omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?

) 18 Views 18
18 September 2022 at 02:08 AM

3079 Replies


Caturday tomorrow 😃

I’m more drunk than I’ve been in years.

It feels good.

Gonna feel like crap later. But **** it.

RIP Dabble

Dabs about to hook up with a 2/10.

by fidstar-poker k

Dabs about to hook up with a 2/10.

would constitute an upgrade from the 1/10s rest of us are failing to bang

2/10 on that island is a regular 1/10 though.

Schlitz mmmm

Sup, yo

Sit back while I tell you my political stance.


sat and about to watch Oppenheimer

KONY, sup 😀

Enjoying your posts around the forum

by Schlitz mmmm k

Sup, yo

Hi Fred.

What's new, mister?

by AlwaysFolding k

Hi Luke, hi Dabbs, Hi Schlitz, hi SA (you didn't start posting ladyboys did you)

don't you do that already?

by Mr.mmmKay k

RIP Dabble

we hardly knew ye

by Zeno k

She has a pleasant honest smile.

defo goes with the outfit

Jesus Christ i was drunk last night.

Not fun the next day…

by Da33le k

Jesus Christ i was drunk last night.

Not fun the next day…

drunk you warned you about that. he said, '**** it'

So true. God damn drunk me.

by Da33le k

So true. God damn drunk me.

