregon vs Ohio State

USC @ Michigan

USC vs Penn State

And then the bizarre:

UCLA @ Rutgers is now a conference game

Syracuse plays home and away against Cal and Stanford for some reason

Half the teams have new coaches, transferred quarterbacks, or both!

Let's get it on!

) 7 Views 7
16 August 2024 at 04:28 PM

5954 Replies


After that recalled kick catch interference, I withdraw my last 3 complaints about bad calls.

Gotta say, GT/Vandy was about the last game I expected to see an all-out brawl

"No YOU'RE the nerds!!!"

by Guy Incognito k

Gotta say, GT/Vandy was about the last game I expected to see an all-out brawl

likely sparked by a questioning of composite team SAT scores

by Holliday k

"No YOU'RE the nerds!!!"


That was pretty awesome camerawork, only showing the players' lower legs so I didn't know who was about to get the ball. Very mise en scene.

by Guy Incognito k

Gotta say, GT/Vandy was about the last game I expected to see an all-out brawl

I was going to auto bet on each in their bowl games until it turned out to be against each other. Not used to success, getting it, and wanting more. Just no need to guess if they were really going to be trying.

by Holliday k

After that recalled kick catch interference, I withdraw my last 3 complaints about bad calls.

Really irritating that terrible, terrible call was like a psychic break in a really good 13-14 game. Pinned GT on their own 2 instead of midfield, got the coach so mad he couldn't see straight and drew an unsportsmanlike on the next call that didn't go his way (I can't comment as "I have no idea what p.i. is") helping Vandy to their next touchdown. I mean, Vandy has played great since then but have also run hotter than the sun so that unconscionable help from the refs just seems like piling on.

by REDeYeS00 k

front or prison



Any argument that involves a bowl result is invalid from the get-go unless you're just trolling. Then it's ok.

I am trolling, although a lot of the real arguments I am seeing are actually even dumber than trolls

lmao arkansas averaging literally 17 yards a play and punting on 4th and 1 from midfield

by GoldenBears k

lmao arkansas averaging literally 17 yards a play and punting on 4th and 1 from midfield

how quickly we see the importance of occasional regression back to the original meaning of occams razorback head coach sam pittman

Think USC TAMU will boil down to who's decimation cripples them more, which I view as a flip. Ergo, USC with the +165 mL.

Looks like USC figured out A&M's 3 best defensive linemen aren't playing and are gashing them between the tackles.

Edit: and then decide to throw a stupid pass


jesus christ what is lincoln riley doing

even the announcers figured out how stupid that was

#96 seems like an odd choice for a kicker.

Maybe all of the other numbers were already taken by better kickers.

USC benched Miller Moss because he was turnover happy, right?

I'll never understand why teams like TAMU don't take more time on their last drive to run the clock down

Maiava finishes with 295 yards. Maybe they should have taken another delay of game penalty to cross that 300 milestone.

by GoldenBears k

I am trolling,

I should've figured. I'm just really hypersensitive right now given that Michigan is just over 80 hrs away from getting completely demolished.

Not sure there are any points I wouldn't take against the undead mummy of UNC without a qb. They're having trouble getting a snap off and the D is making UCONN look like a smooth offense.

UNC's first 8 drives with the scrub QB: 26 plays, 65 yards, 1 first down, 0 points

They put in the running back who played QB in HS:

10 yards
11 yards
16 yards
11 yards
16 yards
14 yards
1 yard
17 yard TD

Congrats to Nebraska for attempting two fake kicks on the same drive. They'll never see the second one coming!

LaLa kid just devastated he doinked a 55 yarder.

sure has resulted in a lot of pop tart mentions
