Music: What are you listening to today?

Music: What are you listening to today?

In the spirit of the books and movies threads, here's one to talk about what you're listening to lately and what you have discovered. Tell us if you like it, what it reminds you of, anything you like, short or not, simple or not.

Like the books thread, I'd ask that we keep it mostly to stuff we are listening to or going to listen to soon, or have just finished listening to (that is, like a log more than a resume).

Below is my first entry.
Bonnie Raitt, by Bonnie Raitt.

My understanding is that this was her first record, which she made when she was 21. Nine out of the eleven songs are covers; the two she wrote are "Thank You" and "Finest Loving Man," and both are good.

I really liked this album. Bonnie's voice is much sweeter here than I've heard her before, and very warm, traveling between notes more fluently, and not yet as raspy sounding as it became. (Which I also like in its own way.) Despite the sweetness of her voice she manages to put some heart into the bluesy material, and sings with what sounds like a real love for the lyrics. It's great to hear someone who doesn't just walk through lyrics. She sounds like she really thought and felt her way through the songs. Many of the most gifted and popular singers out there don't, winding up leaving a lot of a song's power still on the table, so to speak.*

From an review:

Bonnie wrote two of the songs here (Thank you, Finest loving man) but relied mainly on covers, beginning with a cover of Bluebird (written by Stephen Stills, famous as a member first of Buffalo Springfield then of Crosby Stills and Nash). One of Bonnie's major influences, Sippie Wallace, is represented by two songs (Mighty tight woman, Women be wise) while Bonnie also covers Any day woman (Paul Siebel), Walking blues (Robert Johnson) and Since I fell for you (Bud Johnson) among others.

I really enjoyed Walking Blues a lot and wanted to hear it immediately again, but decided to let the rest of the album play out instead of interrupting its flow. The album is good enough that I think I'm going to listen to it again.

By the way, it's in the Rhapsody's catalogue, if you have that service. It's also at Amazon, and the MP3 256kbps download is on sale there for $2.99. You can listen to samples there too.

*This reminds me of a biography of John Denver that I saw on PBS the other day. I'm not a big Denver fan, but the biography was so good that this is the second time I felt compelled to watch it. Anyway, in it his manager said that at a particular concert Denver sounded exceptionally good, and it seemed like the audience noticed it. His manager recalls saying something like, "Your voice was incredible today. How did you do it?" Denver replied that he was trying to do what he learned from Placido Domingo when they worked together. He said he was amazed by how deep Domingo's art was; he didn't just sing a line, but put the right emotion into it word by word. If he was going to sing about a piece of steel, his voice would sound like steel. Every line was emotionally full, clear, and precise.

I got a bit of a feeling of that in this Raitt album. Raitt very much inhabited those songs when she sang. Unlike some spoiled divas, the newly emergent Raitt got across the feeling that she was glad to be there.

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29 August 2009 at 10:11 PM

1315 Replies


Anyone seen them live...seems like they would be a good live band. THey are touring 20th anniversary of Silent Alarm this summer...seems a non-brainer to go

by sailorsaint k

A cut-out bin treasure I stumbled upon while shrooming and drinking an Orange Julius in 1979.

It's another Sunday morning staple.

Also frequently played in my classroom.

by sailorsaint k

Visited my 30-something daughter in Boston last weekend; walked in to this...

I, along with MrsSaint, fully accept responsibility.

Two monumental albums

currently boppin to this compilation from the grand gotdamn of bass Carol Kaye
with bonus JJ Johnson trombone on a couple of tracks, also Joe Pass

If you listen closely, you can discern the subtle influence of 2p2 posting in this:

Marina went from being unbelievably good to being just very good somewhere around the time she dropped the 'and the diamonds'.

Her new song is kinda promising though.

Hey - they're Cannons.

by kioshk k

If you listen closely, you can discern the subtle influence of 2p2 posting in this:

albini had a certain electricity to share with 2+2
when asked about his favorite obscure band

by electrical k

Mentioned elsewhere in the thread, but the answer is Mono, from Japan on the Temporary Residence label.

Mono's last album before his post

by bwslim69 k

Anyone seen them live...seems like they would be a good live band. THey are touring 20th anniversary of Silent Alarm this summer...seems a non-brainer to go

Wow this takes me back

by rickroll k

That’s Garricks boy. I think he’s buddies with the drummer

Every so often you realize that you ARE really the poor side of town. And it doesn't bother you at all.


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Trump looking for Rare Earth, I hear.

Sent from my Pixel 7a using Tapatalk

London song. Decent guitar solo.

This band is from Boise, ID, where I lived with an old gf for exactly 7 months once. Cold as hell up there, I'll tell ya what. Lots of Mormons too.

oh boy when seeing idaho in a post i immediately become more than skeptical of the man making it unless he has a license to tuber

and for those potatoes who may not be familar with built to spill, may i suggest you get going on the research of their discography post haste

"I saw this man dispose of hunger
And soap operas too
I saw this field that grew perfection
Full of things you do
I saw this box get rid of heartache
And cure cancer too
When I awoke, I sat there hoping
This is what we'll do"

by kioshk k

This band is from Boise, ID, where I lived with an old gf for exactly 7 months once. Cold as hell up there, I'll tell ya what. Lots of Mormons too.

Doug is a legend. Zero is a banger

Mschu likes to dance to this banger when nobody is watching

Just a little bit of immaculate genius to get your Wednesday started right...

Broken YouTube Link