Talk About Movies: Part 4

Talk About Movies: Part 4

Somehow threads merged, so here's part 4 of our ongoing movie discussion.

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19 October 2018 at 12:58 AM

3238 Replies


It's difficult for me to pick a favorite Mann film because, for me, they all seem to bubble to roughly the same level of greatness... which is really great.
I love his work and command of screen tension when I watch his films and you have to love a director that actually does in practical effects what the character in his films is supposed to be doing... like burn a hole thru a bank vault with a incendiary rod... why fake it when you can just film people actually doing it.
Where I get a small level of disappointment is in his endings... bad people, should many times, get away with bad things, specially if they are accomplished. He takes a long time building his protagonists only to slam them to the ground at the end of a film.
I've also never seen last of the mohawks...

I mean you have to watch Mohicans. It’s not true to the novel but:

Absolutely unreal cinematography (how does it look so green?), DDL & Stowe light it on fire, and about the best last 30 mins of any movie period

by TheOneWhoYawns k

I mean you have to watch Mohicans. It’s not true to the novel but:

Absolutely unreal cinematography (how does it look so green?), DDL & Stowe light it on fire, and about the best last 30 mins of any movie period

i've often thought that a last of the mohicans reboot directed by michael bay would be peak cinema

Promentory one of the all-time themes.

by TheOneWhoYawns k

Mann’s my fav director, feel compelled to give him props every time he is brought up heh

Insider is my 4th fav Mann film, fantastic film

What’s your 2nd least favorite?

The last twenty minutes of Heat are ungreat but the studio I’m sure insisted on a grand finale between teh Corleones.

IRL Neal would’ve been on the plane to Australia (alone)and Hanna would’ve tracked down and whacked Manitou out of both principle and frustration. BTW the bad guy Hanna deals with in the book Heat 2 is a top shelf fictional psycho. It’s both a prequel & sequel to the movie.

by golddog k

All The President's Men came on TCM, so watched some of that before bed. Even though we all know the outcome, still tense, great movie.

by MSchu18 k

I watched ATPM also... and I doing so, I was taking aback by how bad the reporting actually was and how much hearsay they relied on to make their perconceived conclusions.

by BullyEyelash k

IRL Neal would’ve been on the plane to Australia (alone)and Hanna would’ve tracked down and whacked Manitou out of both principle and frustration. BTW the bad guy Hanna deals with in the book Heat 2 is a top shelf fictional psycho. It’s both a prequel & sequel to the movie.

THAT... is the Discipline!

they will tell you that somehow he had been softened by the influence of love... I say BULLSHYTE!

Mickey 17 throws loads of ideas at the screen and fails to fully develop any of them. Even the central concept of cloning is unfinished. Seemingly important characters are introduced only to be abandoned.

A lot of the performances feel confused. Robert Pattinson's Mickey 17 is annoyingly whiny. Mark Ruffalo and Toni Collette don't quite seem to know what they're doing, which isn't surprising because their characters are as much of mishmash as the story.

I still kinda enjoyed the film despite its many flaws. If only it was more focused instead of being so disjointed.

I just found an almost 5 hour documentary on the making of Aliens from last year, called "Aliens Expanded."

I know what I'm doing the rest of the day.


Well... they were right about Amazon
There are Bond IP's in development for both M and Moneypenny.

by TheCroShow k

A Complete Unknown - Chalamet's performance carries the film because the narrative isn't quite my tempo. The performers all around are terrific, but the story beats felt jarring throughout. This may sound crazy but if we're comparing the genre of "actor gives up multiple years of his life to prepare for a role," I prefer Maestro from top to bottom. This one's a solid 3.5/5, would recommend all day and if it's your top film of the year, I'm happy for you bro. Just wish I saw the same film.

Finally saw this last night. Absolutely loved it! Wasn’t a 5*, but still. I’d be down for a Bob Dylan cinematic universe!

Aliens Expanded was fantastic. the 5 hours flew by. Loved how so many of the supporting cast were featured.
