It's Fall Out, Boys
It's been a good summer with friends and family.
Even though I couldn't drive, I've had the support of a few very specia
Living with a woman requires a lot of energy and intelligence. I'm running out of energy and I never had the intelligence.
shamed to admit i was never forced to read shakesparagus
or took it under my own gumption to complete the task
but chaucer was required reading around fifth grade and we shared a similar sense of humor so i started counting buried tales
"Did you miss a 'not', John? Kinda reads funny to me."
No. It would only take me a couple of months and then I would prefer lonely again.
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don't you "better to live alone" bros kinda miss being able to rotate to your side in bed and be able to grab a handful of titty?
I just grab my own
Fall huh? It's pretty cold here! Today is a little better but yesterday was single digits. I used that to my advantage to defrost my storage freezer. Perfect conditions to load everything up and put out on the deck for a couple of hours while I got rid of the huge ice chunks forming in that freezer.
Be caredul out there tonight. It's Friday the 13th and axe murderers may or may not be out in force. At least make sure to duck the killer drones! Drink up and celebrate, it's almost the holidays!
People in the rest of the world don't believe me when I tell them that where I grew up, the enclosed (but unheated) entry areas are used as walk-in freezers for the holidays.
Went to dinner and the movies last night with my former administrative assistant. Her husband doesn't really care for the kind of movies we see.
She continually tells me to find a girlfriend, which she did again last night.
But why? I have plenty of women to go out with and avoid a "relationship." She can't quite understand why I resist, but I know myself. I'd be fine for a few months, and then I would go crazy.
Do any of you feel the same?
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I feel like life alone is easier but sharing life with someone is better, though obviously harder. I don’t like compromising my time (or anything else really) but life just ends up being better when I do. I learn more and I am happier in the end.
Vacations, making new memories, talking about chapters in my life, I just think it’s better to have someone to share this stuff with. Whenever I start to entertain going back to the single life I think about when my time is up I’ll look back on a shared life with a lot more fondness than I would a life lived “my way”.
My dad, my best friend, and other guys I know prefer being single, but they also aren’t out there looking for a great partner. I think overall they are less happy than guys I know in (healthy) relationships. Could of course be sample
In the end think either way can lead to fulfillment and happiness, but taking a path (in relationships or anything else) because it’s easier usually leads to unfulfillment in life, in my experience. I do feel like I get more stuck in my ways and want to compromise less as I get older so maybe it’s best I stayed in the same relationship
somewhere in my neck of the wood power outages are likely caused by ice, so keeping things chill is easy
in other universes an appellation of star mines continuously stokes coal from virgin earth to heat up western war industry
potentially leaving branches of militaries twisting in the wind
never forget it takes a pillage to raze a nation
Been a minute since I checked in. Definitely wanna get back into movie discussions with yall. I've had a lot of health complications in the last 2-3 years. Nothing life threatening, but certainly life altering. I'm on the mend and hopefully will be "back to normal" within a year. TLDR: massive wound in my foot took 1.5 years to recover and skin infections have plagued me in the last few years.
other than that, bought my first condo a couple years back with my wife. We've been married nearly 13 years, together for 17 years. we have a cat and dog, and after about 6 months they finally get along.
movie talk I haven't been able to go to the movies in the last 2 years, so I built myself a home server and rip my blu-rays to my home server and watch my movies through my own little streaming service via Plex. It's a super fun way to consume my movies while still supporting physical media. As I'm just getting into it I'll be hitting up local pawn shops and FB marketplace to build my physical library. It's sitting at around 600 blu-rays, haven't counted in ages. I built custom shelves years ago to hold them.
Glad you're on the mend, Cro!
Good to have you back with us, Cro.
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The real benefit of teaching college: classes ended yesterday and don't begin until Jan. 21st.
The drawback: having little contact with people until then.
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I continually taunt one of my girlfriends that when she fell asleep while driving Mulholland Dive, she was drooling. (In her defense, it was after spending five hours walking all of the Huntington Library gardens.)
A couple days ago this appeared in Wordle and today in the NY Times crossword, which I finished in 16 minutes (they are too easy).
I can't help myself. I needed to send these to her.
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try gabethebabe's (he sold it but was the creator)
Living with a woman requires a lot of energy and intelligence. I'm running out of energy and I never had the intelligence.
It's like being forced into a chess match that one really has no desire to play... only to take a 'time out' from time to time to eat something and get a drink of water.
And I loose the game all the time... frigging rake.
Holiday plans include Christmas Eve at my niece's house with my other niece, my brother and sister-in-law, and their five grandchildren, Christmas dinner at my daughter's, hoping my son can show up so I get to see both granddaughters, day after Christmas with my in-laws, and then to my other brother's house on the 29th with all of our families.
I will spend New Year's Eve alone, as usual, reflecting on and remembering those I miss and trying to think good thoughts. I don't drink alone, but I might indulge that night for once.
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Welcome back Cro!
foot problems plain suck as an arch nemesis
welcome back Cro, always enjoy someone else hanging around
might give others an excuse to vote me off the shipwreck