Hot Fun in the Summertime: Lounge LC Thread

Hot Fun in the Summertime: Lounge LC Thread

Starting a day early because I might forget tomorrow. 95 degree temps expected inland in RI. It might hit 75 at my house

19 June 2024 at 01:09 PM

470 Replies


had to look it up, but it was familiar once i did


ahhhhhhhh cool

Back to teaching today after four months off. Since I still can't drive (only another month to go), I'm depending on a few relatives and friends.

Uber on Monday and Wednesday to one campus ten minutes from home. A colleague picks me up on her way home. Thursday I need to go to a campus about 40 minutes away. Same colleague takes me to a third campus. I wait for her for four hours, teach for another five hours, and then wait for one of my brothers to pick me up and stay at one of their houses overnight. Then my daughter picks me up the next day to take me home.

And with all of this I need cataract surgery on the other eye, check up the following day, and another check up a week later.

Oh, and then there's shopping. Same colleague sent her daughter to take me shopping yesterday. Fortunately for me she only lives a mile away.

I can't wait to drive again.

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Hope it's soon, John!

Just have Amazon deliver everything to you. Including your students. They could put them in those perferated boxes the post office uses to ship chickens.

by Phat Mack k

Just have Amazon deliver everything to you. Including your students. They could put them in those perferated boxes the post office uses to ship chickens.

i don't often laugh aloud while reading a post on this place
but today was one of them

brb, going to see if i can find it again

I’ve just been appointed the mastermind of Kaos. You are all under my control. But not to worry: I’m very benevolent!

by Phat Mack k

Just have Amazon deliver everything to you. Including your students. They could put them in those perferated boxes the post office uses to ship chickens.

The nice thing is the classes were really good. Film class got a kick out of early films. One even asked me why I was making some disparaging remarks about A Trip to the Moon.

There's always one kid though. Told them about doing the online responses, and he asked what about if there's a power outage. I said what about if there's a nuclear explosion.

Then I felt bad when I realized he was serious, not just ****ing with me.

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That kid's going to have nightmares now.

Forgot to mention, John. Once your cataracts are done, you'll probably have a better movie-viewing experience too. Especially for films which are dark (physically, not emotionally).

by golddog k

Forgot to mention, John. Once your cataracts are done, you'll probably have a better movie-viewing experience too. Especially for films which are dark (physically, not emotionally).

I'm watching a movie last night with sunglasses on. I've got the TV set to dynamic mode to see, but it's too bright so the sunglasses cut down on seeing double.

Saturday morning. Doing laundry. Sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee. Enjoying what might be the best view in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (the official name).

Thinking of my kids and how the son turned 44 last week and the daughter 42 this week. Years ago, I never thought I'd have had a wife or children, even if I inherited them when, as my daughter reminds me, I shacked up with their mom.

There are days when I can't imagine anyone luckier. Today is one of them.

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That's great, john! Happy birthday to the children.

Of course, I only passed through, but there didn't appear to be any room for plantations.

by John Cole k

Saturday morning. Doing laundry. Sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee. Enjoying what might be the best view in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (the official name).

Thinking of my kids and how the son turned 44 last week and the daughter 42 this week. Years ago, I never thought I'd have had a wife or children, even if I inherited them when, as my daughter reminds me, I shacked up with their mom.

There are days when I can't imagine anyone luckier. Today is one of them.

one of the purest expressions of simple joy ever read

NFL opening Sunday! This is my favorite sports day of the year after opening day for baseball. Baseball :( I am pretty confident that my Bears will do me better than my White Sox did!

Perfect weather here with sunshine and 70. It's been great all weekend which feels nice since I spent last week in the oppressive heat of Vegas. Gonna start making my traditional opening day chip dip. All my bets are down, fantasy lineups set and getting excited for a new season.

Go Bills!

hope the Patriots, Jets, and Dolphins all die horrible deaths

Red Six really disappointing after making a solid run for a playoff spot. Helped the last couple days with the White Sox in town.

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by Dominic k

hope the Patriots, Jets, and Dolphins all die horrible deaths

I can live with that. Go Giants.

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Bills, Patriots, and Dolphins all win in week one. Jets lose tonight.

Dom's wish on hold.

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It’s a long season filled with train wreck drama and hellish heartbreak. It’s just starting.

by John Cole k

Saturday morning. Doing laundry. Sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee. Enjoying what might be the best view in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (the official name).

Thinking of my kids and how the son turned 44 last week and the daughter 42 this week. Years ago, I never thought I'd have had a wife or children, even if I inherited them when, as my daughter reminds me, I shacked up with their mom.

There are days when I can't imagine anyone luckier. Today is one of them.


Nice post. I always wonder how people feel about their lives in retrospect at 60+. I feel like I would think about it a lot if I’m lucky enough to get there, but seems that most of the older people I know don’t reflect much on the big picture. At least out loud

well, now that I'm 61, the "big picture" I was so curious about all my life really seems to come down to one, small thing: only kindness matters.

I didn't think Jewel would have the secret to life, but dammit, she did.

One of my favorite films of all time. Just substitute kind for pleasant.

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by TheOneWhoYawns k

Nice post. I always wonder how people feel about their lives in retrospect at 60+. I feel like I would think about it a lot if I’m lucky enough to get there, but seems that most of the older people I know don’t reflect much on the big picture. At least out loud


each of our existence has been counted down both back and toward the moment our mother had to push
everybody wondering when you coming and where you going

get used to crossing off life calendar boxes
question is do you sort by days or decades
