omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166
Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?
leave it to the professionals
Hey OMG friends.
I had thought there was a new rule where we could post topless pics to our hearts contents.
I was just informed by Mike Haven that the post I made of Tera Patrick without her clothes on has been removed because it was NSFW.
I am not trying to offend, get workers in trouble, or break any existing site rules.
Ergo, I will just refrain from posting NSFW pics in general and leave that up to the master, ScreaminAsian.
Was it in here or in your blog?
It was here MarkNFW.
My blog is a sacred garden I would not dare taint.
I was going to PM Mike and the person who reported the post, but then I remembered I just don't give a **** either way.