omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166
Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?
Did I miss anything?

Happy New Year.
admin became aware of the LirvA stuff. i already addressed it from my perspective and it seems that aligns with the owner. last i will post about the issue. just wanted those that don't have access to where this was discussed to get the information.
from Max:
So, this is my thought process: The man in question threatens only when speaking about his personal safety. For example:
"If someone comes to my property trying to cause me harm,"
"If anyone comes onto my property, I WILL know. If I see anyone on my property, I will immediately call the police, and they will surely be completely useless. If anyone tries to or succeeds in breaking into my house, I WILL IMMEDIATELY ****ING KILL YOU."
It seems as though OP is responding to another poster who posted an image, which the original poster perceived as either a death wish, a threat, or both. In his post, the OP never admits to any past wrongdoings; in fact, he states the following:
"They do not concern me at all. Why? Because I do not offend in any way, I do not break the law."
OP states he has interacted with the police recently, and if it's true, the police are aware of his existence and yet he's not in jail.
In a paragraph where OP appears to be at the height of his emotional distress, he does not threaten; he just uses a lot of swear words:
"Luke, your stupid ****ing **** of a girlfriend is such a dumb, ugly ****ing **** of a human being with such little self-respect as to be with your ******ed bitch ass. I can't believe you had the audacity to ask me to teach you to play drums. You can shove a drumstick up your own ****ing ass, and if some ****** or aboriginal out there in the sticks of Perth happened to Ted Bundy a drumstick into your girlfriend's ass like Ted did with Lisa Levy, she'd probably get more pleasure out of it than your pathetic limp dick, you ****ing piece of ****. Don't ever ****ing say **** about my loved one, and I won't say **** about your loved one, ya dig? ****ing ******ed little piece of ****."
The picture featuring guns could be perceived as demonstrating his ability to defend himself if attacked. This seems to be the main purpose of the original poster's message: to convince people, whom he appears to believe might harm him, not to attempt it, as he possesses the means to defend himself.
I don't think my first reaction would be to permanently ban the original poster based on this specific post. That being said, if his overall behavior on the forum is violent, then a permanent ban seems like a no-brainer.
To admins:
I think we should aim to keep the forum violence free.
There is a PG&C thread that has a guy threatening to kill anyone who talks down to him while calling them "phaggots." I reported a post and no action was taken.
It doesn't appear the forum is very aligned with premise #1.
Like, if threats of anal rape aren't enough to warrant a severe punishment, then you guys are totally lost.
Why am I always left out of the drama.
Also, what did Luke do to set him off, lol.
jmitch you should demodded for these absolutely horrendous takes of yours
nothing, aboslutely nothing
he was also threatening to kill you btw, jmitch left that part out
jmitch also conveniently left out that he thought we were all already going after him so this wasn't a "if you do this" it was "i know you already did this and this is how I'll respond"
seriously jmitch gfy - absolutely monstrous of you to continue to defend him and his actions
i mean that will all my heart, go fack yourself and reevaluate your entire life if this is how you interpret things
better yet, go pay lirva a visit since he's clearly not a threat and totally stable
We've all suffered the red mist. I'm sure he's calmed down by now.
He's definitely a freak and a weird dude, though.
nothing, aboslutely nothing
he was also threatening to kill you btw, jmitch left that part out
jmitch also conveniently left out that he thought we were all already going after him so this wasn't a "if you do this" it was "i know you already did this and this is how I'll respond"
seriously jmitch gfy - absolutely monstrous of you to continue to defend him and his actions
i mean that will all my heart, go fack yourself and reevaluate your entire life if this is how you interpret things
better yet, go
i didn't leave out anything. what max quoted was the entire post without anything edited out. after the 'from max' part, it was non of my words and directly quoted from max's response. i said my peace with it, and seems that max agrees. situation is dealt with as far as i am concerned. if you choose to be mad at me for not seeing the 'direct threats', then so be it.
Ok, but if I can just say something controversial..
I don't think Ted Bundy was attractive.
that's probably why lirva targeted you
Come at me bro.
Wait, no! I misspoke.
nothing, aboslutely nothing
he was also threatening to kill you btw, jmitch left that part out
jmitch also conveniently left out that he thought we were all already going after him so this wasn't a "if you do this" it was "i know you already did this and this is how I'll respond"
seriously jmitch gfy - absolutely monstrous of you to continue to defend him and his actions
i mean that will all my heart, go fack yourself and reevaluate your entire life if this is how you interpret things
better yet, go
this the dangerous thing. the guy is imagining he's being attacked when he's not being attacked in any way. so this is a deranged person spinning out and making threats with guns. it's a way different situation than if we were all discussing like, "hey how do you secure your home from burglars and stuff?" which is how max seems to be interpreting the comments
man, rickroll, you worry me with the amount of conjecture you put in to almost all of those posts, that you deleted. you might want to talk to someone about inserting so much about rape in to posts about a watch and wandering around. didn't see any of that. i know you hate me, but that is ok. hope you are doing ok.