SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

Welcome to the Official SE Politics Thread. The aim here is for high quality political discussion and debate. The concomitant aim here is for that high quality discussion and debate to NOT devolve into MAD posting, BAD posting, trolling, name-calling our community fracture.

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03 December 2015 at 07:37 PM

1134 Replies


That's not profits, it's revenue

by bazooka87 k

That's not profits, it's revenue

wow, i mean the point still stands somewhat but revenue a lot harder to massage than profit - possible it's still just estimated though since it's now private

but also, hard lol omfg no matter how much that stuff has been massaged jfc that's a money pit 😀

I don’t know how profitable Twitter ever realistically was but there’s no denying it’s significantly worse off with Ellen

when they sold i thought jack or someone else involved was saying they were close to breaking even for the first time ever, but i could be totally misremembering. anyway point is lmao apartheid clyde

vote blue no matter who or what they do!

you know the person i really feel bad for is that miriam adelson lady. she gives trump $100m so israel can do a genocide in the west bank and officially annex it, and the dems turn around and say we'll do it for free. but hey maybe she can get something else instead ... carpet-bombing of beirut, some nukes dropped in iran, who knows, the possibilities are endless.

I hope Scahill doesnt travel to any middle eastern countries. you know Mossad is itching to drone him.

Too soon to talk about this

We can’t politicize tragedy

We need to focus on mental health

Thoughts and prayers

despite sometimes talkin a good game, liberals will always side with fascism and genocide

thats why Phil Ochos called liberals the shadiest of the political opinions. these 2 have been outspoken and candid critics of the Gaza thing from beginning.

by Victor k

despite sometimes talkin a good game, liberals will always side with fascism and genocide

thats why Phil Ochos called liberals the shadiest of the political opinions. these 2 have been outspoken and candid critics of the Gaza thing from beginning.

Broke: BoTh SiDeS
Woke: Conservatives>>Liberals

I dunno, imagine spending 4 years talking about how atrocious the Bush admin's Iraq genocide had been and then being like, whelp still gotta for them.

Netanyahu is definitely in ‘if I don’t stay in power I will be at best spending my life in prison and at worst executed’ mode which means congrats on giving power to an autocrat, israel. Dems aren’t going to throw him under the bus no matter how much they may want to cuz it’s israel

But the idea that the solution is to vote trump cuz he’ll take a dictator who loves him out of power to save the brown people is the stupidest ****ing thing I’ve ever heard

Gaza as a single issue is so intellectually dishonest. Present me your solution and I’ll listen to it. I want Netanyahu to suffer more than I can explain so if you can present me a course of action that gets there I’m down for the cause. If your solution is trump you’re a ****ing moron

No one who works with Trump likes him.

Being hated by all your coworkers is a giant red flag.

solution is simple, our government acting like it's complex with no clear answers and also largely out of our control

we can suggest and facilitate peace talks but there's not much else we can do is what they all claim but it's completely dishonest

frankly, israel can't exist without our aid and support and they are fully aware of this - we give them billions in aid every year, adjusted for inflation, we've given over 300 billion total - with each day that passes, that number gets bigger because we are their arms supplier

in 1982, israel was not happy with the casualties their ground troops were taking during the siege of beirut while trying to eliminate certain targets in the city so began shifting policy to saturation bombing of residential areas instead to get their men - killing hundreds of civilians in the process - basically identical situation with what's happening today in gaza

we put a stop to that the very same day it started with a single phone call

Sharon, probably impatient with what he regarded as American meddling, ordered a saturation bombing of Beirut, during which at least 300 people were killed. That bombing was followed by a protest to the Israeli government by President Ronald Reagan. Within 20 minutes of a phone call between Reagan and Begin, in which the former said the bombings were going too far and needed to stop, Begin ordered the bombings stopped.[6] On 12 August, the Israeli cabinet stripped Ariel Sharon of most of his powers; he was not allowed to order the use of air force, armored force and artillery without agreement of the cabinet or prime minister.

perhaps israel is more self sufficient today than it used to be, but given that we're still giving them the bombs to carry this out in additions to billions in aid, i would assume that we still hold that sway

or, at the very least, if we really wanted an end to the conflict, we could simply just turn off the money and bomb faucet

my guess is at worst we're indifferent to what's happening and don't want to rock the boat and at worst hope the finish the job - having said that, while i don't agree with their methods, i fully understand why they would react as they have

my solution is continuing to suck dems dicks, i bet that solves the problem somehow

by StoppedRainingMen k

Dems aren’t going to throw him under the bus no matter how much they may want to

idk, the fact that they've done almost literally nothing this entire time kinda leads me to believe that they don't really have an issue with him or anything he's doing, call me crazy. if they actually wanted to get rid of him and/or end this, they could

I expect this to magically end by American intervention once the election ends if Kamabla wins and somehow there are no political stakes for Biden’s intervention and a 10/7 hostage narrative

Cuz I don’t believe in people

by StoppedRainingMen k

Netanyahu is definitely in ‘if I don’t stay in power I will be at best spending my life in prison and at worst executed’ mode which means congrats on giving power to an autocrat, israel. Dems aren’t going to throw him under the bus no matter how much they may want to cuz it’s israel

But the idea that the solution is to vote trump cuz he’ll take a dictator who loves him out of power to save the brown people is the stupidest ****ing thing I’ve ever heard

Gaza as a single issue is so intellectually d

I've never voted for an Israel Firster for president in six presidential elections. I'm not starting now.

That said, I've lived my entire life in Illinois, so my vote doesn't count anyway.

by RT k

That's not going to work. The money/weapons the US provides Isreal no longer makes up a significant portion of their defense budget (it's around 10%). They're simply too self-sufficient now.

There are other ways we can try and influence them, and we should definitely cut off any offensive aid, but what you're suggesting won't do anything.

Incorrect! According to rickroller

by rickroll k

frankly, israel can't exist without our aid and support and they are fully aware of this

This is wrong, so everything that follows is already starting from a bad spot.

Israel can survive on its own at this point. But even if we accept the idea you're putting forward, it would be correct to say:

"israel can't exist without [strike]our[/strike] aid and support"

If you think Israel can't stand on its own, fine, we'll work there. Do you think they just roll over and die if the US says "no mas"? You think Bibi, who's one ouster away from a war crimes trial just says "well ****" and packs it in?

That seems almost intentionally naive. If the US turned off the faucet tomorrow, China steps in and picks up the tab by the afternoon.

perhaps israel is more self sufficient today than it used to be, but given that we're still giving them the bombs to carry this out in additions to billions in aid, i would assume that we still hold that sway

Since 1982, the US' GDP has risen 8.2x per World bank data. Israel's has risen 17.6 times. It ranks just behind countries like Japan, Austria, and the US in terms of HDI and with countries like Germany, the UAE, and the UK in terms of per capita GDP.

Yeah, I would say the bolded might be on to something.

or, at the very least, if we really wanted an end to the conflict, we could simply just turn off the money and bomb faucet

We don't give Israel bombs because we're the only country in the world that makes bombs (lol). We give them bombs because the US foreign policy position is to value having a strong ally in that part of the world more than brown people's lives (which, in fairness, always tends to be at or near the bottom of the priority list historically).

Do you think if China was funding Israel that they wouldn't immediately do a 180 on their currently position on Palestine, or do you think they'd actually say

, you guys need to chill?". China cares about Palestine now because it can be used to give the US a black eye. The moment those interests no longer align...

That's why it actually isn't a simple solution. If the US removes itself, it just creates a vacuum, that will be filled by a worse actor. If the US doesn't leave and doesn't do anything, the violence continues unabated.

The only thing that might work, since Bibi has made it clear he won't accept any terms willingly, is for the US to stop obstructing the UN and force Israel to accept peacekeepers into Palestinian territories. Israel has no problem shooting aid workers, but even the IDF isn't batshit enough to start a war with UN troops. The US gets to keep its ally, no one else has a chance to step in, and the Palestinians have people that would actually be able to potentially protect and aid them finally.

Bibi won't agree to it willingly, and the political will isn't there in the US, but that's about the only way anything meaningful is getting done outside of the Israelis overthrowing Bibi internally.

At any rate, a much more fun story right now is the DOJ laying out how a bunch of right-wing grifters were explicitly involved in spreading Russian propaganda. Which, on the one hand...duh, but on the other, it's pretty funny to see guys like Tim Pool and Dave Rubin even more paranoid than usual.

now to take a big sip of scotch and look up how many un workers the iof have killed in the last year, and what they say about the un in general. and they'd be there to do what, prop up israel's illegal occupations, why would they agree to even attempt that? lol

we did it, joe!

israel free to murder americans, not in gaza, but in the west bank where there are no hostages or hamas, because the entire empire fully supports their racist genocidal project. gotta stick together on that. thank the gods that brandon and kopala are unconditionally empowering israel to "defend" themselves from *checks notes* americans by shooting them in the head. and please do remember to vote blue, because trump would be worse ... somehow. usa#1

"Turkish American"

Dick "Satan" Cheney endorses Harris.

Feels like it should be a big deal but trumpists are gonna ignore it likely.

by Chilltown k

Dick "Satan" Cheney endorses Harris.

Feels like it should be a big deal but trumpists are gonna ignore it likely.

The Tea Party Movement basically brushed the Cheneys off as RINOs about 15 years ago.
